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Valentines Day to April 18th

@Bobbinyc, I hope it's ok for me to plagerize your Christmas to Valentine's Day Topic Starter but it was absolutely perfect!!!


Welcome all Challengers!  What an amazing group we have!

Let's all continue together to take off the excess pounds and keep getting healthier.

This challenge will begin on Valentine's Day and finish on (American) Tax Day - 18 April 2017.   (Really!  It's the 18th this Year, not the 15th!)


All you need to join this challenge is to post your stats regarding your weight, and check in weekly or as often as you'd like. We are a great support group and enjoy keeping up with each other and being there for our ups and downs.  Generally we have found that the more we check in and offer support, tips, info,  and ideas to others, the more we get for ourselves.


We list our weight, as well as any other goals we might have related to being healthy (such as increase water, more active minutes, etc).  Developing good health habits is primary.



A little rundown of terminology for anyone who is new.


USW- Ultimate Starting Weight

CSW- Current Starting Weight (for this challenge)

GW- Goal Weight   (for Feb 14)

UGW- Ultimate Goal Weight   (what your healthy target weight is)

PW- Previous Weight

CW- Current Weight

MFP- My Fitness Pal


List as much info as you like.  Some people include age, gender, height....whatever seems relevant to you.


We keep it as serious or light as we feel, but we always keep it focused on being as healthy as possible, while we support each other kindly.  We can do this together!!

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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926 REPLIES 926

Yes, that was me Barb. I really enjoyed the video! I'm trying to cut back on the snacks, and my weight is going back down, albeit slowly. But as long as it's going down I'm happy.


@dancefoxtrot wrote:


Hi Donna,

Are you the Donna that followed the link to my dance performance on FB? If so thanks a bunch.

It often is the darned food and sometimes I have to skip a meal and only eat 500-600 cal. for a day to kick start the scale going down.  If I do that 2x a week I definitely loose weight and then eat about 1200-1300 calories the other days. All good healthy food lots of veggies.


Barbara G


F, 53, 5'9", PA
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USW= 235 (Christmas 2016)

CSW= 224.3 (Valentine's Day 2016)


CW= 218.5 (+2.1 lbs this week)   Smiley Sad 

Total lost since Valentine's Day=5.8

Total lost since Christmas 2016= 16.5

GW= 210

UGW= 125



My weight jumped all over the place this week. Yesterday, it was 216.3; today it's 218.5. I'm going to watch my salt and drink lots of water. I know I haven't been getting as many steps. It's spring break and my husband and I have been working on several big projects. Busy- but not very active. Lots of work to do if I want to meet my goal for April 18.


Goals this week: Meet my step goal every day; drink lots more water

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@dancefoxtrot  Happy Belated Birthday.  I read Bobbinyc's wishes for you and I second them.  I want to add that you have been very generous here.  Some people only come in and write about themselves.  Others notice and support or give advice to other people.  You are always very giving and write more about others than yourself.  My wish for your birthday and year is that you receive the generosity you give.

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Morning All!!

Wishing everyone a great day!   looks like everyone has their challenges but have been doing a fantastic job in keeping busy and weight loss,  very impressive!  


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@dancefoxtrot  I also send you great birthday wishes. I went to view the dance video and going to share it with my mom. You are such a valuable member of our little crew. Thanks for being here!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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3/29/17 SW for challenge was 158.6 lbs

4/3/17 PW is at 158.8 lbs   

4/4/17 CW is at 156.8 lbs

2.8 lbs away from goal weight. 🙂


Starting to see it head back to a good direction. Last night being home alone I found myself facing cravings. I think with the fiance out I look for some extra comfort food. Going to try and keep up the good eating. I think I have also been missing more protein. (I have a tendency to eat a lot of fruits and veggies but I am not stocked up on meats to go with it.) Hoping to get my steps plus some Zumba toning tonight. We will see. 🙂 

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Well deep in my heart I know I probably shouldn't count this weight, BUT,  I have wanted to see this weight for so long I just got to excited and have to count it. Now my reason for saying I probably shouldn't count it is... (TMI) I have been up most of the night in the bathroom... SO I am sure that is some of the loss.. BUT maybe if I count it, I will get that extra incentive to make sure and keep it off.(Lord, Please don't let it come back tomorrow or

This makes my 50 pound (and 4 ounces) loss... YAY!!!

