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2015 -- Lose 20 pounds by Mother's Day -- 2015!

Hi!  I just saw a thread from 2014 where a group of mom's and non-mom's set a goal to lose 20 pounds by Mother's Day.  Anyone want to start one for 2015 with me?  I have about 35 pounds to lose total, but 20 by May sounds like a good goal to me. 


I am going to try to get my 10,0000 steps in and I am joining a gym this weekend to add strength training and cardio. 

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SweetLou thanks for starting this challenge. I am new to FB I just got it for Christmas. I have yet to reach my 10,000 steps but this week I am vowing to add a walk at my lunch and two walks on my days off. I also hope to start back to my gym. I would love to lose 20-25 lbs by May! I have much more than that to lose but this would be a good start. Fitting in the exercise is my biggest challenge and fitting in balanced meals. Anyway I will do my best and keep motivated by reading everyones postsWoman Happy



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Yes thanks sweetlou!!! I find these challenges very motivating! I have a bit less than 20 pounds to go. I started this journey in jan 2013 on myfitnesspal and added my fitbit in June 2013. So far I have lost 83.9 pounds and have 12.6 to go. It took me about 18 months to lose the first 80 lbs and at that point I was at my goal size (12) so I hung out there for about 6 months and just recently I decided that i wanted to lose the last 15 pounds and get down to a size 10 -- the last 15 pounds will take me to the top of my BMI range. I have been pretty consistently losing about one pound/week, trying to hit 10,000 steps most days -- harder for me in the winter -- and recently started weight training (goal is 2-3 times week). If I can reach my weight loss goal by Mother's Day -- 12.6 pounds in 16 weeks -- I am going to treat myself to a spa day. Hope that everyone had a super losing week!
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Wow Elansc! You are so inspirational! I hope you meet your goal and go on that spa day 🙂 Also it is rough trying to lose even 1 lb a week when you are so close to your goal weight. Thank you for sharing your story! 

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I know!! Slow and steady wins this race!!! 😉 and I am not one to exercise but I need to just to make sure I have a 500 calorie deficit (most days I am about 50 cal above or below....). When I started this I just couldn't do much exercise and I really did not need to exercise to maintain my 500 calorie deficit -- which was good cause I was able to lose a good 30 pounds before I needed to start thinking about adding exercise to my plan (that's when I bought the fitbit). Thankfully, I have way more energy now so it is much easier to keep up the habit. My friend reminded me that I might fit into my size 10s before losing the 12.6 pounds if I am committed to the strength training. I'd be happy with that too!
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Hi - I would love to join this group! I just got my Fitbit on Sunday. I love this thing! I am 59 and having an impossible time losing weight. I have no problem doing the 10,000 steps because I have 2 dogs that I have to walk and also a neighbor's dog. A good hour's walk gets 8,000 steps. I am tracking my food and it is very insighful as to how much fat, protein I am getting. I am trying to follow South Beach but I am eating way too much fat I think. Seems to equal my protein. It's all good fat, nuts, avacado etc. but clearly too much. I better see some drop on the scale soon because I am putting in the exercise! Had knee surgery in December so I am now getting back into walking long distances. Does anyone know the ideal calorie composition i.e. how much fat, protein, carbs etc we should be eating?

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Oh I am trying to lose 15-20 pounds by May 1! 

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I would love to be a part of this challenge.  I got my FitBit for Christmas and I love it.  I'm trying to eat better and also spend time at the gym.  Any advise anyone has for losing weight for menopausal women would be helpful.  I used to be able to lose weight, but hormones are all wacky now.

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Exactly my problem...even if our hormones are wacky you would THINK eating less and exercising more would do it. We have to be PATIENT and that's what is hard if the scale doesn't move...

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Hi, I am a FITBIT newbie. I got mine for Christmas started wearing it New Year's Day and have not stopped. I hate when I have to charge it because that means loss of calorie tracking, so its gets charged at night. I would rather lose sleep tracking than calorie burning. 🙂


I am subscribing because I would love to particpate and lose 20 lbs by Mother's Day 2015.


If any of you need a little extra motivation, my 12 year old daughter's softball team is hosting a dietbet challenge as a fundraiser. Website is:


Make a $30 bet, goal is to lose 4% of weight in 4 weeks is so you are a winner. The details are at that linke above. I started doing 1 before I set up the fundraiser and I think I am now slightly obsessed. It is fun and a neat way to get a little extra motivation and it is helping out a youth team. 🙂


Looking forward to being 20lbs lighter in May!!



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I'm in, too. This sounds realistic. I definitely need to ramp up my efforts toward healthy eating. Thanks!
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I wish you all the best. Today I upped my walk workout. I walk at work doing stairs and ramps. I have been walking them for weeks but today I started running up the ramps and steps and then walked a fast pace on the flats to make it a little tougher. I hope this helps with the weight loss.
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Would love to jump on board this goal of 20 pounds by Mothers Day! I enjoyed reading through everyones posts and getting inspiration and information. I got my fitbit last summer, but lost the sync doggle and then got another one over Christmas. So now I am back to tracking. Good luck to all of you!

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Twenty pounds by Mother's day sounds like a good idea!  I'm in and I'll do my best.  Good Luck to all!!!

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Snowed in barely making 10000 steps walking up and down the house and having a hard time not eating out of boredom...

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Keep up the motivation. We are proud of you!
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Count me in. It's be an year since my baby boy was born and I am at the heaviest I have ever been. I want to lose 50lb by the end of this year but 20 by Mother's Day is a great checkpoint! Thanks for starting this!

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Ack I was attacked by peanut m and m' was unexpected I came home and there they were all cute in valentine colors for the up coming holiday. Soooo bad. Ok deep breath, keep walking's calorie count might be high, but I will get my steps and activity minutes in....


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Oh no Suziecheesecake, not the dreaded M&M's. Those dastardly, diabolical little guys. They are so hard to fight back against! So thankful you had the weapon of steps to fire back at them!
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My problem as well...I seem to be exercising well. Some days when I am busy at work, I make up additional steps the next day for the day before. However my scale is not moving. I am finding the exercise is okay, but finding it tough to stay away from sweets at work. Ugh. Ok..goal today, keep stepping and no sweets. If I don't lose weight soon, I will have to hire a coach /nutritionist to keep me accountable every single day.
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