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Weekly Weigh In


I am weighing myself every Monday morning and I am going to log my results each weigh for accountability and support. Please feel free to join in.


Start weigh                   125.5 kg 14/12/2015

Now                              124.2 kg 11/01/2015


Loss this week             200g

Loss to date                 1.3kg


"Slow and steady wins the race"


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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2,723 REPLIES 2,723

@Dominique - you know, I didn't even realize that my goal is just a tad more than half my original weight! It's like I was carrying an extra person around... that surely puts things in perspective, doesn't it?


I started on May 18, 2016. So, about 8.5 months ago. I don't have a date for my final goal - I figure it will happen when it happens. I don't want to get overly fixated on deadlines and start obsessing about numbers on the scale (which I can totally do if I let myself). As long as things are moving along and I am feeling good, I'm happy. 


Once I am at goal weight (or thereabout), I will start focusing on adding some extra muscle mass. But, because that requires a completely different dietary approach, I will reassess my nutrition once I get there. 


Completing C25K felt so good! I definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in trying out running. The program truly works!

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Weighed in today...

Starting Weight: 194.6 lbs (Dec 1, 2016)
PW: 187.4 lbs (Dec 😎

PW: 185 lbs (Dec 15)

PW: 183.6 lbs (Dec 22)

PW: 182.2 lbs (Dec 29)

PW: 179.6 lbs (Jan 5)

PW: 180.2 lbs (Jan 12)

PW: 176.8 lbs (Jan 19)

PW: 175.6 lbs (Jan 26)

CW: 173.6 lbs (Feb 2)
Total Weight Lost: 21 lbs

Valentine Goal: 170 lbs
Mini-Goal: 160 lbs (by Mar 9, Spring Break)
Goal Weight: 135 lbs (by July it might change as I start losing and seeing how it actually looks)

Dana - 39 - 5'7" - F - Washington - Fitbit Alta
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@A_LurkerMajor congrats to you! I know you have to be super proud! I know that a lot of people here are super proud of you! It is truly a major accomplishment to have achieved! You are such an inspiring person and you always have a positive outlook on everything. You have no clue what an inspiration you are to so many others!

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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Hi Everyone!


Here are this week's stats:

USW: 224.5 lbs (7/6/16)

CSW: 177.0 (12/23/16)

CW: 176.5 (12/30/16) -0.5 lbs

CW: 173.5 (01/06/17) -3.0

CW: 171.0 (01/13/17) -2.5

CW: 169.5 (01/20/17) -1.5

CW: 169.0 (01/27/17) -0.5

CW: 168.0 (02/03/17) -1.0

CW: (02/10/17):

CW: (02/14/17):

UGW: 155


Made it through another week and lost another pound!  Up to a total of 56.5 pounds lost so that's my motivation to keep going! 


Have a good week!

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USW 208 (5/22/16)
PW 181.9 (1/1/17)
CSW 177.7 (1/8/17)
PW 177.5 (1/15/17)
PW 174.7 (1/22/17)
PW 173.6 (1/29/17)
CW 172.5 (2/5/17)
GW 158 (5/22/17)
Plan: mfp food tracker and exercise 5 days per week


I'm hoping to hit 169.9 by Valentine's Day. I haven't been in the 160's since college. 

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@tamado - Wow.  That's quite a journey.  Seems like you've it a pretty good equilibrium over the past 8 months or so.  

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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@IdahoSandy: you’re doing great! Are you following a particular diet, or mostly controlling your calories by tracking with MFP? what Fitbit are you using? Have you found your calculated deficit (as per MFP for calories in and as per Fitbit for calories out) matched your actual weight loss? 

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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@Move.It.Move.It - Well, you (and many others) have kept this thread going for a year+ now.  Looks like it's going to stick  Smiley Very Happy  I better join up!  I'll my weigh in later.  Cheers.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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It's Sunday: Time for the weekly weigh-in!


On the scale this morning: 184.7

Down 0.7 from last Sunday

Down a whopping 6.3 since January 1!


I'm heading for 150 by, God willing, July 4!

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So January 6, 2016, I weighed 195.9 lbs.  That's about 20-30 too much, so I focused and moved down to 186lbs by March 25.  Alas, that was the low point.  Steady rise after that until I hit 202.3lbs on January 6, 2017.  Here's my TrendWeight chart for the whole story.

196 -> 186 -> 202 -> ?196 -> 186 -> 202 -> ?