I have been doing better eating this past week and walking a little more. I had plans made to walk this morning but with being sick all night I just didn't have the energy to make myself. I am hoping all this will pass by the time I get off work and I can still get my walking in this evening.

Well I guess I need to get my slow moving rear in gear and try to muddle my way through this day. Oh how I wish I was home in bed! BUT as I tell my kids, no work...No So I will make the most of it and stay as long as my body will let me. I am praying it passes soon.

I hope everyone has a wonderfully BLESSED day!

I feel so excited, but that I shouldn't. Is it bad that I feel so excited even though I know it may not be 100% accurate???? Woman Indifferent


MY stats
USW - 210.0 lbs April 25th 2016
02/14/17 - 167.2 lbs -  Starting this challenge weight

02/21/17 - 168.2 lbs - Gained 1 pound 

02/28/17 - 164.8 lbs - Lost 3.4 Pounds 

03/08/17 - 164.0 lbs - Lost 0.8 pound 

03/15/17 - 164.0 lbs - Stayed the same

03/21/17 - 164.0 lbs - Stayed the same

03/28/17 - 163.0 lbs - Lost 1 pound

04/04/17 - 159.6 lbs - Lost 3.4 pounds 

04/11/17 -

04/18/17 -

Challenge Goal Weight 158.0

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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I love what you wrote to @dancefoxtrot.  She is one of the founding members of these challenges.  If not for her, we wouldn't have this wonderful group.  When I first joined, ages ago, she was the one who set the tone of support and wisdom, and has always led the way for others.




The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@BobbinycI am going to be more involved in this challenge since my med has caused me to gain over 20 lbs. The specialist thinks the weight is linked to the other side effects  which are extreme tiredness and other things they are unaware of because they have never used this drug before . Say what????? Been nice to know earlier. No, really the drug has done it's job and I an totally free of Hep C that has been sitting there for almost 40 years. The genotype was a 3 so it is rare and from Asia so they are sure I got it when I got blood , about 5 units after I had my daughter. Can't believe it worked but the numbers don't lie.They will keep checking the fibrosis in the liver for cancer cells but hope that by taking the meds for the full 90 days even though I was cleared in 50 will allow the liver to heal itself. The weight gain is a small price to pay considering the pills, and you take one a day cost 1000.00 dollars each. My insurance paid in full on my plan D. 30,000. a month for 3 months and there was no other option so I was blessed. My liver test have been normal all my life so the only way to find this is to get screened like the tv ads say. Medicare will normally cover the screening so lets go people.

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I"m back from a 5 day vacation at the shore where I got to walk along the beach, do some birding, see some amazingly beautiful sights, and have a terrible cell connection for which I am grateful.  It's  nice to be out of touch with the rest of the world for awhile.  

I don't understand why it is when you go south of the Mason Dixon Line, all the food has cream, butter, and pork fat in it.

I went on what I thought was going to be a 2 mile hike around a pond (according to my friend who had been there before).  Turns out the trail was 4 1/2 miles out and no other way back but to hike it again.  And that was carrying heavy camera equipment.  I'm now icing my foot as my Achilles tendon and Plantar Fascia are hurting again.  I have family coming in this week for a few days and I should be shopping, cooking,cleaning.  I"m so angry with myself for not checking the map myself.


But I did get to see a Great Horned Owl on a nest, grebes, mergansers, loons, warblers, and avocets.  


The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@Nora58  I am so glad the medication worked.  What a horrible ordeal.  I am in the process of complaining to a hospital about a medication they gave me for an out-patient procedure.  It wasn't necessary and I had awful side effects.  I did my own research and the side effects are actually common.  This is not informed consent.  I am pushing to have the hospital's procedures clarified so all nurses and doctors discuss meds with patients first, something they apparently rarely do.

We do need to be our own advocates.  It gets difficult when we are vulnerable and in their hands.  But we need to try to always be in "our own hands" and take charge of getting all information.

Well, I'm glad your ordeal has a good ending.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@terryrunning  I am very impressed with how much you are thinking about what is involved in getting healthy.  Between that, and following suggestions made here, I have no doubt you will succeed.  You are very strong.  All of those strong qualities you relied on when taking care of your son are what you need to take good care of yourself too.  We all struggle with putting ourselves high up on the list.  It sounds like it is your turn.  

