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Weekly Weigh In


I am weighing myself every Monday morning and I am going to log my results each weigh for accountability and support. Please feel free to join in.


Start weigh                   125.5 kg 14/12/2015

Now                              124.2 kg 11/01/2015


Loss this week             200g

Loss to date                 1.3kg


"Slow and steady wins the race"


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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2,723 REPLIES 2,723

Jan. 6, 2017:       202.3 lbs

  • Sun, 6.4:     172 lbs
  • Sun, 6.11:   170.4 lbs
  • Sun, 6.18:   168.8 lbs --- Woot Woot, I'm in the 160s!
  • Sun, 6.25:   168.0 lbs --- Whoa, the year is 1/2 gone ... last weigh-in for June.
  • Sun, 7.2:     167.1 lbs
  • Sun, 7.9:     166.6 lbs
  • Sun, 7.16:   165.3 lbs
  • Sun, 7.23:   163.8 lbs --- Yay!  Blew right through my goal!!

-1.5 lbs since last week

-38.5 since start. 

Goal Weight: 165 lbs


Woohoo!  So, in about 7.5 months I've finally hit my goal weight (this is about what I weighed in High School).  My rate of loss was about 1.2 lbs/week, and my BMI and fat % are in the healthy range at 23.6 and 18.7%.


Six months really isn't very long, but that is really just my most recent effort.  I've got 5.6 years of weight records from my Wi-Fi scales and this goal has seemed a little out of reach every time.  I'd get down to reasonable levels (BMI of 24 -- 26) for a period of time, but that has often been followed by long upward trends to less healthy weight.  Day to day or even week to week it's hard to see, but the changes are dramatic when looked at over a 5 year span ...

5.6 years of weight change5.6 years of weight change

I've been thinking about maintenance since I started losing in January.  Eventually I'd like to stop counting calories and rely more on hunger cues to manage how much I eat.  But short term I want to build a little more muscle and lower my fat percentage through my weight training.  Over the past six months I've lost 29.4 lbs of fat and 8.8 lbs of lean body mass (around 3.3 lbs of fat for every lb of LBM).  So my plan over the next six months is to continue to "cut" or lower my weight to about 160 lbs to lower the body fat % a bit more, and then to "bulk" up to 170 lbs to try and gain back some LBM.  After that I'll try to go back to 165 lbs and see if I've managed to change my body composition with a lower fat percentage at that weight. 


The scary part will be gaining weight after trying so hard to take if off this year, but I think doing it deliberately will be a little different than in the past when it happens despite my best efforts to maintain.  


So next week I'll update my "Goal Weight" from 165 lbs to "160 lbs to 170 lbs" and we will see how it goes.  


This thread has been a great place to share thoughts, get (and hopefully give) positive feedback, and to see the many different journeys we are all going through.  Thanks to all of you for your comments and encouragement.  I plan to keep posting here for a long time.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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SW (pre Fitbit) Nov 14 2016; 123kg

SW (Fitbit) March 02 2017;    97.7kg


PW July 03;                            81.6kg

PW July 10;                            81.2kg

PW July 17;                            81.2kg

CW July 24;                            80.6kg


mini goal; 70kg by christmas



600g loss this week so back on track. Trendweight has me hitting 70 by bout Dec 3 so that looks good too. I had a good look at my eating habits over the last few months and portion sizes. Seems I'm eating double the portion of porridge then I'm writing down🙈🙈. I was measuring it at first but somewhere along the way I got lazy and started estimating. Guess portions just gradually grew. Gonna have to watch that.


funnily enough as soon as I realised that I was eating double the portion my brain told me i was too full half way through lol. Amazing how fullness can also be affected by actively knowing how much you've eaten 

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Ugh- I'm up 1.5 pounds. It was a stressful week at work. I eat when I am stressed!

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Great Job!  I am fairly certain you were frustrated by your progress in past years, getting so close and then missing your goal - but your perseverance has paid off.  I'm sure you've learned so much about yourself.  Thank you for sharing both your ups and downs, I know it will help me work through frustrating patches.


