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Ionic Firmware Release - 32.10.15

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Fitbit Update: Fitbit OS2.1 has been released to 100% of users!


Hi all! Smiley Happy


I am excited to announce the release of Fitbit OS 2.1! (Firmware Version:


We've started to roll out this update to 10% of Ionic users. This is a progressive rollout, and all Ionic users can expect to have it within a few weeks. We roll out releases in phases as a cautionary measure so that we can monitor performance closely and make adjustments if needed. 



Introducing quick replies. Send customized responses to text messages and messages from select messaging apps with your Fitbit watch. Note that this feature is currently only available on watches paired to an Android phone. For more information, see How do I respond to messages with my Fitbit watch?

This release includes other bug fixes and improvements.


Step by step instructions for updating your Ionic can be found here.


I recommend updating your Ionic over a home Wi-Fi network as this can greatly reduce the time it can take to get set up. For more information on connecting your Ionic to Wi-Fi, check out this article


If you run into any trouble updating your Ionic, I can also recommend reviewing these troubleshooting tips


Looking forward to hearing everyone's feedback on the latest release. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know! 

Want to get more deep sleep? Join the discussion on our Sleep better forum.

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What about the Versa? I have this same issue on my new Versa. I can't save the stats I want to see per each type of workout I do. It is hugely frustrating. I may just have to return this fitbit, and get the apple watch in the end. Bummer!!! I have so much data saved on my fitbit in the food section.


Moderator edit: Removed personal info  

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@GTPune wrote:

I got the upgrade notification and call me stupid but I have decided to to take the plunge so wish me luck. Charging my ionic in preparation to upgrade while posting this message to document what is currently working before the upgrade. Lets see what happens after the upgrade (or if I am able to upgrade it at all):


1. GPS accuracy is ok. Getting consistent 8.0 to 8.2 KM distance reading on my neighborhood run route. Part of the route is close to tall buildings and covered with trees which throw the GPS accuracy off a bit.

2. BT connectivity to headphone (QY7) is rock solid and sound quality is good. That's the only thing I am happy about.

3. Phone sync and notifications are working reasonably well.

4. Music transfer is a pain but after taking a 1000 precautions (stay at same place in clear sight of router every time I transfer music, keep BT off etc), I have been able to get success rate to 1 in 10 attempt from 1 in about 100 attempts initially.

5. HR monitor is ok although I have no other way to measure its accuracy nor I care about it too much. Although once I noticed that HR monitor was not turning off (the green blinking light at the back) even when the tracker was lying on the table for night. Had to reboot the tracker couple of times to get that sorted.

6. Don't wear it while sleeping so cant say anything about sleep tracking feature.

7. Fitbit pay is not available in India.

8. Was able to to download one app (flashlight) but Coach app is not updating on the watch even after several attempts.

9. Battery life is reasonable. With 2 one hour runs with GPS and music on, I am able to get 4 days of life from a single charge before the battery drops to about 30-35%. That's when I recharge it. Note: not wearing during the night so HR monitor turns off and I disconnect it from phone and laptop in the night to preserve the battery.


So that's basically it. Will be upgrading it now. Wish me luck 🙂


Update 1: Upgrade process

Kept Ionic on charge and attempted the upgrade via Android phone.

After about 15 min of "updating your iconic" message, upgrade fail. It gave me the option of "retry" or "retry on BT". I "retried". Failed again after 15 min.

Disconnected Iconic from phone, connected to laptop and tried again. Failed again after 10 min. Gave me option of "retry" or "retry on BT".  This time I retried on BT. Took about 45 min to complete the upgrade.


Update 2: Post upgrade behavior

Notification (SMS and calls) still seem to be working and with enhanced functionality (call accept / reject, quick replies, clear/delete notifications etc). Will keep monitoring the behavior and report back.

Music previously loaded on Iconic is safe and Iconic to BT connectivity is also working. Will monitor BT/Music performance with GPS on during running and report back.


Update 3: During/After Run

GPS reading was more or less same as before upgrade

BT Music connectivity was rock solid as before

In last 5 hours, including 1 hour of exercise with GPS/Music on, lost 17% of battery which probably is a little higher than before upgrade but I have been notification testing and turning screen on / off more that usual so lets see how it goes in next 3-4 days.

Was able to sync the run with phone


Update 4:

Battery life seems to have reduced slightly but that may be because I wake up my screen more often now to answer the calls and reply to messages.

Call and message notifications are working fine and I am able to accept/reject calls and do quick replies albeit with a small quirk which is described here. I am unable to figure out if this is phone issue or Ionic issue.

"Custom stats not saving" issue is not fixed. The selections that I make for "middle stat" get reset every time. It will be great if the selections are retained across running sessions (minor annoyance)

Have not tried transferring music post upgrade yet. That's something I shall test  soon.

GPS reading is more or less same for my running route before and after upgrade and is in +-2% range of actual distance. May not be great if you professional athleate but is ok for me. Also part of my route is close to tall buildings and covered with trees and I have noticed that GPS tracking goes wayward in those sections and that may be the contributing factor in inaccuracy.

Noticed a strange issue that same run route when done on bike was showing a different (incorrect) distance reading. It was my first bike ride on that route wtih watch so can not say if the issue is related to upgrade or it is a general issue.

