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Charge 5 slashed is not good enough. We need Stats heavy clock face from Charge 4. Just replicate it. Easy!
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11-15-2021 18:39
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11-15-2021 18:39
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Yes, many people feel the same way @ssk_the_gr8 .
If you would like to visit this feature suggestion, and seek out others on the same theme, you could vote and maybe leave a comment. The feature suggestions are monitored and if there are enough votes, things might happen.
This is a link to suggestions specifically for Charge Trackers - you might see some others you'd like to vote for too.
I think if you add some votes over there, it can help to let your voice be heard.
11-16-2021 10:42
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11-16-2021 10:42
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Thank you for sharing those feature suggestions, @Wibby! 😁
Welcome to the Community forums as well, @ssk_the_gr8.
It's always great to have more clock faces available, and the team of developers is always working to improve the quality of products and services. I actually noticed that they added a new clock face with the latest firmware version (1.149.11), it's the Rise Up clock face!
In addition to the great suggestion that @Wibby mentioned earlier, please considering voting for these other suggestions that are related to clock faces as well:
Have a great day.
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you misunderstood, we dont need more faces (there could be zillions),
we need just 1 face which shows all stats,
no artisan and wasted space stuff, just the data, all of it with a flick of a wrist.
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11-16-2021 12:41
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11-16-2021 12:41
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yup, this is what we want. Just replicate stats heavy from charge 4!
11-23-2021 08:49
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11-23-2021 08:49
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@Kontinental @ssk_the_gr8 Thank you for sharing your feedback about this.
I noticed there's still no suggestion posted in the forums about having this specific clock face with the Charge 5. I would recommend that you post this idea in the Feature Suggestion board of the Community, since this section is regularly monitored by the team of developers. Make sure to post your idea including as many details as possible so other users can vote for it.
Have a great day.