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2015 -- Lose 20 pounds by Mother's Day -- 2015!

Hi!  I just saw a thread from 2014 where a group of mom's and non-mom's set a goal to lose 20 pounds by Mother's Day.  Anyone want to start one for 2015 with me?  I have about 35 pounds to lose total, but 20 by May sounds like a good goal to me. 


I am going to try to get my 10,0000 steps in and I am joining a gym this weekend to add strength training and cardio. 

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I just got my Fitbit yesterday.  I'm in for the challenge of 20 lbs by Mothers day.

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Im so in!
Feel free to add me ladies
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Wow - congratulations on your weight loss so far Elansc - you really are an inspiration! 


I have had my FitBit almost a month and am actually enjoying the exercise (especially the accountability), but the scale isn't really moving (down .2 since NYE).  Trying to look at the positive - down is down, I feel better, my legs feel like they are tightening up, but sure wish the scale would come along for the journey (it didn't have any issues going up!).


Someone else said it - "slow and steady wins the race", so let's keep on moving!!



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I've been diligent with logging in my steps everyday - even exceeding.  I'm also not seeing any change on the scale.  I'm going to try to not let that discourage me, but if anyone has suggestions on what I can do to see at least some progress.  I have been eating pretty much the same; no sugars, cut back on carbs, more protein, fresh fruits/veggies.  Ugh!  Has anyone tried chromium picolanate?

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i just started walking, had rotator cuff syrgery 2 weeks ago, so exercise is limited. i would love to join this group

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isn't there a way that in oneplace we can compete with steps ? i am new to this, but i thought we could join a group and compete?

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It was the Hershey's kisses that jumped me. They are so wicked. I did not invite them to my home. The hubby did.

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There might be some competitions. I am looking for spry and ideas. Did you try searching competitions? I can look for you when I get home tonight.
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You have to friend people first, then you can have challenges. There are directions, just do a search.


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Me too! Wish that scale would MOVE! I am so it would be nice if it it would! too! Patience is the key...

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Line dancing at work helps me get a good work out. My knees are feeling a little sore. I need to get more sleep so I take some Advil and go to bed

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I'm brand new and think that having weight loss and health buddies is very motivating. I got the Charge HR today after 3 days with a Flex that didn't work for me.  I love the breakdown of the minutes of cardio or fat burning. On 2 days the 10 K buzzer went off and I smiled.  The food log is a pain AND it makes me sooo much more mindful of calories, carbs & protein.  I eat pretty healthfully but snacking on nuts even raw walnuts are high cals at 190 for a 1/4 cup. Eeek and too many organic figs too. So for the challenge do we set a goal of x number of pounds by mother's day and then check in with others that are doing the same? 

I want to lose 12 lbs of belly fat and that is a very reasonable by mid May. 

Portion control and 10K steps should do it if I can choose to stay mindful and focused all day everyday. 

All the best to challengers.


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great news. You did it before so u have a track record pre injury. 


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Glad you are joining. Evenings are the challenge for me. I'm hungry right now after I danced for 2 hours to burn the darn fat off!!! I'm drinking water and going to sleep after a 100 cal. cheese stick snack. Just staying out of the darn kitchen. 


We can do this.

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I agree Canada that noticing the calories is startling how easily they add up. To lose a lb in a week, everyday we need to burn 500 more calories than we eat ! Wow, good thing that I love to dance once I get up and out.

If I'm out at the ballroom studio I'm not munching away watching PBS.


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Welcome. Wow lots of us doing this together feels great.  I like the standing and marching in place  while watching TV idea. Sometimes I walk around my room while I'm on the phone. 

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Activity that you enjoy helps. I love to dance so it means getting my buns up out of my comfy recliner and go dancing for a couple hours. Zumba class burn calories and add steps.

Idea is to burn 500 more calories than you eat everyday for a week and good buy 1 lb.  Sitting and sleeping hardly burn a thing so get up and boogie to your favorite tunes. 

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I taught line dance for years but it can be hard on the knees with so many pivot turns. Wear shoes without much tread help to turn. 

Have you tried a Zumba or aerobic low impact dance class. It gets my heart rate up in the cardio zone for sure. I'm trying to strengthen my heart and lose the pounds.

We are doing this. 

Start weight was 151

Current weight    152.1

Goal                     140

Portion control and activity is the plan.

Burn at least 500 more cals than I eat.  Aiming for eating about 1200 cal of healthy food a day. 

Actually got my flat tire fixed on my bike and rode it for about 25 minutes on flat bike path. It was fun and my thighs are just a little sore. 

Today I surpassed my goal. I burned more cals by far than I consumed but it took about 4 hours of dance to do it. Praying that the scale shows some kindness in the am. Although it may only be 2/10th of a lb. but down is good. 

Keep at it.

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Patience and persistence. 

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I think it is legit to ask our mates and room mates to hide the darn sweets. I can't even bring home emply carbs and sugars. I eat too much of healthy food already. I think we can ask for their help.


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