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Bluetooth music is still unusable.
Currently sitting at a desk with my arms above the table and it still intermittently cuts out.I go slow walk and its useless.

Connect the same headphones to my phone or laptop and i'm able to walk in to another room as the device and its still perfect.

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I've noticed the same issues with my headphones.

It might help to disconnect your headphones (turn it completely off) then
connect it to your Ionic again.

Issues Solved for me, hopefully for you as well.
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Well said. I have been a Fitustom for 10years and the Ionic is my last Fitbit product.

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@MattFitbit alas, during this morning's run, the Exercise app crashed at the 1 mile mark again. I restarted the Exercise app, launched a new run and connected to GPS. The Exercise app did not crash for the remainder of the run (roughly four additional miles).

I've not made any changes to the Ionic (no additional apps installed, no watchface changes) since the previous restart.

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Since updating to the newest software, I’ve been getting Simplified Sleep 6 nights in a row now and counting.

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@MattFitbit, Just saw this in the Android App forum.  Could this fix some of the issues with the Ionic we have all been experiencing?5-18-2018 10-28-12 AM.png Just saw this in the Android App forum.  Could this fix some of the issues with the Ionic we have all been experiencing?

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I couldn’t sync so followed advice and removed my ionic from devices now i cant add it back stuck on found it - connecting to tracker ????

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@avanarden wrote:

@d_k @MattFitbit
Looks like there is a perfectly usable NotificationCompat package to use available instead of the direct OS call. Using this should be simply adding the compat import, instead of the direct OS import, leaving the rest of the code the same.  The package will automatically handle it appropriately on a new OS

Google makes it really easy for developers maintain features on older OS. I have done this many times in my work.

So yes Fitbit can do something really easy to make this work back a few OS versions. (Android 4 to be exact)

Hope this gets to a developer

More supported os, means a bigger market for fit-bit, good business decision. 

From the documentation, it's clear that direct replies are available in the compat version that google supplies.

Notification compatibility

Since Android 1.0, the notification system UI and the notification-related APIs have continually evolved. To use the latest notification API features while still supporting older devices, use the support library notification API:NotificationCompat and its subclasses, as well as NotificationManagerCompat. This will allow you to avoid writing conditional code to check API levels because these APIs handle that for you.

NotificationCompat is updated as the platform evolves to include the latest methods. It is important to note that the availability of a method in NotificationCompat does not guarantee that the corresponding feature will be provided on older devices. In some cases calling a newly-introduced API results in a no-op on older devices. For example,NotificationCompat.addAction() displays the action button on a device running Android 4.1 (API level 16) and higher only.

The following is a summary of the most notable behavior changes for Android notifications.

Next Android app update Please!!! 

Has anyone been able to receive this Android App update yet?  My phone is not updating it yet.


5-18-2018 10-28-12 AM.png

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This all foreign to me is there any English version?

Sent from my iPhone
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My update messed up my ability to even receive notifications. When will this be fixed? It's very frustrating

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Thanks for documenting your experience upgrading your software.  Please keep posting on how things are going post upgrade.  I'm two versions back in software and while I have some issues with how some things functions/are implemented, the core items work for me (syncing, wireless music, GPS).  Because of this I am too afraid to update my software.  New/improved features are not worth the risk of losing the core functions in my mind.  Maybe if you continue to have a good experience I will update my Ionic as well.

Ionic, Pixel 2 XL
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Right after I updated my ionic it stopped tracking steps (went on a 2 mile walk that I do almost everyday and it only tracked 200 steps), or is only tracking a few steps here and there and the heart rate monitor is not working.  I made sure the ionic is updated with the latest software and also my app is up to date.  I also tried hooking it up to the computer to make sure it had the latest update.  My ionic has prompted me to calibrate a few times today unsuccessfully, I am getting the red x when it fails or calibration error message.  Is there anything else I can do?


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Probably  a slow role out.

@Rtshoff wrote:

Has anyone been able to receive this Android App update yet?  My phone is not updating it yet.


5-18-2018 10-28-12 AM.png


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No my iPhone and iPad won’t load it I followed directions and removed from phone and now it won’t add it back? Pissed off thinking of going to Apple

Sent from my iPhone
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I've received notice of the firmware update in the app, but every time I attempt to download it I get a blank screen with a spinning circle for about 10 seconds then it takes me back to the screen to to start the download.

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After we've verified your warranty status, we are happy to tell you you are eligible to receive a replacement tracker.


So my New Ionic is on my way :))


Thanks, Fitbit

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@SARVM wrote:

Dear .....,

Thanks a lot for all the information you provided us with. 
We are sorry to hear your Ionic is not performing as expected. 

After we've verified your warranty status, we are happy to tell you you are eligible to receive a replacement tracker. 


If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

​We are happy to have you in our Fitbit family.


Fitbit Team


But a new Fitbit isnt going to realive the issue if it has to do with their software/firmware... This is something their developers need to fix.

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My first Ionic didn't has sleep stages

My second Ionic didn't has sleep stages.


Today I try my third Ionic.

And I'm sure it will also has no sleep stages




Nothing changed on Software side!


New firmware didn't solve the problem.


Support can't really help!


It's not a hardware problem!


When will the bugfix be available, @MattFitbit ?


End!Now free time!
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