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Chats, Challenges & Laughs 2nd home


For all my Chats, Challenges & Laughs peeps! Since we can't get on the threads I thought I would start a discussion area for us. We may not be able to keep track of points standings easily but we can still talk.

I miss you!

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That’s an ignorant thing to say to a patient. I’m not sure what he means by that other than trying to discourage patients from returning with issues he can’t fix or explain well. Was he a podiatrist or orthopedic doctor? 

There are also special socks and splints I’ve seen on Amazon that can be worn to bed to keep your foot or feet in the proper position. I had to hobble around many mornings but I never bought those aids. TENS was a life saver. 

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He is a podiatrist who should know better than to shame his patients. I may go back because he is easier to get in to see than my primary care. Then I can explain that it may be my fault, but I need it gone! Till then, I have ice packs and frozen water bottles plus a bottle of ibuprofen at hand. Arg!

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I had plantar fascitis..I bought the special socks from Amazon. 

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When I had plantar fasciitis several years ago, I used ice, massage, and arch supports. Doctors didn’t take it very seriously back then. 

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Hi Everyone,


I don't know what happened! I stopped getting notification emails and I kind of forgot about our thread although I didn't forget about my friends here! I had no idea that anyone was still posting! I'm so sorry because I've missed you!


Normally I'd right a whole novel right now - I'm sure you know that about me by now - but I'm super busy so I'm just popping in for a quick hello. I'll try to come back later and catch up a little more soon! 


That said, overall, my life is going really well right now, I'm down 25 pounds since sometime in the spring last year so not nearly to goal but a nice steady progression. I'm LOVING my job that was still pretty new last time I was here and where I had a little trouble last summer. I am looking forward to not 1 but 2 vacations in April. My parents are still in decline but relatively stable and independent. So, overall, I'm happy and healthy and feeling optimistic about my future!

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you need to okay.

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Nice one 

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Hi All,

Still here.  Not happy with the changes to the Fitbit app.  I miss the challenges especially bingo.  I like many from Fitbit have joined Stridekick.  I has step challenges but no other type of challenges.  If anyone knows of any other apps that do fitness challenges I will be interested.  


@Katrin @Cele21 @ElaineJ27 @reszy @Glenda @Margaret @CJ hope you are all fine.

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I have officially hit 175 pounds--81 pounds less than I started back in 2020. It's been mostly a slow slog, with a six month rise thanks to health problems and lack of caring. July of last year I was at 225, up from a low of 185, so I have been making good progress since then of 50 pounds. Been using keto and managing quite well so long as I make sure to get my exercise in and prevent any muscle loss (though I have been severely lacking in upper body activity). Making sure to not overeat because "I earned it" with exercise. Keeping my food good and healthy, for the most part. I do still have treats so I don't bottle it up and completely throw the scale to the wind and binge.


Just found out that I really needed new underwear to fit and I needed to leave for vacation today. I found a small new package of 7s I had purchased on accident. I tried them on with doubt that I could even get into them. And They Fit! I can't believe it! I think that I can make it down the next twenty pounds to get to 155. I haven't seen this weight in ages. The last time I saw below 160 was 2013. It's worth it. Just have to remind myself: It's Worth It.

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Congratulations on the weight loss!


I have been on a sugar binge for about a month and can’t find my way out. I am restarting today and have pretracked my meals. Hopefully that will signal that what I have planned is ALL I am to eat today. 

I need to become more proactive toward my life instead of simply reactive to what’s going on around me. I am now only going to participate on one Bible study weekly instead of two. I will adhere to a regular bedtime/arise schedule (although I overslept two hours this morning!), and have preplanned my meals through Thursday. Friday and the weekends are unpredictable so I usually am out of control. 

I have paperwork that I have been procrastinating on and simply have to just dive in and get caught up. 

Spring is popping up here in the Midwestern US, along with storms. Today is sunny and 70 degrees F, but tomorrow night is supposed to bring in more thunderstorms. Now that I can walk better after my last knee replacement, I should get out my golf clubs and get some exercise. 

I hope all of you are doing well with life’s challenges and we can bring our group back to life. 

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Hope everyone had a lovely Easter and didn't overdose on chocolate and hot cross buns.  We were smarter this year and we just bought three chocolate bunnies.  Some years especially when we were younger we would have so many bunnies and eggs that we were still eating them in June.


We are now heading towards winter and most of Easter was wet.  I did not leave my house apart from putting the bins out the whole of the four day break.  We have started putting on the heater on in the mornings but the days are not that cold.  We had a BBQ on Easter Sunday and fortunately we have a covered patio as the rain was spitting from time to time.  As the afternoon was getting a bit cold we came inside about 4:30pm, around 5pm it chucked it down.


@ElaineJ27  - have you managed to keep to your sleep schedule and planing your meals.  I have to do this too.  My sleep patterns are not good especially when I am not on  my meds.  I had my annual health assessment last week (I have to do this to get five visits to a podiatrist for free for the year).  I asked my doctor for a referral to the specialist who replaced my hip as I think later in the year I will see about replacing at least one of my knees.  The funny thing is this week which is my "non meds" week my knees are not hurting so much, but then I haven't done much exercise or walking, it is my shoulders particularly my left one that is in so much pain.  I'm even having difficulty getting my bra on!


