Increase or customize hourly activity goal from 250 steps/hour

It would be really cool to have the option to increase the reminder to move minimum count.  Currently, the reminder to move is set to 250 and I would really like the option of raising that number as my activity increases.

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and label


I agree. I specifically did a chat help to ask if this was going to be available before purchasing my Alta and I was told we would be able to adjust that number. I was sad to find that it wasn't true. 😞 I still love it, but I do wish we could adjust that number!

Recovery Runner

Please vote for this idea so the developers will implement it!  The more votes, the more attention it gets!


I vote for this idea too!  (increasing the minimum of 250 steps) three thousand steps in a 12 hour day is barely moving for me.  the 250 steps is not motivating for me.  🙂


It is a reminder to move, not a motivator. You can do 2500 steps every time it goes off.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

I like this idea a lot! Having the ability to increase or decrease the minimum step count for Alta's Reminder to Move feature could help a lot of people achieve their step goals.

Recovery Runner

Thanks Derrick.  I know it'll help me increasingly become more active!!

First Steps

I can't believe there are so few votes for this. I have had my Alta for 6 hours and already feel dooped that such a simple and obvious feature is lacking. The arbitrary 250 step number may work for some but it is completely useless for many others. I do not have hours with less steps than 250 unless I am sleeping or off work and have already done a minimum of 7K steps. I want to INCREASE my steps per day and purchased this to do that.  

My 12 hour work day averages 583 steps per hour and I want to increase that to 750 minimum, since the reminder will never go off as I have exceeded the arbitrary 250 step number this provides no help for me to increase my steps. Literally none. My phone already tells me how many steps I have taken before I even unlock it, but I was excited to about better/more accurate tracking (when I leave my phone at the desk) and increasing my step count hour by hour. 

With all of the crazy features and abilities of the app how in the world can everyone in the world of all job types and lifestyles be expected to benifit from a single step quantity reminder. That is like saying every human should intake 2000 calories a day. Everyone is different and everyone should be able to change settings on the most basic features... like the RTM. 

Recovery Runner
You make some great points. This request is gaining in momentum as the
Alta gets out there more. I'm a long time Fitbit user and bought this
version just for this feature... I'm really hoping the devs accept and
implement the change.
First Steps

 So far the only time I have actually gotten a reminder was in a movie theater last night 😞

Recovery Runner
Would love to increase the count to 500 and also have it remind me 15 or 20 minutes before.
Recovery Runner
All you have to do is to continue to walk some more once it tells you that you achieved the 250 steps. IT IS A REMINDER NOT A MOTIVATOR.
Recovery Runner

Thank you for your feedback.  Clearly there are numerous others who don't share your cynicism.  Have a great day.

Recovery Runner
I didn't mean to sound cynical. I was merely expressing my opinion. For me is just as easy to just keep walking after I'm done doing 250 steps ( if I have the time)

First Steps

 @Chris31 the issue isn't that we don't realize we can continue walking after the timer, the point is that is doesn't even go off because we have already walked 250 steps in the hour. I hit 10K steps at 11:45 am and didn't receive any notifications all afternoon. Had I been able to set it for 500 or 1000 steps it would have notified me during a few of the hours to go add some more steps.


Stating that it is a reminder and not a motivator is pretty silly. The whole point of the reminder is to motivate change; the whole point of the entire system is to motivate change. If I didn't want motivation and reminders then a $4 pedometer would have been a better investment. I love the social aspect and the tracking, even the food tracker is almost as good as S Health (but with less food items). For the tracking it's a great deal, but other apps do that for pennies on the dollar. I/we would like to benefit from the reminders like you get to, but since our standard hourly threshold is higher we don't get to and that is not very fair. It should be adjustable for everyone to enjoy the benefits and features. 

It is as easy as changing a single page on the app and adding an update to the firmware to give the options to us that people who have more stationary time get to use.

Recovery Runner
After reading your post I see your point and now I hope that Fitbit modifies this feature.
It is great that you achieve so many steps so early in the day☺️!

It would be nice to make some of the other settings for the Reminders to Move customizable for each user, like the amount of minutes before the hour that the Alta reminds you (currently 10 minutes) and the number of steps you need to get within the hour (currently 250) 


For example, I would personally like it to be 20 minutes before, because if I am working and/or in the middle of something, I can't always get up within 10 minutes to and move enough steps before the end of the hour.


And for the number of steps, several have mentioned this in the forumns that they would like to set the goal to more then 250 steps, or less for some.


 Moderator Edit: Added Labels

I'm wondering about 1. getting your hourly steps so we can see how close you are 2. A vibrate for either as a reminder each hour 3. A way to increase your hourly steps
Recovery Runner
I would also love to be able to adjust the number of steps for reminders. It would also be great if it reminders could be set for more than 14 hours.
First Steps

I have a FitBit Alta and really love it.  It replaces my FitBit One - sooo much more convenient to wear it all the time.  The app is fantastic and that alone is so great that it is keeping me from getting an Apple Watch.  But I regularly have meetings that start on the hour and run an hour so getting 250+ steps each hour is next to impossible unless I excuse myself for a bathroom break and then actually run around the floor... So why not make it customizable whether the counting starts on the hour or the half hour?  I would love to have it 8:30 am - 9:30 am, 9:30 am - 10:30 am etc.


Also, as I commented elsewhere, the new interface looks great, but please bring back the color changes and add the color to the red dots in the 250+ steps each hour feature.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Base Runner

I agree re the active hours but would take it a stage further.


The notification currently works based on an actual clock hour. eg 12 to 1 or 1 to 2. This means that you could complete 250 steps by 12:05 and it then doesn't notify you that you need to move until ten minutes to two as you did 250 steps between 12 and 1, they just happened to be at the start.


Consequently I could (and often do) sit at my desk without getting up and moving for an hour and three quarters which goes against the concept of this active hours feature!


To meet the stated aims of the feature it would need to auto reset the hour counter each time 250 steps have been made over the previous 60 minute period (regardless of where that falls within the clock hour). This way it would notifiy you if you haven't moved for the last 50 minutes, not that you haven't moved within a clock hour.




Before the Alta I had a Garmin Vivosmart. Great device, except from the losing pixels on the screen. I miss the automatically increase in daily step goal settings as on the Vivosmart. If the Alta should have this (and a setting for increase the steps for remind to move), the Alta would be perfect.
First Steps

The automatic increase is a pretty neat idea. Even increasing the step goal 1 or 10 steps every time a goal is reached would add a dynamic and automatic increase in goals. Pretty nifty idea. 


Recovery Runner
I absolutely agree. I had just posted something similar. That would definitely make sense.
Stepping Up

It would be great if we could change the 250 steps per hour to a higher goal. I try to get a certain number of steps each hour in order to meet my daily goal, and while the 250 is a great reminder to move, it would be even better if it could be adjusted to higher step goals. Also, an hourly reminder, like a buzz, or notification from the app on my phone would be helpful. 


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels. 

I'd like to be able to reduce it. I'm looking for something to help my mother get more active, but the goals need to be achievable, and sadly 250 isn't.
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