My opinion: starting with giving up soda is too hard and too complicated.  It probably has several habits attached to it, like when you drink, where you drink.  Like people who try to give up smoking find that it also means dealing with how they have breaks at work, or how they drink coffee.  We have to look at the surrounding habits.  What about starting with some easier things first.  

When I lost weight a couple of years ago, I had started with drinking more water, going for small walks and gradually increasing them, eating more vegetables...stuff like that.  

I also hope you had a complete physical recently.  The non-scale victories, like lower blood pressure or cholesterol, are so important.   And you want to check with your doc about any restrictions or special recommendations, especially if you are on meds.

Would it make sense to start with one easy thing and just focus on that, making that a habit?  Then you can add more.  I think the key is to go in baby steps, so each step is very doable and leads to the next one.

Keep letting us know how you are doing.

The activity that seems impossible today, will soon be your warm-up
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@Bobbinyc  Again, thanks a whole lot.  I do need to add more veggies, drink water (never do at all, hate the taste) and walk.  I hate walking around since I look so fat and my clothes aren't even remotely in style.  I know that sounds silly.  But I keep thinking everyone is saying "there goes the fat lady".  I also can't get very far at all.  I still keep having thoughts about just doing a diet plan that will get the weight off fast, even though that never worked before for long.  Or that I shouldn't just walk a mile but should train for a 5k.  

I will take your advice and start with the easier things.

Thanks again.

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@HeartBiller  There is a horrible intestinal virus going around here and it's so infectious there is a public warning to stay home and out of the public if you have it. Working in a doctor's office, I can see where you might pick it up easily, but it goes for passing it around too. You handle all the charts (I think) and insurance cards, etc. Please, take care of yourself but also everyone else. I know there's no pay if you miss work but I hope you use that hand sanitizer a LOT. 

I hope you feel better and take the darned loss!!! You might get some fluid back but it'll come off again! 


Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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@Nora58 I am soooo happy you had coverage. When I hear about people suffering under horrible medical debt I wonder what kind of civilized nation could allow it to happen. I suppose we aren't that civilized yet, to make health care a human right rather than an economic luxury. Thank goodness for high taxes and social programs in Canada. I'd not want it any other way. I've never received a medical bill nor have I seen one.

I'm glad you have recovered but now we have to work on those 20 pounds!! What plans do you have? Energy is an issue so you'll probably start slow. Keep us posted so we can cheer you on!!!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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@Bobbinyc  Oh your description is wonderful! I want to walk on the trails and on the beach (we are 20 min from the ocean), etc. Tomorrow I am being taken to pick up my daughter at university. She is done her degree and moving home! But I think, the next day, I'll take a walk along the river trail and take pictures and look for wildlife. There's not a whole lot around. We saw the first returned robins yesterday. The geese are back. Someone said they'd seen a cedar waxwing. But do I know birds? No...just distinctive ones. We have had large cross-posts planted in the muddy banks that eagles have built nests. They love hunting above the marshy grasses. It will be therapeutic to walk the trails. 

Thanks for reminding me!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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@_Lilac_Well I don't think I have a virus. I "think" I had a reaction to a medication. I am weak and tired today, but muddling I do work in a doctors office but I have my own office and can stay clear of everyone for the most part. So that makes it easier on me to work when I really don't feel like it.  I do all the administrative stuff so I am not in the patients faces and the staff can stay away from me if they want 

Thanks for the cheer on the 50 lbs.. I was super excited.. It almost made the night worth But I could have held off another few Oh Well I am still super excited!!!

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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@HeartBiller Congrats on the 50 lbs loss! Can't wait until I'm there too.

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Note to self: If you spend a lot of time standing at the counter, choosing the healthiest items on a fast food menu, check the bag before driving 30 minutes home.

I was so proud of myself for choosing the grilled nuggets and superfood side instead of a sandwich and fries. I paid twice the price for the healthy items but when I got home, I had fried nuggets instead of grilled. 😞 Double the calories, but still within limits for the day. I was trying to be under the calories for today but oh well...I'm almost at my step goal and plan to walk a little more to get extra steps and burn a few of those calories off. 🙂 

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@GettingfitinSCYou will be there before you know it! You are stepping like a real boss! You got this!

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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