On the maintenance without counting calories bit - I know I have gotten into trouble with that, by not being mindful, not weighing myself regularly, and not catching my bad habits before I completely undid all the good work I'd already done.  If I ever get down to maintenance, I think I'll still need to count calories for a long time.  Watching the results from The Biggest Loser - especially articles that come out now with how they've put the weight back on, I've asked my sister (an MD, though she doesn't specialize in nutrition), she believes that it takes about a year for the body's metabolic rate to reset itself.  If you've spent the last couple years eating 2500 cals a day, and in order to lose weight you went down to 1800, you have to retrain your body for longer than it takes to lose weight to keep it looking for 1800 vs 2500 (I hope that makes sense).


I figure they're all just pieces of the puzzle to put together.  Good luck on maintenance and on building lean muscle!

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Week 8: July 24, 2017


Highest Weight: 305.5 lbs

Weight 2 weeks ago: 298.9

Now: 298.1

Loss these last 2 weeks: -.7

Loss to date: -7.4


That extra week helped my morale a lot. Between Monday and Tuesday I think I dropped around 5 lbs – definitely water weight, as my eating and my working out are not that extreme. The good lesson I’ve learned from that is that I need to continue to drink more water, it really seems to help my body process everything.


I do feel a little like my weight loss recorded today is due to the graciousness of the scale gods. When I weighed myself last night (something I *rarely* do, but was curious if I was going to be able to post a loss this week), I was about 2 lbs heavier. I’m feeling very Dune-esque, and am now imagining myself exhaling all the moisture from my body.


In other, positive thoughts – I’m feeling better about my workouts. I’m running for just a wee bit longer each interval, and while it may not seem like much at the time, I know it will add up. The days when I don’t have a workout planned, I’m trying to be more active, while I don’t quite get 10k steps every time, I do think my general activity level has gone up, which will help.


Slow and steady wins the race, neh?

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This week was a really bad one for me. A lot of events were going on, I had to sample entrees at work, and I went to the cottage with my family - a lot of snacking happened. I gained quite a bit for a single week. I'm trying to tell myself that I'm still below what I was at the beginning, and that's what's important.


Start weight: 200 lbs (5/5/17)

Last week's weight: 184.6 lbs (7/17/17)

Current weight: 187.6 (7/24/17)

Gain this week: 3 lbs

Loss to date: 12.4 lbs

Mini goal: 185 (7/31/17)

Next big goal weight: 167 lbs (12/31/17)


I hope this week is better.

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Start 265 lbs 09/27/2015
This Week 156 07/24/2017
Last week 159.6 07/18/2017

Maintenance mode
Loss Range 105 lbs +/- 5 lbs


I continue to compare my portions, proportions and choices to those around me.  I evaluate healthy people and compare and I evaluate obese/unhealthy people and compare.  I spent the weekend with my inlaws camping.  My father in law is an obese type II diabetic.  When some cookies came out, I passed, he said "guess I better shoot up" and gave himself an insulin shot in the stomach.  The cookies were large macaroons from our bakery.  My wife cut one in half, so did my mother in law.  My father in law ate a half, then the other...  That was me.  If I like it, I should have a lot of it.  To even limit portion size is to punish yourself.  I somehow managed to overcome that mentality.  I had one small bite off of my wife's macaroon, then a square of dark chocolate.  I did not feel deprived and I participated in dessert in some way.  In the morning, they looked confused and somewhat disgusted by my mix of spinach, kale, peppers, onions and mushrooms sauteed up with eggs on top.  They made pancakes and I had one but I cut up a bunch of fresh fruit for them instead of just copious amounts of syrup.  

I saw my father in law fix a step in front of their camper.  He removed six screws, flipped a board around and screwed 6 new ones in (with a drill).  He struggled to bend over to reach, was exasperated when he had to get up to go to the truck to get new screws and was somewhat out of breath when it was done.  My family went on the go-carts and we rented canoes and paddled around the little pond.  I am loving being a healthy and active dad.  I am no longer making excuses about what a hard week I've had and my feet, knees, back, etc hurt so dad is going to sit this one out.  Now the kids wish I'd sit down or take a nap sometimes :-).
I do not tell this story to judge, I tell it because it makes my sad and it is a reminder of where I have come from not very long ago.  I feel like he especially has given up and she just wants to "support" him but it starts to look like enabling.  When he was first diagnosed he "tried" to eat healthier and she replaced all of the sugar in the house with artificial sweeteners and tried to make diabetic food but those efforts have faded.  

