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Fitbit Update: 8/15
Hey all!
This week we released the option to opt-in to use the new dashboard to everyone. At this time, everyone should have received the option to opt-in already. If you didn't opt-in, we will transition everyone into the new dashboard in the coming weeks.
A reminder, after you've opted into the new design you cannot revert and go back to the old one. Read more about the new interface we've designed here: What’s the new Fitbit app experience?
Make sure you're also on the latest version of the Fitbit app.
Thanks for your patience while we completely released the new interface to everyone. We hope you're enjoying the improvements that have been made and appreciate all the feedback.
Fitbit Update: 8/6
Hey everyone!
Thanks for all your feedback on the new dashboard design. We're still in the process of releasing it to all of our users. If you don't see it yet, you will have it pushed to you in the coming weeks! This has been a slow process for the past few months to ensure a smooth rollout.
We're currently on app version 3.3, so please make sure as always that you have the latest version of the Fitbit app.
Once we've released this new dashboard to everyone, we will announce it in this thread.
Fitbit Update: 6/17
Hi Fitbit Family,
We are still rolling out our updated Fitbit app design to more users currently with v.2.95. Please make sure to update the Fitbit app by visiting the App store if you haven't already. If you don't see the new dashboard just yet, you will be receiving it at some point in the coming weeks.
Thanks so much for your patience throughout this rollout. To read more about this new dashboard experience, please check this article out: What’s the new Fitbit app experience?
Once this rollout is complete, we will let you all know in this thread.
Fitbit Update: 5/22
Hi everyone!
We’ve rolled out another phase of testing for the new app dashboard experience. If you’re one of the lucky people to see it before the full release, you can read more about it here: What’s the new Fitbit app experience?
We’ll continue to slowly release this to all Fitbit customers on iOS and Android. Once we receive more information on this, we’ll let you know.
Hope you’re all enjoying this new layout!
Fitbit Update: 4/24
Hi everyone!
Beginning today with app v2.92, we're excited to announce a new dashboard experience for the Fitbit app, currently by invitation only. If you are invited to opt-in, you can see the new design and try our new app experience to access all your stats and information in a way that’s more dynamic, integrated, and highly personalized.
You can read more about it in this help article: What's the new Fitbit app experience?
As with all our new dashboard updates, this is a progressive rollout. If you don't have an invitation or see the dashboard immediately, you will receive it later on.
We will update this thread with more information later, so stay tuned!
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08-27-2019 18:44
08-27-2019 18:44
I got the invite a few days ago but declined as I was happy with the current dashboard. But when I logged in tonight, it was no longer an option. The new dashboard was in place, and I hate it! I liked seeing my steps first with the grid layout directly underneath. Water and food are my two most used categories, and I liked that I could see that and steps all in a glance. Now I have to waste time scrolling up and down the list, then open each separate category to get previously viewable tallies for those items. It's way more complicated and time consuming than it needs to be. The old dashboard was more visually accessible and user friendly. Do everyone a favor and just change it back.
08-27-2019 20:30
08-27-2019 20:30
Yes, this new dashboard is horrible in my opinion! I want my good old one back where I could easily see everything I wanted without having to scroll around.
This one looks bad and is a major step backwards in my opinion. I didn't want the new one!
08-28-2019 02:35
08-28-2019 02:35
Booted the app this morning 28th August 2019 and discovered an unwelcome change.
Hate the new dashboard, icons too small and one above the other in one column not two layout means scrolling. Awful!!!
Thinking about alternative fitness band or watch. Probably go to Apple
08-28-2019 04:15
08-28-2019 04:15
Hi, can any one help please
Went to my FitBit app this morning and the display has changed!! (I was asked if I wanted a new display a few weeks ago and I said No).
It is bizarrely worse than it used to be! Instead of a grid of tiles I now have big fat lines for the information, so that instead of seeing everything on one screen I now have to scroll up and down.
And worse, what’s displayed now has less information!
How do I get back to the display I am used to which includes far more info in a more compact layout???
It’s gone from greatness to rubishness!!
Please advise!
08-28-2019 04:40
08-28-2019 04:40
Hi nujol. Apparently there is no going back. I'm sure that FitBit employ the very best interface designers working from the latest thinking on good design. So I'm sure we'll get used to it. (NOT). I for one am a great believer that if something isn't broken it is best to break it and see if it can be fixed better.
08-28-2019 04:44
08-28-2019 04:44
My Fitbit was just showing that I was more than 80% of the way to my daily step goal. On syncing with the app progress has gone backwards to just over 60%. That is 2000+ steps lost. Totally unacceptable for a fitness device to be overridden by an app.
Since the update this type of thing is happening more and more and Fitbit just don’t seem to care.
08-28-2019 04:46
08-28-2019 04:46
Thanks for your reply
I phoned the UK customer services number, not UK-based though I would say.
