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Weekly Weigh In


I am weighing myself every Monday morning and I am going to log my results each weigh for accountability and support. Please feel free to join in.


Start weigh                   125.5 kg 14/12/2015

Now                              124.2 kg 11/01/2015


Loss this week             200g

Loss to date                 1.3kg


"Slow and steady wins the race"


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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I managed to overcome that plateau, made it to 193.7. I've had to really slow it down this last week. I kept getting shin splints in my left leg and I have a tender patch of skin under my knee that feels like I'm ripping off a bandaid anytime I stand up. 

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Congrats on the victory over your plateau @Jerson213!!! But sorry to hear about your joint pain!? 😯 Not sure how to best overcome that but wishing you a speedy recovery! 

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Without really planning it, I took a bit of a break from logging.  I got the Aria scale and was trying to quit obsessing over weight and forcing a weigh in number.  So, rather than focusing on one low number per week, I am allowing more data points and accepting that it will look like I have gained a few pounds when in reality I have not.  It's more of an accuracy correction.  

So, I am still holding steady in the low 160's.  Thanks to Aria, I have a reference point for body fat as well.  I am not sure how accurate it is but at least I can see variance.  It's reporting me in the high 12's or low 13's for bf % which is pretty good I think.


2018-07-09 10.42.37.jpg2018-07-09 10.42.50.jpg

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OK, this is cool and exciting for me.
A couple of months ago I went for physio due to a chronic sciatic issue and the therapist noticed an anterior rotation in the right side of my pelvis.  She gave me a few exercises to do put pressure on the right side and encourage it towards re-alignment.
I did the exercise a bit but felt like I did not put in adequate effort and felt guilty, but I had also focused my yoga practice on it.  Every time I did hip openers, pigeon, happy baby, etc I focused my attention on rotating the pelvis.  I had noticed a decrease in my usage of prescription NSAID (non steroidal anti-inflammatory)  but wasn't sure if I just wasn't having a flare up.
I returned to physio for my second treatment two weeks ago.  She could barely notice any rotation at all and she said it was one of the biggest improvements in three weeks after one session she had ever seen.  She kept re-checking and she was amazed.  
She had been to a conference since the last time I saw her which focused on long holding to encourage myofascial release and I brought up Yin yoga.  She couldn't believe I knew what she was talking about as she put pressure for five minutes on my side to help me.  Since that time I have been working to increase the time I spend practicing Yin (a specific type of yoga focusing on long holds to increase flexibility and restore mobility).
I was so affirmed that body awareness through yoga has helped me to repair myself.  She gave me the diagnosis and I was able to take that and target my practice to correct my body and IT IS WORKING!.  It’s been a couple of weeks since the last treatment and while I am still aware of an ongoing sciatic issue I have made great improvements and am still not taking pain medication.  I am excited and affirmed and thankful.
Yoga is life!
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Week 6/12 (half-way through!) of cutting phase during which I’am trying to lose between 0.25 and 0.50 kg per week in average:


Week 0, ending 4-Jun-18: 64.4 kg, 14.2k steps, 2819 cal.

Week 1, ending 11-Jun-18: 64.7 kg, 20.2k steps, 3162 cal. -> +0.29 kg

Week 2, ending 18-Jun-18: 63.6 kg, 21.8k steps, 3098 cal. -> -1.17 kg

Week 3, ending 25-Jun-18: 63.1 kg, 17.2k steps, 2952 cal. -> -0.47 kg

Week 4, ending 2-Jul-18: 62.6 kg, 23.4k steps, 3128 cal. -> -0.44 kg

Week 5, ending 9-Jul-18: 62.5 kg, 20.4k steps, 3032 cal. -> -0.16 kg

Week 6, ending 16-Jul-18: 62.0 kg, 25.6k steps, 3177 cal. -> -0.47 kg


I had a very good week, on point in terms of both activity and eating. I’m still in the middle of my self-assigned weight loss range:




This week should be easier, because my latest weight from this morning (60.8) is already where the average for the forthcoming week is supposed to be (according to the -0.5 kg per week plan):



Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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here is my weekly weigh-in:   Start weight 265 lbs (8/1/2008) Now 206.4 lbs (7/16/2018) Goal 150 lbs. LOSS this week 2.4 #  Loss to date 61 lbs Next Mini weight goal 195 lbs.  Have a great week everyone !!