I wondered if I had eaten too much this weekend but I weighed in my lowest since I started losing two years ago so I guess not.  My previous lowest weigh in was 156.8

2017-07-22 14.08.51 - Copy.jpg

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@Baltoscott, great post.  I have found that with making healthy choices and an active lifestyle I no longer count or log everything and I have been maintaining quite well.  I stopped logging at the beginning of April and in the following four months I have not gained.  I would spot check myself for a while after but I have not done that in a few months either.  I probably eat cleaner now then I did when I was losing because I have learned and adapted and this has just become the new me.  I hope you find something similar that works for you.

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Ultimate Starting Weight265 lbs
Current Starting Weight199 lbs
Last Week's Weight189.6 lbs
Current Weight189.1 lbs
Weekly Change-0.5 lbs
Mini Goal180 lbs


It was my neice's first birthday this weekend so I may have had a bit more than usual as I chose to not weigh everything I was eating. I have realized that I tend toward having 5 smaller 'meals' rather than the traditional 3 lately and it is strange when things throw that off. I will go to a restaurant with my family and eat less than half an adult meal and feel stuffed, but know that in 2.5 to 3 hours I will finish the rest of the meal or be hungry again. 

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@etvete the social aspects of eating are so interesting to me.  If I go for a meal and order a plate of nachos, a burger and drink three beers no one will judge me but if I get a salad people feel free to comment derisively.  They "worry" about you not eating enough but it is much more about their own insecurity surrounding food most of the time.  Listen to your body, eat well!

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Yet if you were still overweight people around you would judge you no matter what you ordered

@tamado wrote:

@etvete the social aspects of eating are so interesting to me.  If I go for a meal and order a plate of nachos, a burger and drink three beers no one will judge me but if I get a salad people feel free to comment derisively.  They "worry" about you not eating enough but it is much more about their own insecurity surrounding food most of the time.  Listen to your body, eat well!


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@IMchika @tamado -- thanks for your kind words and perspective. One benefit of my weight records is confirmation that I can do the maintenance thing. Looking at my 5 year graph posted above I see I was able to maintain for about 18 months between mid-2015 through December 2016.  It's just that, at 190 - 200 lbs, it was at about 30 lbs heavier than I wanted to be.  Over the period I was tracking some of the time, but mostly I was in a pattern of eating that included too many empty calories -- (a couple of beers every night, too many meals out, or carry out, as examples).  


I will probably keep plugging away with the tracking through my initial cut, bulk, cut experiment over the next several months, but I think around January next year, or so, I will have my good habits established well enought to transition to infrequent calorie counting.  


Good to have intermediate and long term goals.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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@tamado I totally get what you are saying. It makes it really hard sometimes to stay on track for me when my Mom goes out of her way to get dessert that I can eat since I am gluten-free. Though she also then criticizes me when I am at a larger weight. Though she herself is larger and makes many terrible decisions. I have started to somewhat go down the intuitive eating path where I will eat if I am hungry and what i am eating is healthy and a moderate serving and at some point in the early evening i will log my calories for the day to check where I am at. It has been going well so far but only time will tell if I can continue with that path.


@EmjayH I totally agree, though it isn't strictly the overweight doing it. My mom and I do it to each other all the time. Nitpicking at what each other is ordering at restaurants and such.

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Congratulations @Baltoscott! What a great accomplishment! I love the trend weight graph. Really shows how far you have come. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing your future posts.

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Start:            253 lbs

Last Week:  132.4 lbs

This Week:  132.4 lbs

Change:       0 lbs

Total Loss:  - 120.6 lbs

Goal :           lose no more than 0.5 lbs per week in the next few weeks in transition to maintenance, and eventually bulk


No change, which is can either be bad or good. I know I am retaining water, so I am not sure how much I lost. Hopefully, it's not more than 0.5 pounds. We'll see in a couple of weeks, I guess!


