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Weekly Weigh In


I am weighing myself every Monday morning and I am going to log my results each weigh for accountability and support. Please feel free to join in.


Start weigh                   125.5 kg 14/12/2015

Now                              124.2 kg 11/01/2015


Loss this week             200g

Loss to date                 1.3kg


"Slow and steady wins the race"


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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2,723 REPLIES 2,723

Start weight 172 pounds (7th March)


Last week 156 pounds

This week 157 pounds


Target weight 154 pounds

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Start                233.9                  5/22/2015

Last Week      187.4

This Week      191.1


Going the wrong way but the nutrition over the last 2 weeks is on point and I had my second full week back at the gym. I expect my weight will start dropping again at my next weigh in.

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Happy to report that even though I'm a day late to check in, I managed to hit my goal for this week. I am going to readjust my mini-goal because I think that if I work hard and stay on task, I'll be able to get a little more weight off.


Starting weight: 148

Last week's weight: 144

Current weight: 142.6

Mini-goal: 139 by June 28

Goal weight: 130

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Start Weight (5/18/16): 170.00 lbs

Last week (6/06/16): 164.10 lbs

This week (6/13/16): 164.50 lbs

Loss/Gain: +.40 lbs

Goal Weight: 130.00 lbs (ultimate goal: 120.00 lbs)


This past week was a bit of a struggle for me. I still have not dipped under 164.1 even once yet. Although I'm sticking to my diet (Atkins) and trying to remain active throughout the workday, I am just barely maintaining my loss of one pound per week. I have been including more protein in my diet, and I'm sure I just need to incorporate more exercise in my life. I did dust off my bicycle that I haven't used in about 8-10 years and filled the tires, but I need to replace a tire hose which won't happen for another two weeks.


This coming weekend, my father is participating in the Tough Mudder in Vermont, and even though I will only be attending as a spectator, it is my understanding that I will be doing a lot of walking and climbing of my own to keep up with the team. So hopefully that kind of movement and exercise will give me the boost my body needs to push me under the 164 line. I am really looking forward to the day that I make it to the 50s!


Good luck to everyone in your continued efforts!

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Greetings all,

USW Jun 2013, 84 kg, 185.2 lbs

LW     Jun 11, 58.5 kg, 129 lbs

CW    Jun 18, 58.2 kg, 128.3 lbs loss of 300 grams, under half a lb,

GW   57 kg, 126 lbs and dependant on my next ultrasound may have to try for 55 kg, 121.3 lbs but I doubt that I can get there, one can but try but it seems a bit too light for my frame, we shall see.

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A_Lurker wrote


USW: 407.0

CSW: 360.0 (2/1/16)

PW: 315.0 (6/5/16)

CW: 308.0 (-7.0)


Up a pound this week, but that's not a surprise.  The 7 pounds down last week didn't make sense, but 6 pounds over 2 weeks is closer to what it should be, although still a little high.  Some yard work to do today and then laundry and cleaning.  Hoping to start back to my strength training (in a more formal way) later today as well.


USW: 407.0

CSW: 360.0 (2/1/16)

PW: 308.0 (6/12/16)

CW: 309.0 (+1.0)


Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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Start weight 125.5kg (16/12/2015)
Now 116.7kg (20/06/2016)
Goal 70kg

Loss this week 0.3kg
Loss to date 8.8kg
Mini goal 115kg


Hi everyone and welcome to a new week. I hope you are all disappearing a little 🙂


I had a small loss of 300g this week which I am happy with. I am not feeling deprived at all and really loving my new diet of high fat and low carbs. I am getting very experimental with vegetables and making things like cauliflower rice and zucchini spagetti. Food is such an enjoyment at the moment. 


I would like to share my weight loss chart. This is a way I use to keep an overall look at my progress. the blue line is my actual weight each week and the green line is trend line showing what will happen over time if I keep on the same path. As long as the trend line is going down I am happy. It is especially useful to me when I go through a slow period or gain weight. 



Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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Start 214 lbs 01/01/2016
Last Week 169 lbs 06/06/2016

This week  166 lbs 06/13/2016


Pretty good week. I was at a low of 164.8 and a high of 167.4 during the week. At weigh in I was 166 on the dot. Working hard to get down to 165 and maintain that through July 4th. With 14 days I think I can get there. What was more exciting was I have been running 3-4x per week for 30 minutes each time. My pace is 9.04 min per mile. This week I am upping it to 8.45 per mile for 30 minutes. 

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Start                233.9                  5/22/2015

Last Week      191.1

This Week      191.5


Still doing well. 3 days of cardio, 3 days of weight lifting. I am still dealing with an injured shoulder. My goal has been at least 200g of Protein, 150g Carbs, 50-75g Fat. A 0.4 lb gain but I am not discouraged as I know I am on track and it's likely the result of the big dinner last night.

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Start 265 lbs 09/27/2015
Last Week 168.6 lbs 06/13/2016

This week  167.8 lbs 06/20/2016

Weekly loss (gain)  .8 lbs
total Loss 97.2 lbs


Not much new to say.  I am stll increasing input and still losing a bit.  I am getting way too many comments that I have "overdone it" and such but the reality of it is, I look like a fit man.  If you met me, not having known me a year ago, my appearance would not stand out.  Tell me what you think (sorry if this is vain, but I need some feedback).