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I am new to this thread but I have been keeping track of my weight since April 3rd when I started counting calories with the help of Fitbit. I weigh myself every morning so I look at the mean weight every week to see my progress.


This week was a good week calorie wise and weight wise since I didn't do that many social things.


Starting weight: 69,7 kg

Goal weight: 60 kg (I may change this later depending on what my body will look like.)

Weight loss this week (week 14): -0,9 kg, mean weight 62,9 kg


Previous weight loss/gain since April 3rd 2018:

  • Week 1: 68,5 kg, -0,8 kg
  • Week 2: 67,8 kg, -0,7 kg
  • Week 3: 68,1 kg, +0,3 kg
  • Week 4: 66,7 kg, -1,4 kg
  • Week 5: 66,8 kg, +0,1 kg
  • Week 6: 66,6 kg, -0,2 kg
  • Week 7: 65,8 kg, -0,8 kg
  • Week 8: 65,8 kg, -0,0 kg
  • Week 9: 65,3 kg, -0,5 kg
  • Week 10: 64,9 kg, -0,4 kg
  • Week 11: 64,4 kg, -0,5 kg
  • Week 12: 64,0 kg, -0,4 kg
  • Week 13: 63,8 kg, -0,2 kg
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-0.9 pounds this week for me, for a total loss of -36.3. Hopefully this week I can hit my short term goal of 234 before I head out for vacation next Wednesday and start a two week maintenance.


Date/Starting Weight/New Weight/Net




2-02-18/271/265/-6 (pre-vaction)

2-11-18/271/271/+0 (post-vaction)


























Short Term Goal: 234

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@HisDudeness: first of all, congrats for your slow and steady weight loss! You’ve been in weight loss mode for 26 weeks and lost 13% of your starting weight. I believe switching to maintenance for a while is a good idea, but 2 weeks may be too short. One set of  recommendations I’ve seen that makes a lot of sense to me is the following:

  • lose no more than 10% of your starting weight in one stretch of weight loss
  • don’t be in a deficit for more than 12 weeks at a time
  • insert maintenance phases of at least the same length of your weight loss phases (e.g. 12 weeks)

Admittedly, this slows things down, if/when you’ve got a lot of weight to lose. OTOH, this should limit the risk of rebounding and make it less likely for the dreaded plateaus to occur. For the rationale behind that approach, see Losing All Your Weight At Once.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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I'm back on my workout routine! First day back and it felt so good. Leg no longer hurts, but I still feel this strange sensation, like when you take off a sticker from your skin. I don't feel it when I workout though, so that's progress, right? I weighed in today and I'm at 191.1 lbs. I'm 1.1 lbs away from reaching my goal of 190 lbs. Cheers to all of you that keep encouraging me to stay active, and to those that congratulate me on my accomplishments. You are very much appreciated!  

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@DominiqueThanks for the advice. I did do a short 2 week maintenance back in April. But still lost a bit due to the fact I set my Fitbit to -250 deficit and I was usually more than that. I am never quite sure of what is the real number calories burned for exercise. My exercise routine is going to the gym doing strength training 3 days a week. At first I could barely do 30mins a session, now I am going for 45-50 mins. I also go for a 2 mile walk at least 5 times a week. I don't do much cardio as I have read online, that if you are really overweight it can cause your body to hold calories. 


But all that being said I perhaps I should do a bit longer maintenance phase. Would 6 weeks be sufficient in your opinion?

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@HisDudeness wrote:

perhaps I should do a bit longer maintenance phase. Would 6 weeks be sufficient in your opinion?

The idea of a maintenance phase / diet break is to offset the impact on metabolism of dieting down to a lower weight. It needs to be in relation to the dieting phase (duration, amount of weight loss): you have been dieting for about 6 months (minus the two-week break) and have lost 13% of your starting weight. Based on that, the maintenance phase should  be longer rather than shorter IMO. 6 weeks is definitely better than 2 weeks. Whether it’s "sufficient" remains to be seen. The longer you spend at your new, lower weight, the more likely that weight is going to become a new "settling point" and you will be in a better position to start your next weight loss phase.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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July 22


Goal is 155 lbs


Down 0.6 lbs  this week to 163.7 lbs.  The snapshot of body fat % as I crossed 164 lbs shows me at the same percentage as when I reached that weight in July 2017.  