So, since the Jan 6, 2017 high point, I've been losing about 1.2lbs/week.  Today's actual weight was 193.2 but my TrendWeight is still at 196.4 (TrendWeight shows a moving average daily weights to eliminate some of the day to day noise that variances in water weight introduce).  Goal weight is 165 to 174 lbs, which would put me in the top end of my normal BMI range.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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🙌🏼😥let do this!!!!

Sent from my iPhone
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Weekly weigh in:
SW: 158.8#
Last week: 153.2#
CW: 153.4#
IGW: 145#
GW: 135#
Lost this week: +0.2
total loss: 5.4#

No weight loss last week in fact I am up 0.2. But that's ok. I know that I tend to yoyo during the weight loss process. Staying hopeful and positive. 

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I am starting today.

I had gained 7 pounds on a cruise in December, and another 2.6 pounds since being sick.

No more gaining!

I am starting today at 132.6, Monday Feb. 6, and logging my food.

Goal weight is 120 by June 3 to wear a specific dress.

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Avg This Week: 177.1

Avg Last Week: 177.5


I seem to be stuck at 177. Gym was on point this week. I usually take my 16 y/o and we hit the weights and then he usually finds something else to do when I do my cardio. He tried out the stairmaster and recommended I do the same. So I tried it out Thurs and Sat and I'm liking it better than the treadmill. I had a few meals out this week but nothing ridiculous. I'm noticing changes on my body, more veins, more definition, so something is definitely going on, the weight just hasn't moved down much.

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WEEKLY WEIGH IN for me (Phil Chenevert)



highest weight 212 lbs. 

goal weight  144  (I am a short old guy, 5'4" with 76 fun filled years)


WEEK 1  JAN 16, 2017    BEGINNING WEIGHT   161.6 pounds

WEEK 2  JAN 23, 2017   CURRENT WEIGHT       162.2 pounds   + 0.6 pounds  whoops!  

WEEK 3  JAN 30, 2017  CURRENT WEIGH         160.4    -down 1.8 pounds !!!!   yaaaa.  feelin' good too

WEEK 4  FEB 6, 2017    CURENT WEIGHT          160.0  - another tiny loss and in the right direction too.


Well, my daughter bought me my favorite flavored King Cake (lemon) and so now I have fallen off of the King Cake waggon.  Oh well, it is delicious and I must just eat a piece a day.  Another note is that I have been working with weights for about 8 weeks now so that probably has an impact; I can feel my muscles getting stronger and tighter. In fact I gotta go work out right now.   Yippee, another great week coming up.  


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Start 265 lbs 09/27/2015
This Week 158.4 02/02/2017

Last week  159.8 01/30/2017

Maintenance mode
Loss Range 105 lbs +/- 5 lbs


So I lost weight this week and I really don't know why.  I am eating a lot and healthy so I won't stress about it.

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USW- 407

CSW- 360 (Feb 2016)

PW - 259.8 (1/29/17)

CW - 259.4 (-0.4 lbs)

Progress:  1.90 lbs/week for 53 weeks

UGW- No idea yet  Woman Happy


So I definitely coasted this week, which was the plan.  I didn't count calories, or aim for a specific step count (although I think mentally I'm back to aiming for 10,000).  I'd gotten to a point where I was doing an insane number of steps and working on higher calorie burn days.  I kept saying that I was going to look at quality of workouts (ie. working harder, not longer) but wasn't doing it.  I definitely was burned out.  I'm not quite sure I'm ready to go back and hit it hard, but worst case scenario I found that I can move less, eat more (without counting) and still squeak out a bit of a loss.


I've been super desk-bound at work.  I meant to fix that today but it really didn't work.  So I'm off to go workout for a bit, make dinner, probably log my food, and then either go to bed early or use the hot tub before the freezing rain and/or snow starts.  Woman Surprised


Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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Starting weight : 203.8 lbs (10-19-2016)

CW: 192.8 lbs (02/06/2017)

Goal : 149


Following keto diet but weightloss has been very slow. Mostly becasue of no regular fitness routine.

I do  at most 2 days of crossfit class and 2 days of running for 30 mins.

Need to bum up on the excercise in the comming days.



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Good morning,


To say I am disappointed is an understatement.  I logged 6 days last week.  Friday was a day out with my husband.  I made no effort to keep track of what I ate.  There was a lesson learned though.  After I had ordering a latte macchiato I realized I should have ordered tea for zero calories...  Even that day I did not over do it.


The scale IS moving in the right direction, just at a snail's pace.  


SW 79.8 January 31


CW 79.6 February 7


GW 70

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Good morning! Started yesterday at 132.6.

Today 131.2


Difference is the eating out we did on Sat nite. Took a little while to get it out of my system.

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