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Fitbit Update 06/7/17: Thanks everyone for your feedback on the new Android dashboard. We have relayed this information to our Android team. This thread will now be closed, as the Android team has no plans to revert back to the old dashboard. We're always working towards making improvements to the app and appreciate your cooperation on future app updates.
Fitbit Update 05/22/2017: Hi everyone -- I've read through every post in this thread and the major feedback points and concerns can be summarized as the following:
- General disappointment with the change (no specific details provided)
- Lots of empty space/more scrolling/clicks required
- Bottom tiles don't scroll data with days
- Unable to fully customize top section with tiles from the bottom section
- Prefer linear UX design
- Difficult to read/no dark theme available
- Can't swipe between days, only able to click to scroll through days
- Can't to resize tiles
Please let me know if there's something specific that is not on this list. I have relayed this information to our Android team and at this time, it doesn't sound like there are any plans to revert access to the old Dashboard.
I know that any change is going to be a little jarring, but please remember to keep your posts respectful and on-topic, per our Community Guidelines. This thread will be better for everyone as a constructive conversation.
Fitbit Update 04/24/2017: Hi everyone -- Beginning with the release of the Android app version 2.48, the new Fitbit app Dashboard with the updated look will be fully implemented. Users will no longer have the option to switch to the old Dashboard design, so I encourage you to check it out if not already using it.
We're constantly striving to improve Fitbit products and services and we appreciate all of the feedback we receive from our customers. We currently do not have any plans to revert this change; you can find more information about the app and how to start using it by clicking here.
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
05-03-2017 16:35
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05-03-2017 16:35
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Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S7.
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You read the feedback and completely ignored it. Smooth move, no wonder the stock tanked. I wish I could find some compassion and positive words on this decision but I can't. This was just plum dumb, just plain ignorant and closed minded. Too bad you can't draw statistics on how many people actively used the dashboard, so you can see it drop from maybe 80% clear down to less than 10%, maybe that would wok better at telling you this was a bad decision, since you didn't listen to those hundreds of negative feedback on them. All you did was close the thread and throw away the data. I am supremely disappointed in this whole epic disaster, no wonder my whole friend base has been disappearing, including 4 family members for which I bought their Fitbits. I just can't say enough bad about this, but I'm tired of typing already.
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05-03-2017 22:54
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05-03-2017 22:54
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When I want to see a previous day's data, I want to to see ALL of that day's data on ONE PAGE. Having to click in and out of different pages takes too long and makes it difficult to grasp the overall picture.
05-04-2017 03:22
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05-04-2017 03:22
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The tiles would be OK if I could put them where I want. Why the dividing line? Who decided that only certain tiles can be above the line and why.
05-04-2017 05:47
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05-04-2017 05:47
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Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S7.
05-04-2017 05:50
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05-04-2017 05:50
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I e-mailed fitbit in addition to posting on this forum. I have not received a response to my e-mail yet, but I hope all of these concerns and frustrations are not ignored. I do not even want to use my fitbit anymore because of the "new dashboard" and its format.
05-04-2017 06:06
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05-04-2017 06:06
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I wouldn't mind the new dashboard if I could put what I want above the seemingly arbitrary line that is present. I don't see the need for one large tile either. It is not as user friendly now and I have to scroll down to see what I want to see. I don't like it!
05-04-2017 06:47
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05-04-2017 06:47
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Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
05-04-2017 07:01
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05-04-2017 07:01
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IanSM, in the current app, that option is no longer available.
05-04-2017 12:07
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05-04-2017 12:07
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You've finally forced me to the new dashboard - and not one thing has changed of what I and hundreds of others complained about when the new dashboard first became an option. So what were these feedback threads for - were you hoping users would blow off steam and end up happy? Not going to happen.
"It's not a bug, it's a feature". Except that the vast majority of users who care about sleep (food, water, the rest of the things below the line) at all want to see the data for the day we're looking at. It's an important part of considering my activity level, seeing how much sleep I got - and ditto food and water, for those who still bother to log that in this app (I quit a while ago, too difficult).
The circles aren't _much_ worse than the simple bars we had before - but they're not better, either. And like many here, I find it more difficult to see and comprehend circles scattered over the page than a more linear view.
The only advantage a redo _might_ have had would be to allow color changes - theming, if you want a trendy term for it - so the app wouldn't be so blazing white. But nope, you didn't bother to add that, and the new dashboard has more background and thus _more_ white than the old.