                                             Ave. Fitbit-calculated daily calorie deficit last week                    

  • Sun, 6/10:    167.3 lbs          (end maint/begin cut)
  • Sun, 6/17:    167.5 lbs  -519
  • Sun, 6/24:    166.5 lbs  -1033
  • Sun, 7/1:      165.5 lbs  -453
  • Sun, 7/8:      165.2 lbs  -538
  • Sun, 7/15:    164.3 lbs  -631
  • Sun, 7/22:    163.7 lbs  -565

-0.6 lbs since last week, -3.6 lbs since June 10.

Goal Range: 155-165 lbs


 Cut Bulk Cut 
Weight (lbs)DateBody Fat %DateBody Fat %DateBody Fat %

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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CW: [ 330 ] -334-334-333-336-336-334-332-334-330-332-337-337-340-336-333-331-326-333

 - 4 lbs

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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Week 7/12 of cutting phase during which I’am trying to lose between 0.25 and 0.50 kg per week in average:


Week 0, ending 4-Jun-18: 64.4 kg, 14.2k steps, 2819 cal.

Week 1, ending 11-Jun-18: 64.7 kg, 20.2k steps, 3162 cal. -> +0.29 kg

Week 2, ending 18-Jun-18: 63.6 kg, 21.8k steps, 3098 cal. -> -1.17 kg

Week 3, ending 25-Jun-18: 63.1 kg, 17.2k steps, 2952 cal. -> -0.47 kg

Week 4, ending 2-Jul-18: 62.6 kg, 23.4k steps, 3128 cal. -> -0.44 kg

Week 5, ending 9-Jul-18: 62.5 kg, 20.4k steps, 3032 cal. -> -0.16 kg

Week 6, ending 16-Jul-18: 62.0 kg, 25.6k steps, 3177 cal. -> -0.47 kg

Week 7, ending 23-Jul-18: 61.0 kg, 17.8k steps, 2852 cal. -> -1.04 kg


Although it looks like I lost 1 kg during the past week, I was in fact at maintenance, as I had already reached the weight goal for this week last Monday (I’m reporting weekly averages for weight). Now again close to the more aggressive boundary of my self-assigned weight loss range:




Nothing special coming this week, so hopefully I’ll be able to drop further weight.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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July 23

SW 78k

CW 65.8k

GW 60k


My weight this past week hovered around 66k. Yesterday I took a day off from exercise, walking, etc (only 3,500 steps I think); so I was pleased my weight was back in the 65.+k  range. Goal: reach 65.0 by month’s end.

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I am currently at 158.6 pounds. It took me over a year and a half to lose over 40 pounds with my fitbit. I have about 4 pounds to go to reach my goal of 155.

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@Bionicwoman71 wrote:

I am currently at 158.6 pounds. It took me over a year and a half to lose over 40 pounds with my fitbit. I have about 4 pounds to go to reach my goal of 155.

 Hi @Bionicwoman71.  As my friend @Jotex said in another post, slow and steady wins the race.


Looking at some of your other posts it sounds like your approach is mostly habit and "fix your environment by getting crap out of the house" based and your slow pace is on purpose.  I think that kind of approach has the best chance of long-term success.  By not going into big calorie deficits you are less likely to be hungry all the time and not constantly testing your will power.  That gives you a chance to try various small changes that add up to weighing less the rest of your life instead of the roller coaster that seems to occur when the approach to losing weight has nothing to do with the approach to maintaining lost weight.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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@Bionicwoman71: I think you’ve already reached your goal! Shouldn’t your goal be a range within which it’s OK to fluctuate, rather than a single number?

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Hello Dominique. My ultimate goal is to reach a morning weight (or before I eat or drink anything) of 155 pounds. I will fluctuate up to 161 during the day and that's fine. 5-6 pounds fluctuation is okay. I am a little over 5 foot 8 inches almost 5 ft 9. I want to look good but not skinny for sure. So I lift weights, do zumba, hip hop abs other aerobic dvds and walking. I think size 10/12 dress size which is where I am is good enough.



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