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April Absurdity 2017 Step Goal Challenge


How It Works:

The purpose of this challenge is to keep track of your daily step goals for April 2017. This is not a competition to see who can do the most amount of steps, instead it is a challenge to measure your consistency . So whether you do 100,1k, 5k, 10k or even 40k steps a day, this is measuring how many days out of 30 for the month can you hit your goal.


Some of you might have a constant goal of 10k steps every single day and some might have a variable goal throughout the week, for example.

Monday -> Friday = 10k steps a day

Sat & Sun = 6k steps a day

Regardless of how you structure your daily goals, the only thing that matters for this challenge is whether or not you reach what you set out to do.


Suggested Posting Format

1) Post either your constant or variable step goal.

2) Keep track of the # of daily goals achieved / 30.



3) Post either your constant or variable calories burned goal.

4) Keep track of the # of daily goals achieved / 30.

5) Post either your constant or variable (anything you want) goal.

6) Keep track of the # of daily goals achieved / 30.


Injury Notice

If you injure yourself during the month and decide scale back the number of steps due to the injury, then all you have to do is adjust your daily step goal for that period. If you normally do 10k steps a day but pull a hamstring and decide to do minimal walking (2k steps a day), then all you have to do is change your goal.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

Best Answer

Completed my step goal! I think after a long time, I am on a streak for completing my step goals. Overall, this month is a good one. 30/30 👍😀


Did my long distance run (18.3k) this morning in the rain and cold. Felt good.


Run 12/13.

Best Answer

15,000 steps a day

13 lifting days (this is based on Wed/Fri/Sun)

26/30 on the steps

13/13 on the lifting


Well, that's the end of my month.  Not bad overall.  Anyway, I set a new challenge thread for May:

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

Best Answer

Hit my 10,000 steps for the day, so I hit 10,000 everyday this month. 

One day I may have to consider increasing my goal, but, for now I'll leave it at 10,000. 🙂

Best Answer

8000 steps | 30 minutes of cardio, five days a week | strength training 2 days a week



This was a great month! I met (and usually exceeded) my goals every day this month. Last week was really hard but knowing that I would have to come here and report that I didn't reach my target was greatly motivating. Thank you guys for a great challenge! Happy May:)

Best Answer

Final for April


4/29 Steps 13.6 k, 19 floors, 6.2 miles

4/30 Steps 15.2 k, 24 floors, 6.98 miles


27/30 on steps, 24/30 miles, 


Continuing in May? I'm ready

Best Answer

10,000 Steps | 4k Burn | 16 lifting days


Steps: 26 out of 30

Burn: 22 out of 30

Lifting 16 out of 16 days.


Aaaand that is a wrap. Congrats everyone!!

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
Best Answer

Thank you for suggesting this challenge. I met my goal of 12000 steps a day and loved it!


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