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Weekly Weigh In


I am weighing myself every Monday morning and I am going to log my results each weigh for accountability and support. Please feel free to join in.


Start weigh                   125.5 kg 14/12/2015

Now                              124.2 kg 11/01/2015


Loss this week             200g

Loss to date                 1.3kg


"Slow and steady wins the race"


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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@AmandaGeorge @MarilynL   I met Marylin in the airport here in Houston one day and she isn't fat and your size aspirations are very good too.  We all just have high standards compared to what seems to be normal now.  It is more healthy though not to be carrying around extra weight and lots easier on your knees to say the least.  I'm grateful I don't have any health problems, which is all due to a mistake I made years ago I swear.  I have been habitually exercising every single day for many decades thinking it helped with weight control.  Now I'm convinced exercise doesn't help at all with weight control It is only critical for good health.  If someone wants to lose weight, they are better off NOT exercising if they are going to eat more.  People who start an exercise program to lose weight DON'T lose weight because they eat more.

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I hear ya about the size aspirations, @Glenda!  UK size 10/US size 6 is the right size for my shape and what I was my whole life until I got ill - never want to go to either extreme ever again  😉  Totally going by what my nurse recommends now that I trust the people who work there at last!



Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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What a shocking saga Amanda. I am so sorry to hear this almost unbelievable what can happen!

I must thank my lucky stars that I am healthy!

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What a routine. Amazing.. Clean eating means? I love hearing what people are up to in the nutritional realm? 

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Thank you so much @MarilynL.


I honestly believe that if it hadn't been for the new GP getting me the urgent referral and NHS Direct arranging for the ambulance to blue-light me into hospital, then I wouldn't be typing this now.  It's all in the past though, and I've learnt to look forward instead of back  🙂


Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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@PineyJim — WOW!  That’s a third of weight in nine months. Congratulations. Your out-of-town relatives and friends won’t recognize you!



Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Starting Weight:   163.6 lbs (July 5, 2020)

Goal Weight:        159 lbs

Aug. 30163.8 lbs
Sept. 6164 lbs
Sept. 13163.7 lbs
Sept. 20163.8 lbs
Sept. 27164.7 lbs


Up a pound this week. A little too much celebrating for my birthday on Wednesday and Friday, Saturday.  Friday/Saturday have been a bit of a slippery slope for me over the past several weeks.  I won’t beat myself up over it too much, but I’ll focus a bit more on it this coming week. 

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Thanks Balto - Covid actually helped in a big way.   No work travel so I can keep a close eye on my intake and keep to a consistant workout routine. Getting back on the road concerns me, Congrats to you!  

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Just eating whole foods.  Outside isles of the supermarket only.  IF I think is helping in a big way also.

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53.3 so I've put on 100g in 9 days which is a third of what I was hoping  😞  I'm hoping I'll be at least 53.5 within a fortnight or so though... I obviously need to move even less and eat even higher calorie foods!


Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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Don't stop moving that good for your health.

Eat even higher calorie foods that are nutritious e.g. not ice cream which is empty but nuts. Macadamia nuts are delicious and high in calories as are brazils- lots of selenium, walnuts and almonds. mix them up. Avoid peanuts- lots of pestersides on them and in  case they, like cashews, are actually legumes. 

A very easy way to get good stuff in is to make some green smoothies always with an avocado or if you don't like them or can't find them add coconut or a TBS or 2 of olive oil. Mix it up. This morning my smoothy had beet greens, dill, cilantro, big slice of lemon, piece of jalapeño ( as I like spicy) some bok choy a bit of lettuce. ( whatever is in the frindge) glass of water and good pinch of salt. I wiz it up in the nurtribullit. It makes 3 glasses. An easy way to get nutrition in easily. I don't like to add fruit to the green drink ( or anything else for that matter as it can cause gassiness) If you like fruit eat it first thing on an empty stomach.  Hope that gives you a few ideas.



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Thank you so much, @MarilynL - I'd love to give the nuts a try, but the hubby doesn't like them so may have to sneak in an Amazon order when I can afford it  😉  We haven't got a blender in the kitchen and not enough room or money for one either, but I've been considering one of those personal blenders you can get that you just load up with stuff, add water then whizz and drink... can't afford that atm either though  😞


Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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That's more like it!  Just weighed myself and I'm at 53.8kg now, so I've put on 500g since Wednesday, which is awesome considering the significantly more calories I ate than burnt last week lol  Just got 700g to go before the end of the month to be back on target with me gaining the weight my nurse wants me to put on before January lol


Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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My personal trainer advised me that weight management is 80% diet and 20% exercise and after my Googling the idea I'm convinced.  I'll be 73 in Feb and have battled weight all my life up till when I hit 60 and I decided enough was enough...that's when I started tracking my food intake. I've managed to keep my weight around 220-225 for a few years but would like to lose the last 20... I do exercise regularly with cardio walks and some resistance training in the gym (with a mask on, thank you).  I have found that even when I'm not exercising routinely if I continue to log my food I can manage ok.

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Starting Weight:   163.6 lbs (July 5, 2020)

Goal Weight:        159 lbs

Sept. 6164 lbs
Sept. 13163.7 lbs
Sept. 20163.8 lbs
Sept. 27164.7 lbs
Oct. 11165.4 lbs


We were visiting friends out of state and I missed checking in last week. My weight is up a bit due to the travel messing with my schedule, but  I've been trending the wrong way for a while now so I plan to log my food the rest of the month. 

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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I'm 53.05kg now, and there's no way I've lost 750g in 7 days, and the only difference is that I've taken our dog for her walk, then eaten my breakfast, then weighed myself in the last 7 days, so I'm gonna keep on with it like that now that my chef doesn't fancy making breakfast before I take our dog out any more and the puppy is feeling her age and is reluctant to go on walks now for some reason, so I have to take her out when she wants to go now.


I've put on 1kg since I saw the nurse though, so that's OK... just got 5kg more to go lol


Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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Amanda  taking the dog out can help.  


I lost 6.2 pounds this week.  Happy happy.  New eating plan working and I keep moving to help it along!

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Thank you @Kedicat  - gonna take this week's routine as a new standard for us.


WTG on your loss this week.

Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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@AmandaGeorge  Could you advertise someplace (free) for an old  used baby  stroller that you could put your dog in?.  I've seen other people taking old pets for a ride.

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We got this!

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