Utter waste of time, basically said tough luck that’s the app now deal with it.
I explained the problem - chiefly that the squares with lots of detail have gone, to be replaced by big bars that have to be tapped to see the info - but no interest.
Funnily enough the advisor who answered my call said they had received lots of complaints. The supervisor I then spoke to said they had received none! Who is telling the truth here?!
Supervisor was useless. Just said that apps change all the time. I asked to speak to someone above her or what feedback would be given to developers - nothing, basically. Also to repeat she denied any complaints made about the change!!
Has anyone from FitBit responded to this thread to explain why today, Wed 28th August 2019, the app interface has been made worse, with all the detail removed and loads of “white space” added.
08-28-2019 04:46
08-28-2019 04:46
As things currently stand you are stuck with it like the rest of us. Fitbit show little interest in listening to customers feedback.
08-28-2019 04:52
08-28-2019 04:52
Hi nujol. Designers love 'white space'. Also very small font sizes that people of a certain age find hard to read. Why worry about usability if it looks beautiful? 😂
08-28-2019 05:20
08-28-2019 05:20
Absolutely everyone hates this update! And to force it like this?! So frustrated! I can’t sneak a peek at challenge invites before joining which is absolutely ridiculous. The last version of the app was just fine (except for the thousands of glitches), why not just attempt to fix that one instead of starting all over again with this silliness?
Ché from Fitbit
08-28-2019 05:21
08-28-2019 05:21
I couldn’t agree with you more! This sucks! Boooooooooooo
08-28-2019 05:27
08-28-2019 05:27
Besides a downgrade in functionality, I find the new dashboard very visually unappealing.
08-28-2019 05:41
08-28-2019 05:41
Trust me, it's horrible. You'll be sorely disappointed
08-28-2019 06:02
08-28-2019 06:02
I have lost the ability to manually track activities on the new interface, if it is still possible, could someone please tell me how, its certainly not obvious, there used to be a giant "+" at the bottom of the screen.
I am curious, did you actually do a usability study before releasing this new interface? Because based on the numerous responses here, it would appear you didn't, so there must be some financial reason you are forcing everyone into it and offering less features.
08-28-2019 07:27 - edited 08-28-2019 07:48
08-28-2019 07:27 - edited 08-28-2019 07:48
After using this for a while, I do hate it. Hate having to move challenges below my stats all the time and then scroll and click each and every time I want to check in on each one. What a pain. So I don’t participate in challenges anymore. Hate having to scroll and click each time I want to log food or water. So, I don’t anymore. This is a bad interface, bad design. Besides the fact that floors don’t work on the charge 3’s, which I’ve been ignoring, and all the fake profile scammers in the app that Fitbit does very little about. This is my last Fitbit if the dashboard doesn’t get a better design. It no longer helps me achieve my goals.
08-28-2019 07:39
08-28-2019 07:39
Dear Fitbit,
Congratulations, you have managed to tick off a great deal of your customers and you don't seem to care one bit..... If you don't allow us to go back to the old version of the app or drastically improve the **ahem** you currently have forced down our throats, when my Ionic dies I'm taking my business elsewhere!
The lack of concern and response on your part with all the complaints is mind boggling. Keep it up and the only ones using your crap will be the app developers.
08-28-2019 09:22
08-28-2019 09:22
The latest app dashboard update gets a YUGE thumbs down.
Washed out colors, more wasted space on screen. The screen should scale to how many items you’re tracking. I get it, you’re trying to upsell, but you’re pushing out otherwise satisfied Customers.
08-28-2019 11:00
08-28-2019 11:00
I check my Fitbit App several times a day. I really liked the color coordination and design of the old app experience. My phone automatically changed on its own today and the list feature and different colors for everything looks rather dreary. I’ve been loving the old design and am wondering if there’s any chance of it, or something like it coming back? In the mean time is there a way to modify the current layout to be blocks again or have more uplifting color schemes?
08-28-2019 11:26
08-28-2019 11:26
I have been using Fitbit for the last three year years religiously, however this update arrived without my consent, in fact, two weeks before it installed Fitbit asked if I wanted to try the new update and I said no.
If the dashboard does not revert back I plan to stop using Fitbit products for life and delete my account.
I don’t mean to sound dramatic, but Fitbit has become a significant part of my life over the past few years so I hope someone with the power to make changes sees these posts. It would be stupid to lose loyal customers, which is clearly what is happening with this unwelcome update.
08-28-2019 14:04
08-28-2019 14:04
I notice there is a “Discovery” section where features can be picked.... and in the picking section lo and behold there are squares similar to the old format.
Sadly the rubbish information-lite, 10-taps-to-see-everything “update” remains the same on the main screen.
FitBit - where is your response to this serious down-grading of the user-friendliness of your app? Why have you removed the ability to see everything at-a-glance and replaced it with a laborious tapping-and-scrolling-nonsense?