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Are you following a program, or doing your "own thing"?

Diets Don't Work, so they say..  I've dieted many, many times and always ended up gaining it back.  I've tried cutting down and mindful eating (vs shoveling it in) - but unless I have some structure to follow I just don't do it.  I am picking up my exercise with my new fitbit, but can't overdo it because of bad knees.. I have a LOT to lose and find it hard to take baby steps.   I'm trying to change several habits at the same time.  I am succeeding with moving more, but not much else.  I do not need another failure to add to the long list of attempts.


What are you doing successfully?  Thanks!

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I go to the gym 3 times a week and use the fitbit to track. I also use MY FITNESS Pal and that indicates I am not eating enough too. You mentioned that was an issue for you and when you started eating more calories, the weight seemed to come off. I will think about that but I just joined Weight Watchers so I will try to follow their program for now. I don’t think it is wise to try to do both at the same time. So hard.
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I have been using Sparkpeople for about 3 years, I started out counting my calories and making a habit of the gym/classes (5-6 times a week).  I lost 35 pounds during that time and felt great and kept the weight off. About a year ago I started doing CrossFit, I gained some weight, stopped logging my calories and got more muscley (not sure if that's a word).  Honestly I was unhappy that way, I've put on about 10 pounds and need to get back to my routine.  Although I do like using the Fitbit I can't completely rely on it, I personally need more discipline with counting calories and seeing exactly how much I've burned and miles I've done.


~~~Turn your dreams into a reality~~~
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Take a look at my fitness pal.

Sent from my iPad, Cathy
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I am doing weight watchers along with fitbit and MyFitnessPal. I find logging into MVP easier and it links with fitbit. Still difficult
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Diet in Greek translates to "way of life." You just need to find what works for you that you can live with for your whole life. I try to eat responsibly but eat really whatever I want as long as I stay within my calorie goal. Hope you find what works for you!

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I just joined weight watchers along with tracking on My Fitness Pal.
Sent from my iPad, Cathy
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Check out The Beck Diet Solution!  It is a book that walks you step by step into the very mental game of losing weight.  Even though DIET is in the title, this book is all about a lifestyle!  


I have done Weight Watchers in the past, but do not want to pay for an online subscription that I really have not been using.  SO...I use My Fitness Pal and my fitbit.  


My new goals are process goals rather than product goals.  I have a goal that I will track all my food with My Fitness Pal daily NO MATTER WHAT and I will exercise 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes.  Hopefully by doing those 2 things, I will have a product of weight loss and healthy fitness.  🙂


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Thank you. I will get the book at the library. I already track my food on My Fitness Pal and exercise every day. I go to the gym 3 days (usually) and I use my treadmill the other days. I alway get the 10000 + steps in. So hard.
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I am doing my own thing. I was 83 kgs 2 months back 12 kg above my normal weight with BMI of around 27/28. I suddenly found motivation and joined gym. I am doing 55 min cardio ( 20mins treadmill + 20 mins on EFX ) daily. i have subscribed for a personal trainer at my gym for exercises alone whjo teaches me floor cardio, strength training and core strengthening on alternative days. I have stopped unmindful eating and junk food. I have stopped eating outside too. I am on my own diet method. I stop eating at the first instance of feeling satiety. Noe i am 75.3kgs as of today. Lost  7.5kgs in 2 months. so i have rewarded myself with a fitbit one so that i can try to modify my lifestyle for weightloss in addition to gym workouts. 

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I've gained too much over the years after various medical problems (too many to go into, but besides becoming hypo thyroid, I also at various times had broken each ankle which required weeks of inactivity, have had to have surgery on each foot for plantar fasciitis, and now have arthritis in knees) & for a long time could barely walk.  Weight loss was just not working.  

I am now under care of a bariatric specialist physician.  She started me on the HCG program for 1 month followed by a 1200 calorie a day meal plan.  My knees finally improved enough to begin taking fitness walks again last January.  In March I bought my Flex for extra motivation.  I use the FitBit log on my computer for more than just tracking miles.  I log my blood pressure, blood sugar, & A1c for diabetes.  During all my weight gain I had developed type 2 diabetes.  Since I started my program that includes walking & using my fitbit, I have lost 42# and completely reversed the type 2 diabetes!  

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Wonderful! Marvelous! Awesome! You are taking control! X(
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I too am doing WW and not my first time either.  It really is a life style and not a diet, but no matter how you word it, it is still hard.  I wished the weight came off quickly too, but I didn't gain it in one week either.  So I will stick with it.

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I ordered the book from the library and I will pick it up tomorrow. Another piece of the diet puzzle.
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Based on what I've been reading, everyone has something in common - find a way to lose the excess weight. I've been using WW since the first of January as a new years resolution.
Since then, I lost 36 pounds and I feel really good with my results.

A little thing about me - I don't like to exercise. I figure that if I need to lose weight, then it needs to happen in the kitchen. If I want to get fit, I'll exercise. So, I'm going to be a skinny weakling rather then a buff fat guy.

Just a couple of days ago I had to get a physical because I am a parent volunteer for the boy scout program. My family doctor was so surprised to see me lose so much weight since my last visit. Also to his surprise, I was in shape and tone with all the fat that I lost. He said, usually when you lose a lot of weight, the skin tends to sag and a couple of other indicators. I said yeah with joy knowing that I can continue what I'm doing with out exercise. The doctor was quick to let me know that exercise doesn't have to be sport training. He told me to just move enough to keep the heart rate elevated for an hour a day and walking should be enough for me.
We'll, the fitbit dashboard is telling me that I am walking enough to get this result.

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Sent from my iPad, Cathy
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I don't like exercise either!  I enjoy walking outdoors and hiking.  I hate walking on a treadmill in a gym. The Flex has been a great motivator for me with my walking program.  I use it and 'Map My Walk' on my cell phone.  Map my walk uses GPS.  I like both that app and my Flex.  Unfortunately summer isn't a good time for my outdoor walks since I live in Arizona.  Once the temperatures drop in the Fall I'll be walking further again!  


I'm glad walking does it! I just have to eat right!  I've done WW in the past, but I have to restrict it further than they say you need to.  I did their point system and even though I was very careful about it I didn't lose if I ate starchy carbs even in the amounts allowed.  I think that some people just have that problem, especially with age and I think it may be more women than men.  I'm glad it's working for you.  You're obviously doing great!





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Actually this is not my first time with WW and I stopped going because I wasn't losing weight and I was counting carefully. This time I will think about watching the carbs. I also use a fitbit and like walking outside, but it have been going to the gym too. When it is too humid I prefer the gym.

Sent from my iPad, Cathy
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good luck

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I found my favorite exercise program - pushing: pushing the plate back. Maybe even choosing smaller portions. What else can I do to avoid exercise - I'll let you know in a week.

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I'm doing a slightly modified version of the "Living Longer Stronger" plan by Dr. Darden. The modifications I've made just equate to me using more frozen meals (yeah yeah, I know) because I'm always on the go with two kids. The crux of the plan is some basic lifting, walking at least 30 minutes per night after dinner, drinking a metric ton of water and a low calorie diet. I've been able to lose 30lbs this Summer doing it. 

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