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Hi all. It's now Wednesday and I haven't been able to sync my charge 2 since 6.30 Sunday night...I have tried re set, uninstalling the app, plugging the charge straight to my lap top...is anyone else having a issue or have any more ideas. Thanks
Moderator edit: Subject for clarity
12-06-2018 13:31
12-06-2018 13:31
I am having same issue. Nothing fixes it. It did do a big sync yesterday but nothing today.
12-06-2018 13:35
12-06-2018 13:35
Is it your Bluetooth
12-06-2018 16:10
12-06-2018 16:10
Hi Kstampor,
I read your post and was all excited to get home and give it a try. I went back to the beginning and did everything all over again, but took your advice, pulled the dongle and put it in a different port. It had a brand new initialization (made me thrilled that this was going to work) annnnnnnd.....nothing. Still won't sync. Hung my Fitbit on the dongle (barely because they are small) and spent about an hour just telling it to sync over and over. My wife still isn't having any problem with hers nor is my kids. The only problem we had before was with my youngest son's and the battery had about a 4 hour life span, of course after the warranty was up. The Fitbit is still working on the wrist and holding time. There are a ton of us that are experiencing the same thing, but out of a family of 6 and in different states, only mine has stopped doing its job. Just looking at my family that is 16-ish% that has stopped syncing. For Fitbit's sake, I hope that is not the average of people that are experiencing this problem.
Old movie quote "What we have here is a failure to communicate". Good luck everyone. I'll only post back if it gets resolved, and I will post if it does. Thanks for all your input.
Th' Bear
12-07-2018 00:16
12-07-2018 00:16
Bluetooth on charge two is obviously not working but everything else is working normally
12-11-2018 10:17
12-11-2018 10:17
Hey guys! I appreciate the time that some of you have taken to try to fix these syncing issues. I can see that some of you already contacted our Support team for further help, and I appreciate the time you have taken to do so. In regards of the options that our team gave to you, please note that we as any other company, have policies to follow through. While customer satisfaction remains our number one goal, the demands of running a global business require that we enforce our warranty consistently.
For those who have not, I suggest you to try to sync your Charge 2 with a computer or if it is possible, with another compatible device.
If you are also experiencing not getting notifications issues, please follow the troubleshooting in this help article: My Fitbit device isn't receiving notifications from my phone
Keep me posted!
12-11-2018 11:29
12-11-2018 11:29
12-11-2018 11:53
12-11-2018 11:53
12-11-2018 12:11
12-11-2018 12:11
I have a near constant problem with my Charge 2 syncing, and have for more than 2 years! It is completely frustrating and I don't know why I keep dealing with it! I should have moved on and purchased a new product, but I like that the Fitbit can sync to my phone and Weight Watchers etc. No one at Fitbit is any help, they always direct me to look at the forums which always guide a person to the trouble shooting guide that is never helpful, because no matter how many times I restart, plug in, check blue tooth, uninstall/reinstall the app...it doesn't work and I shouldn't have to do this ALMOST WEEKLY! Just fix the problem Fitbit! It is obviously a major problem. Just look at all the threads devoted to just this issue!
12-11-2018 12:19
12-11-2018 12:19
Nope, didn't work. I have this issue almost weekly lately. I am sick of being directed to this same link! Why won't Fitbit just address that this is such a problem. Look how many threads are devoted to this issue alone! Why should I have to spend this much time every time it won't sync? I bought this product so it would do it's job... I don't have time or energy to do all these steps almost weekly!
12-11-2018 13:17
12-11-2018 13:17
12-11-2018 13:24
12-11-2018 13:24
Hi to all,
I said I wouldn't respond unless mine was working. Well that said, I can't help but to respond (and no, still not syncing). It is nice that the company responded. However, nothing that was provided was any level of help because it was exactly everything that was already tried and listed on the forums. Sure, out of complete insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results) I went and tried it all over again. Shocker, same result.