Had a grueling 4.2 mile trail race yesterday. Aside from intense elevation gain through the course, it was filled with extremely narrow trails obstructed by huge fallen trees, rocks and gnarly roots. Way more advanced than what I am ready for. The only reason I am glad I did it is because I now know not to return there until next year, if that! Out of 30 women taking part, I was 20th. At least I finished - midway through I seriously considered giving up!

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Congratulations @Baltoscott. Reaching your goal is a great achievement.  Your loss has been steady and consistent even with your social life 🙂

Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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Start 128.5kg

Last week 117.5kg

This week 117.1kg

Shrinkage 11.4kg

Mini goal 115kg

Desired 70kg


This week I weighed myself everyday to see what my weight would do. I fluctuated up by 3kg (6.6lbs) which had me panicking but it slowly came back down to recording a loss of 0.4kg. I am really enjoying my food at the moment because I am spending a lot more time in the kitchen cooking up a storm. My goal gift for getting to 115kg is a Magimix food processor. Today I am making a new recipe Red Lentil and Pumpkin Soup. Soups are a great way to get more veggies in and they are so filling. red-lentil-and-pumpkin-soup-46233-1.jpeg


The delicious looking topping is low fat yogurt and coriander.


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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The is a great looking soup @Move.It.Move.It.  A great way to get more veggies on your plate!

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Hi Everyone,


Here's an update:

USW:  224.5 (07/06/16)

CSW:  150.0 (Friday, 06/02/17) - 74.5

PW:     147.5 (Friday, 06/09/17) - 2.5

PW:     150.5 (Friday, 06/16/17) +3.0

PW:     146.0 (Tuesday, 06/20/17) -4.5

PW:     148.5 (Friday, 06/23/17) +2.5

PW:     147.5 (Tuesday, 06/27/17) -1.0

PW:     147.5 (Friday, 06/30/17) +/- 0.0

PW:     149.0 (Tuesday, 07/04/17) +1.5

PW:     147.5 (Thursday, 07/06/17) -1.5

PW:     147.0 (Tuesday, 07/11/17)  -0.5

PW:     149.0 (Friday, 07/14/17) +2.0

PW:     148.0 (Tuesday, 07/18/17) -1.0

PW:     148.0 (Friday, 07/21/17) +/- 0.0

PW:     147.5 (Tuesday, 07/25/17) -0.5

CW:     147.5 (Thursday, 07/27/17) +/- 0.0

Goal:  Maintain between 148.0 - 152.0


Just out of curiosity, I weighed myself 6 of the last 7 days and have stayed between 147.0 and 148.0 each day.  It's been nice to see the consistency.  I continue to workout at least 5x/week incorporating strength training at least 2x/week.  I got some extra workouts in last weekend as I was home alone and the weather was kind of goofy so I put in some of the longer workout DVD's. One of them was a 5 mile walk and I was glad I could keep up the pace and finish.  I usually only do 3 miles just because I workout in the morning and am on a tight time schedule to get to work on time.


This weekend is going to be busy -- going to a local fair Friday night and all day Sunday and have tickets to a dinner theater on Saturday.  I'm going to try to be mindful of my portions and I know I'll be getting in a lot of walking on Friday and Sunday so that should help.  The hardest part is going to be trying to estimate calories on all the different foods.   


Have a good weekend everyone!

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I hope this week is picking up for you, don't give up - you have made progress and you will continue to make progress.  You're braver than I am, for when I've seen those big upswings in my weight (likely do to water retention - too much salt, not enough hydration, whatever), I haven't posted them.  But I have worked hard to make sure that the upswing doesn't happen 2 weeks in a row.


I feel like Thursdays are kind of mid-week, so it's a great opportunity to either build on the success I'm already seeing, or to adjust if necessary so that Monday morning I'm seeing a loss (even if it's just a fraction of a pound, seeing that needle move in the right direction is so motivating!)


Happy weekend eve 🙂

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