11-03-2016 12:14
11-03-2016 12:14
I want to export my (just mine!) minute to minute heart rate data to a google/excel spreadsheet. I know that this question has been asked already, except I tried to follow the instructions, and I received the following error (From this site: https://dev.fitbit.com/apps/oauthinteractivetutorial)
The app you're trying to connect did not provide valid information to Fitbit. Please report this issue to them.
Developer information: invalid_request - Missing response_type parameter value
This is after I enter in the OAuth 2.0 Client ID, Client Secret, Redirect URI (not sure what that is, but I put in my website).
I am not a programmer...so please make this as simple as possible.
11-03-2016 12:24
11-03-2016 12:24
@hjivani Go to your apps, then edit the app settings and put this as your "Callback URL": https://localhost
then on the tutorial, for Redirect URI put the same thing: "https://localhost"
11-03-2016 12:46
11-03-2016 12:46
It worked, but as soon as I clicked on Allow, the link broke...refereshing it isn't getting me anywhere either...
11-03-2016 12:57
11-03-2016 12:57
Also, after I clicked "Allow", the window displayed "Cannot Display Page", but when I went to my Dashboard, under my settings, the app was listed there...
11-03-2016 18:38
11-03-2016 18:38
@hjivani Yeah so what you're looking for will be in the URL, not on the page itself.
If you're using Implicit Grant Flow, your access token will be after "#access_token=", or you can copy and paste the entire url into "Parse response", which will also give you the access token.
If you're using Authorization Code Flow:
Copy and paste the code that you can find in the redirect URL after the user has clicked the "allow" button. Example: http://localhost:8888/callback?code=7b64c4b088b9c841d15bcac15d4aa7433d35af3e#_=_, the code you need to paste from that example is 7b64c4b088b9c841d15bcac15d4aa7433d35af3e. Don't include the “#_=_”.