My One is dying; I've been looking at the new ones and not seeing anything exciting. I think I'll be expanding my looking, to see if there's anyone with a good gadget (that isn't a wristband), and an app better than yours has just become.
05-04-2017 12:22
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05-04-2017 12:22
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I finally got the app update to version 2.48 today, and it is working great - the sync process takes less than half the time to complete that it was taking with v2.47. Haven't experienced any problems with it yet.

05-04-2017 12:39
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05-04-2017 12:39
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Way to go fitbit. Just ignore your customers who have gave of you their monies. What a totally ignorant company to force this poor excuse of a dashboard onto us.
Not even a heads up to tell us and allow us to stop the recent update of the app.
I utterly despise the new dashboard layout and the fact that the choice of using the original layout has been removed from us.
New layout is simply too cluttered looking and does not show all the relevant areas as the original did.
Please return the switch over function or I am becoming a negative feedback empowered of all things fitbit and I'll be letting my friends know to avoid your brand and to go to Garmin or Tom Tom.
I'm sick fed up with developers mucking things up with no concern for the customer or customers choice!
One very pissed off fitbit owner!
05-04-2017 14:13
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05-04-2017 14:13
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I couldn't have said it better myself.
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I'm very much in agreement with all the frustration expressed here: lack of customization for the circles in the upper pane, blindingly white background that makes my eyes hurt, removal of the swipe feature, the data not updating for both panes when the user wants to switch between the past days and the current one.
For more information of what I find wrong about the new layout, see my very detailed post here:
When I bought my Blaze and installed the Fitbit app, I was a 150% satisfied customer. It was doing exactly what I wanted, exactly in the way I wanted. It was informative, easy to use, easy to read, easy to customize. It was perfect for my purposes.
Overnight, the mandatory usage of the new layout made my expensive tracker a worthless brick, an overpriced watch with the functions that are no longer useful to me. I cannot use the new app layout, it hurts my eyes and it doesn't give me the information I want. I hate the new layout with a passion. Unlike @USAF-Larry, I don't care much how fast my tracker syncs with the server (although I agree that this might be important for some people). The new layout makes my expensive tracker unusable to me. I don't want "pretty", I want informative and customizable layout. The new one is neither. Had I wanted a plain watch, I might have bought it tor much less money.
I certainly won't be looking for new Fitbit products in the future.
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05-04-2017 14:53
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05-04-2017 14:53
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The new "section" icons are just too big, making it impossible to see the information important to me in a single glance as before.
Now, no matter how I "origami" all the icons around, I still have to do a ton of scrolling just to get all the info I used to get in a quick, single glance.
It is usable, just nowhere near as convienant.
05-04-2017 15:16
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05-04-2017 15:16
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The phantom weight gain-- if you skim back through you might find that a distant-past weight had a number dropped or added. Probably just data corruption, but annoying. (Mine suddenly had me weighing over half a ton at one point, a period disappeared.)
I hate the "intuitive" design, too. It looks like they're trying to capture the iPhone interface of yesteryear vibe.
05-04-2017 15:20 - edited 05-04-2017 18:34
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05-04-2017 15:20 - edited 05-04-2017 18:34
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I bought a heart rate monitor because my primary interest was (brace yourself) my heart rate! Now I can't put the item that's my main goal and interest at the top so it's easy for me to see. And so much empty, wasted space?! I too, am a data and spreadsheet person, so this is very aggravating.
05-04-2017 16:00
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05-04-2017 16:00
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For everyone like me who doesn't like the fact that the bottom tiles display current day's stats only, while upper portion displays daily stats, please visit and vote for the following feature:
Apparently Fitbit (I strongly suspect without request of actual users) arbitrarily decided to "improve" the new dashboard and display disjointed information where some tiles display information for that day, some tiles display only current day's information, with no indication to the user which tiles are displaying which information.
The only hope for this to change is if enough people vote for this feature and complain.
05-04-2017 16:37
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05-04-2017 16:37
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Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S7.
05-04-2017 17:32
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05-04-2017 17:32
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Well so much for that i was getting ready to switch to the new fitbit alta but not with the new dashboard. This really does suck. I invested in something and now its a wast of my money. Wow. Very disapointed! Time to fo online and find something different. Do not like the new dasboard and never have. Not a good move on the companys part. I have a voice like anyone else but guess we are not valued as customers.