2016-06-02 18.14.11 - Copy.jpg

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looking good. congrats.

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A lot of people are used to the way you did look and may not have changed their perception.  The question for yourself is do you have a plan for where to stop?  If so, then don't worry about what people think.  Assuming you are fit, healthy, etc. then it only matters to you.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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You look great to me. Definately healthy.

People can make comments that really have nothing to do with you. Their comments can be seen better as to how your weight loss makes them feel about theirselves.

I remember in the past when I have lost lots of weight that different people responded differently - some were genuinly happy for me, others jealous and some annoyed that my weight loss in their eyes elevated me above them in the social pecking order. It was quite an eye opener to me.

Enjoy your new healthy body and listen to peoples comments with a pinch of salt.


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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woohoo, looking awesome @tamado, you have done well !

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Start weight 172 pounds (7th March) Last week 157 pounds This week 154 pounds Target weight 154 pounds!! Hurrah! Done it!! I shall now set myself an easy weight loss diet plan rather than the medium one. That means minus 250 calories a day rather than minus 500. I just want to hover around the 150-154 pounds which means a BMI of around 21-22. The main benefits of using my fitbit is that it has made me focus in ensuring I reach 10,000 steps EVERY day, drinking at least 2 litres of water EVERY day and ensuring I am in the zone or under in calories EVERY day. IT WORKED!!! Keep going everyone it's worth it and you're worth it too!
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Spot on! Well done. What is most important is that you are happy and that you are achieving what you want to achieve.

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@tamado Been following your success for awhile now. Congrats on the loss man. You look excellent. You know I was told the same thing back when I was 170 in high school after dropping 40lbs. So I took myself off my diet and gained most of it back. Its how you feel that matters.


Now I weigh less than I did in high school. While I havent recieved comments that I have overdone anything. I am sticking to 155lbs as my UGW. I am only 5ft 8 almost 5ft 9. 


Question? Have you given any thought to how you will maintain? What will keep you motivated after you reach your goal? Whats your next goal? Honestly we will all miss your weekly weigh ins. It is very motivating to keep posting weight loss but I know for me it will not be as rewarding posting I weigh the same. I might suggest posting more to one of the other threads, like walking, running or excersise goals to keep up the good work. Like for instance I walk 10k steps a day, maybe setting a weekly goal in the forums and then posting the weekly results. I think it will be rewarding to see something along those lines. 


Keep up the good work!!! You look great. 

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So thankful for this weekly weigh in! It's really been helping me stay focused. Congrats to everyone who is making progress. We're all in this together!


Not sure if this is masochistic, but I bought two new bathing suits for a girls trip and it's been motivating me to lose some more weight. Happy to check in 1.5 lbs lighter than last week!


Starting weight: 148

Last week's weight: 142.6

Current weight: 141

Mini-goal: 139 by June 28

Goal weight: 130

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Thanks for the feedback everyone.  I feel pretty affirmed that I am on the right track.  

As far as my plans to stay on track, it's quite simple.  I have never been on a diet, I have changed the way I eat and look at food.  I am quite in sync with what my food is doing to fuel me, so I adjust input based on activity level but I do not use active days as an excuse to eat junk.  When I make an unhealthy choice for whatever reason, I still do so with moderation and not reckless abandon.  I eat half of a large cookie on occasion, not the whole thing or multiples.  I occasionally eat half of a chocolate bar.  If I make french toast or pancakes on the weekend, I eat a moderate amount and then eat more fruit and protein choices.  I eat very well and in no way feel like I am depriving myself so I feel no need to go back to any old habits.  I am experimenting with what levels of certain things I can eat without gaining so I can determine what moderation looks like.  I have a beer with some regularity again, but seldom more than one in a day - stuff like that.  My lifestyle will be extremely active for the forseeable future.  We own a bakery and most of my steps I put in at work and I am out of energy by the end of the day.  I had 25k steps by 9:00AM today, for example.  
I intend to keep posting my weight for quite a while.  I think I need as much or more accountability during maintenance than loss, so I'm not going anywhere.  My motivation is to stay feeling as good as I feel now.  With my activity level, the weight was killing my joints.  I know I have done damage already but I hope to get more years out of my knees and such by not pounding them with an extra 100lbs with every step.

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Greetings all,

I am finally getting back to where I was at the tail end of my infections, lol,

Jun 3, 57.9kg, 127.7 lbs, BMI 24.1

Jun 11, 58.5kg, 129 lb, BMI 24.3

Jun 18, 58.2kg, 128.3 lb, BMI 24.2

Jun 25, 57.8kg, 127.4 lb, BMI 24.1

UGW 55kg, 121.3 lb, BMI 22.9 or as close as I can get to it by next ultrasound in August. Hopefully the organ fat is gone by then, as I am where I want to be right now and like what I see and am only going for 55kg to try and rid my liver and pancreas of the extra fat deposits showing up within them.

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