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I have accidently clicked on the stupid message about the new dashboard and now can't get back to the old one.
I do not like the new format so want to stay with the old, I would also like to get rid of the banner with the info about the new dashboard, if I can get it back to the old format
Help please!
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05-04-2017 17:52
05-04-2017 17:52
It seems today the old dashboard disappeared once again, except now there is no way to get it back? If the old dashboard doesn't come back then I am done. I am sick of UI dweebs dictating how I use my devices. I will seriously throw my fitbit in the garbage. Someone tell me I am wrong and how to get back to the old UI. You have one week fitbit. One week.
05-04-2017 18:21
05-04-2017 18:21
Please bring the option to use the old dashboard back. It was actually useful.
And if you actually strived to make the experience better, you'd actually listen to your customers. Or actually elicit their opinions first before implementing "improvements" (consider consulting a dictionary for the actual meaning of improvement). Food for thought.
Also now considering a different tracker. And most certainly telling others to stay away/look elsewhere.
05-04-2017 18:36
05-04-2017 18:50
05-04-2017 18:50
Good God, Fitbit has got to be the most customer antagonistic company I've ever run across. Even worse than Comcast, and that's saying something. You update a major component of the app with no warning at all. The description of the changes to the app said nothing about forcing the new dashboard on us.
I HATE Fitbit, and I'm going to dedicate my internet usage to telling the entire world just how bad this company SUCKS. You ignore dozens of request users actually want, and force crap that we DON'T WANT on us without warning. And your new crap doesn't even work. Your "sleep phases" hasn't worked since day one. Not once.
You can't go bankrupt too soon
05-04-2017 18:58
05-04-2017 18:58
Has fitnit taken away the old dashboard? I look under advanced settings and it is not there to make the change.
05-04-2017 19:06
05-04-2017 19:06
Everyone please go here: https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Feature-Suggestions/Bring-back-the-old-android-dashboard/idi-p/19741...
and vote to bring back the old dashboard. I'm sure Fitbit will ignore it, like they ignore almost every other customer desire, but at least people who come here to do research will see it.
05-04-2017 19:51
05-04-2017 19:51
This is SO infuriating. It's 2017. Fitbit cannot find a way to allow loyal users of their products to choose their preferred dashboard?????? On Google search "changing back to old dashboard " is one of the very first topics that auto fills under the fitbit topic. It is quite evident that a very large portion of users are unhappy at being forced to use a display they find to be completely cumbersome and inferior to the previous version. It is ridiculous that our concerns are not considered or valued!!!!!!!
05-04-2017 19:54
05-04-2017 19:54
I just spoke with Fitbit support they told me you can no longer go back once you have 2.48 version of the app.
05-04-2017 19:57
05-04-2017 19:57
I do not like the new dashboard fix it so we can go back to the old one as most people are asking you to do
05-04-2017 20:16
05-04-2017 20:16
@Hskp wrote:I just spoke with Fitbit support they told me you can no longer go back once you have 2.48 version of the app.
Once again, Fitbit demonstrates they hold their customers in contempt.
05-04-2017 21:00
05-04-2017 21:00
Agree the new dashboard is terrible, it was bad enough having the banner on the old page but this is just a terrible user interface. Gonna have to look for a better app or even a different device when this one croaks.
05-04-2017 22:30
05-04-2017 22:30
My dashboard changed on its own to the new dashboard and there is no option to switch it back under Advanced Settings anymore. I REALLY dislike the new dashboard. What can I do to fix it?
05-04-2017 23:05
05-04-2017 23:05
I'm no longer seeing this option. Have they removed the old dashboard? I prefer it too.
05-05-2017 01:43
05-05-2017 01:43
05-05-2017 02:38
05-05-2017 02:38
I would definitely rather have the old dashboard.
05-05-2017 05:07
05-05-2017 05:07
I woke up today to the new dashboard being forced on me and absolutely hate it, and the option to change it back to the old is completely disappeared.
05-05-2017 05:16
05-05-2017 05:16
I was somewhat lucky in that I use the app on my tablet and my phone. The majority of the time I use it on my phone, but I had found it helpful to have on my tablet. Thankfully, I had updated it on my tablet first. So I will just have to ensure that I don't update the app on the phone (which is quite brutally inconvenient, by the way). I am even considering scouring the internet to see if there is an APK for the previous version just have as a backup, and possibly use on my tablet. I just recently bought an Alta HR, and I am well past the time to return/exchange for a different one. However, when this one finally craps out, unless things change, I will be changing trackers. This contempt for actual customer desires/feedback is ludicrous.
05-05-2017 05:29
05-05-2017 05:29
05-05-2017 06:18
05-05-2017 06:18
This no longer works. The jackwagons forced the new huge ugly UI on all the holdouts like myself. I am evaluating my alternatives.
05-05-2017 06:27
05-05-2017 06:27
Yep, it's gone. There is no going back. ENJOY THE NEW HUGE UGLY UI.