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2015 -- Lose 20 pounds by Mother's Day -- 2015!

Hi!  I just saw a thread from 2014 where a group of mom's and non-mom's set a goal to lose 20 pounds by Mother's Day.  Anyone want to start one for 2015 with me?  I have about 35 pounds to lose total, but 20 by May sounds like a good goal to me. 


I am going to try to get my 10,0000 steps in and I am joining a gym this weekend to add strength training and cardio. 

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Thanks Noir. Finally, at 9:19 pm, I hit 10000 steps. As funny as it sounds, after the treadmill, I just walked around the house. Bad news..ate a handful of skittles, but will keep trying to walk.
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Don't beat yourself up about the skittles! Tomorrow is a new day. I have to
rid my house of most temptations, though. It's less I have to think about.
Congratulations on reaching your step goal!
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Darn those tasty skittles! Why taste so good?! Nice 10,000 steps is awesome! You have put in the time 🙂 Congrats! 


I am now saving my money for this treadmill that I found that folds up really small. Must not use credit card...must wait...NoooOOOooo. I just love the idea that I can walk a few times a day rather than one visit to the gym. Putting some savings aside for a few months (should be able to buy it in May). I could watch Netflix and walk? I could do some serious walking. I got this! 



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You are is too short not to have fun .
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Hi Noir..yes, saving up for the treadmill sounds great. If you walk while watching Netflix the fitbit still works. Good job everyone!
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I also hit 10000, I soccer dribbled a squeaky cat toy around the house. Entertaining for was not impressed.


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Nice SC! Sometimes my dog will play I-Chase-You-You-Chase-Me. She is pretty good at it, but she mostly goes under the bed when she has had enough. (We call her "bed troll" Because that is where she hides.) Nice job getting in your steps! 

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Feeling defeated...:(
Day 5: gained 2.2 pounds in one day. 😞

I finally fit 10000 steps for a few days in a row, but even though I know diet is 80% of the success in weight loss, I mistakenly thought a few extra pita and candy would not matter as I walked for a long time. I have to be careful with portions.

It is so tough to hit 10000 steps and to eat well every day. IT is so frustrating when you screw up one day and gain 2.2 pounds so quickly! 😞
Well, I have 2 more days to track my weekly weight loss at Day 7.
Hope to stay motivated until then.
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Great way to get the extra steps in!
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Day 6: positive thinking...I realize that a few days before my monthly cycle, the scale is not motivating. To stay positive, I will strive to hit 10 000 steps, eat less and not check the scale for the next 3 days.
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OK, do I have to dress in drag to join?


35th high school reunion coming up in June so the timing is good. 

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The more the merrier. Just share your secrets (lol)
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@swimnurse wrote:
The more the merrier. Just share your secrets (lol)

Hoo boy, ok. You asked for it. You know, get more active, cut down on drinking, eat better. Of course, the devil is in the details. 🙂


Getting more active isn't complicated. It takes discipline, which is not one of my strong points. I've gone from couch to 5k three times over the past several years and 5k back to couch twice. I restarted that cycle again last September. Now I run about 10-15 miles or so each week. 


If anyone is interested in getting into running, I heartily endorse C25k. It's not easy, but it's not really a struggle either. The first few weeks, it's just short intervals. Ten weeks later and you're up to 3.1 miles.


Cutting down on drinking. This one is a fail, but not completely. I've started to walk to the pub if I get a thirst. It's six miles round trip, good fresh air, and the dogs appreciate it too. If losing 20 by May means teetotalling, I'll have to pass. 🙂


Food has three rules:


#1: Lower caloric density. Less meat, more veggies, no brainer.

#2: Track my food. I'm not religious about it, but it keeps me on the straight if not exactly narrow.

#3: Food should be hard. Food should be slow.


Want pizza? Sure thing. Put down the phone and for the love of Jove don't heat up that DiGiorno's garbage. Whole wheat crust from scratch, homemade marinara sauce, home-pickled peppers, fresh veggies. No, I don't make my own cheese, but am selective about what I get. I don't get that shredded crap in a bag. Good stuff...parmesan, asiago, mozzarell' bocconcinis. Oil one side of crust and grill, bring it back in, top the grilled side, then once more on the grill to finish it off. Takes time, but it's fun.


Even more time...homemade linguine, whole wheat but cut a bit with semolina to give it a creamier consistency. This takes a few hours from start to finish. Ravioli is more like five or six hours. By the time I'm done, I've walked several thousand steps, ready to crack the wine and take a load off.


And soups...lots of soups, stews, chilis, etc. Every scrap from cutting onions, carrots, asparagus, etc. goes into a bag and into the freezer. After a few weeks, I dump it all into a pot, cover with water and make vegetable stock. If I have a turkey carcass or a ham bone, all the better. The pot goes on simmer and soon the house is filled with the aroma. After a few hours, I strain out all the remnants, defat if necessary. Then I make the soup. Usually whatever is around. Beans, veggies, maybe brown rice or whole wheat bowties, whatever. When it's done, I freeze them in cup-sized containers. Once frozen, out of the containers and into 2.5 gallon ziplock bags (I reuse the bags over and over). Each bag has enough single portions of soup for me to heat up at work for a week or so.


Last weekend, I made turkey soup with tofu, peas, and rice noodles. There's only a smattering of actual meat in it.


Anyhoo, that's about it. It's working pretty well. I've undone most of the damage done over the holidays and now need to knuckle down.

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Thanks for sharing everyone!

Day 6 today:

Off to do a few more appts soon so should be able to get a few more steps. Parked the car further away today and then tonight after dinner, walking on the treadmill with my netflix to watch.

FOOD- my biggest vice.  I don't think I am an emotional eater, but I do love the taste of certain foods 🙂

Dinner tonight: Asian Beef and Seaweed soup. ( sounds weird, but seaweed is a great green vegetable and quite delicious in a soup. )


Good luck everyone.

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Gebob's and Canada's foods do sound yummy!  Since we are sharing food porn, I had grilled tillapia and rice with a side of light slaw. Came to about 450 calories not bad for my main meal of the day. 


Hope everyone is having a happy hump day Smiley LOL

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@Noir wrote:

Gebob's and Canada's foods do sound yummy!  Since we are sharing food porn, I had grilled tillapia and rice with a side of light slaw. Came to about 450 calories not bad for my main meal of the day. 


Hope everyone is having a happy hump day Smiley LOL

See! Now you can have a couple pints!

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ooo That would be lovely!

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@Noir wrote:

ooo That would be lovely!

See you at the pub then! Remember! We're walking. Smiley Tongue


Anyhoo...I saw some others post their progress. Great idea. So here goes...

  • Start: 205
  • Current: 199
  • Challenge: 185
  • Personal: 170

To think I weighed 98 pounds going into high school! My left leg weighs more than that now. Smiley Surprised


Twenty days into 2015 and I've missed 10k steps just three days. Two of those were Thursdays which are travel days for me so I think I need to figure out how to get those steps in. 


350k steps for the year, 17.5k average. I joined the 2015 Miles in 2015 challenge too. Right on course so far. Long way to go.

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Would like to join group.  Is there anything I need to do besides follow thread?  Thanks

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Yup that is all you need to do, post your stats and feel free to chat with any of us.

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