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How do people work to get above 20,000 steps?


I am active (run three miles in the morning, work all day, goof around with children in the evening while I do housework but getting above 20000 steps per day seems elusive to me. Help! 

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Thanks Candy. As far as counting the marching..I do the Leslie Sansone DVD
and it only counts about a third of the steps I take because it is
walking/marching in place...


*Erin Delaney201-572-2775*
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I march in place too! I have checked whether the Fitbit One tracks the steps, using the phone application, and it does, but I do find it misses some steps.  To fix this I find if I kinda wiggle my hips a bit more than I would normally it gets it, being clipped onto my knickers.  Hope that helps!


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Thanks for the tip...I will start wiggling away!! lol


*Erin Delaney201-572-2775*
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Great!  It does work, I feel a bit silly but now my friends and my boyfriend have got used to me marching on the spot they just let me get on with it now 🙂 I aim for 20K steps a day and I have got that for the last 22 days, just another 1200 today to do.  Enjoy 🙂

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Thank you !!!

*Erin Delaney201-572-2775*
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Over 20K can be tough - but not impossible.  My over 20k days begin with a 5K run (3.1 miles). When I wait for my coffee I don't stand still. I run errands, then come home and go for a 45 minute walk. Do a bit of housework (rup and down 3 flights of stairs), make lunch & go for another walk in the afternoon. I have 3 bathrooms in the house but only will use one regardless of where I am. So I am going up stairs into the master bathroom several times a day. At work, use the restroom on a different floor. Take the stairs. Instead of calling a co-worker, go over and talk face to face. At lunch or break take a walk. If you have a meeting with someone who is fitness oriented, make it a walking meeting (either outside or in). Do you have a desk job? Get up once every half hour or so & just move. You don't have to step away from your desk, just step. Do you find yourself trying to get the closest parking spot to the door? Get more steps by parking at the back of the lot. And the most important - find someone who you can share this with! Fit buddies are the BEST for helping you stay motivated and can help yu with your goals.  Sorry this was so long. Hope it helps a bit. Just that fact that you WANT to reach a goal may help you with the motivation to achieve more. I'll bet you can! Woman Wink

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The 20000 level is a bit of work. I do run, but I need between running and everyday walking about 10 miles to hit the 20000 level mark. I hit it maybe four days a week, but  I  do have to plan activity in order to do it.


~Treadmill activity such as walking

~Run 7 miles three times a week.

~Walk to the neighborhood store (about 1/2 a mile away).

~Bike riding counts too.

~Just being active will make up for a lot of the steps you need.

~Walk your kids to school instead of driving them.


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How does bike riding count towards your steps when fitbit doesn't recognize
it with their pedometer?
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@CandyElektra wrote:
How does bike riding count towards your steps when fitbit doesn't recognize
it with their pedometer?

It doesn't. All you can do with your bike riding is log it as an activity, so you will get calories from it. However, you won't get steps from it, nor from any other non-step-based activity.


Some people put their Fitbit in their socks or around their ankle (depending on model) when biking, and they claim this will give them extra steps. Maybe, but that still doesn't change the fact biking is a non-step-based activity and Fitbit is a pedometer, ie. a device designed to count steps.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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On the days I get over 20k, I usually am doing about 45-60 mins cardio, walking to the post office, and sometimes shopping at the mall or taking my six hour cooking lab.  My highest is almost 25k steps, and I was BEAT at the end of the day!

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I was at Disneyland for 4 hours and barely got 14,000 steps. I don't know how everyone does it!!!

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Sometimes I  think they must strap the FB to the leg of their   Seriously, for me getting above 20 K steps per day takes a lot.  Today I pushed it above 30K for the first time.  I walked 8.5 miles this morning, 4 miles tonight, on my feet all day, walked the dogs several times and normal household stuff.  Just a few minutes ago I took out the dogs for the last 2 K steps to reach the 30K goal.  I don't watch TV and quilting is my therapy.  It doesn't matter how you get them what matters is that YOU get the most that YOU can.  I just happen to be extremely competitive with myself and I'm on a mission to lose 112 lbs total and get healthy.  Quit smoking a couple months ago and now I'm addicted to walking.  Doing a 5 K (easy) Color Run in San Diego this weekend, Surfing Madonna 10K 2 weeks after that, the Spooktacular 10K the following day and several more in Nov, Dec & Jan leading up to what will be my max ability Half Marathon because of my disability.  I set goals and then reach them one at a time.


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I average 20k plus, or 10 miles a day plus. Sometimes do 30k if I have time, usually on Sunday. I spend 3 to 4 hours a day. Mostly a desk job but could still get up to 2 miles at work. Not running yet because of my knee's. But sure have taken a load off them so far!
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It helps when people like to compete with me. Lately my numbers haven't been great because I'm working on getting a promotion at my job. I try to walk everywhere and sometimes end up in the gym for a few hours, it helps me clear my mind and beat those I compete against 😉
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It definitely has a lot of variables for who gets the really high step counts. When I'm at work as a cashier my step count is average. If I'm a floor salesperson I can pass thirty people on my friend board by the end of the night. If I add letting my dogs walk me too I pass another ten people. It depends on the day.

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I just got my fitbit for Christmas from my children and I love it.  I find it motivating to move more. After reading your post,  I want to reach 20,000 steps.  I run 4-5 mi before work and I am a traveling teacher at a high school so, I will see how many step I actually take during the day.  

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I love my fitbit, I have it for almost a year and still enjoy it. It was not one of those gifts I got and used for a few months then dumped it. I wear it every day and it reminds me to get moving always.

You sound like you will have no problem getting in your steps, being a traveling teacher. Plus as a teacher I would think you gets lots of walking during the day even if it is walking around a class room. It can be challenging when you have a desk job which I do but I just park far away from the front door of my office so I get few steps there, take a walk around the floor at the office every hour. I am on the second floor of my building so I always use the stairs and not the elevator.

Hope you like it and enjoy your new gift.
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Well, it has been a couple of days and I feel I am more motivated to move even after my run and eat better.  Maybe it will get me to get outside more during the winter to get some fresh air.  

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I can get over 20K in the summer when I mow the lawn with a walk behind and put the John Deer tractor away.  Otherwise I also find it tough based on my desk job and home schedule.  Best I can get away with is a 3 mile walk in the morning and a 3 mile run late afternoon or evening.  Anything else is from walking in circles while on the phone or walking to and from the car (plus walking in the house).



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Please say it aint so. To reach 20,000 steps I have to run? "What you talkin bout Willis?" LOL

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