@Hmkitten - that weight loss is fantastic.  I need to get going as I need to lose about 35kg (about 77lbs).  I would be about 90kg (about 198lbs) which is still quite overweight but I want to be realistic, I am never going to be skinny.  I was a fat child, teen and adult.  I think the lowest I have weighed as an adult was around 80kg (175lbs) in my twenties.  You mentioned you were going on vacation, where did you go?


Well I am going to get back to my spring (that should be autumn) cleaning.  I am determined to throw out things.  I am fed up buying things knowing I have already got stuff but I can't find it or it is packed away where I can't easily get to it.


Hope to hear from more people soon.



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Hi everyone!

Well it happened. I bought a new Fitbit tracker (my original Flex died two years ago this July). We were at the store and they had a sale on the Inspire 2.

The band is not the color I wanted (they only had two left, both in the same color so I didn't have a choice) but I know I can get different ones on Amazon.

I just finished setting it up and syncing it so look out world, I'm back on track!

Now I just have to get used to it as it is so different from the Flex.


My weight has stayed stagnant for the last year and I needed something to get me moving again - even my daughter's upcoming wedding wasn't enough to keep me going.


You will be hearing from me more regularly now.


Hope you are all doing well!

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Hi! Congratulations on your new fitbit.  I got mine at Christmas and I like it but I haven't been taking advantage of all it can do for me.  I want to try to do better because I have put on enough weight that my clothes are not fitting like I'd like.  I had Gastric Sleeve surgery in 2011 and lost 80 pounds.  I've put 35 pounds back on and I'm nearing a mark that I don't like...200 pounds.  My problem is my addiction to sugar and snacking.  I just can't stop. I hope I can find something to help.  


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I did Not get a new Fitbit?

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Hi everyone!

Based on the almost one week of stats from the new tracker, I am not surprised.

I need to move more.

I need to make better food choices.

My sleep habits stink.

Nothing I didn't already know but seeing numbers in black and white is proof positive and allows me the knowledge to make the changes that are needed most.

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Hi Everyone,


Still around.  Hope everyone is well.  Still miss the challenges in Fitbit.  I joined Stridekick but I am not very impressed.  I did a couple of challenges but there is nothing like bingo.


Been spending the last few days watching the telly most of the time.  I watched King Charles III coronation and all the lead up and afterwards.  


We had a tile crack on the roof and our downstairs bathroom is leaking.  Due to the constant bad weather no one can get on the roof to fix the tile so a hole was made in the ceiling to hopefully stop the ceiling from coming down.  The hole was made directly above the bath so we don't have to worry about buckets.

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Good to see you are still around @Jan2512. It was very quiet here for a while.

Sorry about your roof, great that it's above the bath!

I have been trying hard the past couple weeks but have quickly learned that my ability to just say no is severely lacking.

This morning I told myself "no snacking" and wouldn't you know it? Someone at work brought in donuts. Saw them on the lunch room table and walked right on by to the coffee maker. Got my coffee, a paper towel and a donut on my way out. Oh well, try, try again.


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@Cele21 Hi Celeste, I know exactly what you mean I keep saying I'm going to do or not do things and before I've said the words I've broken it LOL. I have got to try to put some strategies in place, perhaps we can help each other work on this.  


I did quite a bit of furniture moving yesterday and I am paying for it today. So, I am going to binge watch stuff on the telly and take it easy so that hopefully tomorrow I can do more.  The weather isn't bad at the moment, we are heading towards winter and although it is a bit cool the next few days should be rain free ( which is good as the roof still hasn't been fixed).

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Oh, the lack of willpower (won't-power?) has been low as of late. The last two weeks have been undoing my best efforts to the tune of three pounds of not-water weight. 


On a good note, I went back to the podiatrist and he is working with me to try and get the plantar fasciitis under control so I can move easier. Injection was Tuesday and it seems to have started working! I have permission to start my walks again tomorrow and plan to test out the foot as soon as I can. The combination of being off my exercise game and eating too much has taken a hit to my emotional status. But I know how to fix those things. Outside stress that is making the will/won't power lag? Less in my control. But I'll manage!

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@Hmkitten  - good news on the plantar fasciitis! Just don't over do it to start.

@Jan2512  - hope your telly watching day helped get you better.

For me, this past weekend was up for grabs. We did a small trade show Friday and Saturday and Sunday was Mother's Day.

This means, fast food breakfast and lunch. For Friday breakfast I tried to be 'good' and asked for an Egg McMuffin from McDonald's. This is a first as I asked for just the sandwich not a meal. Hubby came home with a bacon McGriddle, my usual order in the past, which has more calories. Friday lunch was worse, a tuna sub from Subway (not horrible) with potato chips and soda (oh, oh.). Friday dinner was with a group at a burger restaurant at the hotel. BBQ bacon cheeseburger with sweet potato fries and a soda. Saturday breakfast was biscuits and gravy (my weakness) with scrambled eggs and bacon but my son ate the eggs. Saturday lunch was the same as Friday. I totally ignored my water. Yesterday I had a turkey sandwich with potato chips (have to use them up now that they are opened, don't I?) and water. Went to a movie and shared a soda with hubby but had a small buttered popcorn with nacho cheese. Since my weekend eating was out the window anyway, for dinner I had creamed chipped beef on toast and soda.

I didn't track my calories or water or anything all weekend. I knew the numbers would be hideous.

Today, I was up 3 pounds but I am back on track with food and water and should be able to get a walk in this evening also.

I am taking my will power back in far LOL!

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