My Charge 2 has been hooked up to my desk top computer at home for almost two years. I recently put it on my new Android back in April. Nothing has changed on my desk top nor my phone. My current and last update on my phone was Nov 1st. My Charge 2 stopped transmitting on Nov 25th. Being that I control what is downloaded to my desk top, nothing changed there. I have utterly removed Fitbit off of my phone, thus if it was a problem with the phone, it isn't now. If I was computer illiterate I could claim I don't know what I'm doing. My problem is, I'm not computer illiterate and I'm part of a troubleshooting team where I work and I fix other people's problems. Something has happened here that I cannot fix. This is a company problem and not the users. In my line of work it is typically the user but I don't have a drove of people having problems unless it is a software issue.
I am still holding out hope that Fitbit resolves this. It is true that I really like my Charge 2 and I don't want to flip companies. Sure I have a 25% discount until the end of the month but do I really use it? My only problem now is, am I willing to stay with a company that keeps pointing the finger at other companies (i.e. computers or phones) or worse yet, the user, and doesn't appear to be taking any level of responsibility of what they possibly issued that has caused so many to lose connectivity? If I had not been a big supporter of Fitbit I would not have bought them for every family member. I wonder now, how much longer will it be when their Fitbit's stop transmitting. If or when that happens, will their problem be pushed down the road like this one appears to be?
Fitbit, this is for you. Put out a statement to your clients. Let them know there is a problem and you are working to resolve the issue. You have their email addresses or phone information already. Clearly it isn't affecting everyone but it is affecting enough. A little client compassion goes a long way.
Lastly, I will be making a decision to what I have next. It comes down to insurance costs for me so I will have something that can track my physical exertion, sleep and so on. If I leave Fitbit, I would be hard pressed to ever go back. I like user satisfaction especially when it is my own. I can still be your client but time is running out.
Th' Bear
12-11-2018 15:07
12-11-2018 15:07
I had trouble syncing my charge 2 for a couple months. I have a VPN on my phone and computer. I found if I turned the VPN off, it synced fine. Still does this.
12-11-2018 19:49
12-11-2018 19:49
My fitbit is 1 year old always would connect to my phone untill the update on November 14 or so. Some people i know have the same phone and are still connected to bluetooth as they did not install your update.please fix this issue instead of passig it on to the public.
01-03-2019 08:50 - edited 01-03-2019 08:54
01-03-2019 08:50 - edited 01-03-2019 08:54
The endless frustration and time wasted on this issue pushed me to mothball my Charge 2 and buy a Garmin Vivosport. It's way more comfortable, has way more features (including GPS), and syncs without fail. It's really disappointing that it's such a hassle to get basic/honest support from Fitbit. They seem more interested in shoving the next-generation of the same device down our throats than ensuring consumer happiness with what we've already purchased. My Charge 2 was still in-warranty but I'll take the loss to be free of this relationship that takes more than it gives.
01-03-2019 09:12 - edited 01-03-2019 09:13
01-03-2019 09:12 - edited 01-03-2019 09:13
My Charge 2 has never wanted to sync consistently and I've tried doing so with three different Droid phones. After three or four attempts to work with customer service on this issue, and being told time and time again that user error (and not shoddy software support) is to blame, I am pretty confident when I say this is the first, and will be the last, Fitbit product I purchase.
01-03-2019 09:25
01-03-2019 09:25
01-03-2019 10:21
01-03-2019 10:21
Hello Everyone,
I gave Fitbit the chance to really try and rectify the issue. I thought it a nice gesture that they gave me a 25% coupon for any old product, just not the new ones. Much like others here, I have officially walked away from Fitbit. I gave them until the end of the year to which I'm sad to say they made no other attempts to keep me as a customer. I did like my Fitbit Charge 2. I've invested into a Samsung Gear S2 and am very happy with it. It was a toss up between that and the Garmin. Ironically when I contacted the two companies they gave me great customer service and gave me discounts above the sale prices back in December. After talking to a lot of people who use both, I made a gut decision for the Samsung. I don't think anyone could go wrong with the Garmin.
To Fitbit. Customer service is a must and it matters to many of us. As I stated in my prior post, there was a way to keep me as a customer, you just didn't take the steps needed to keep me. I wish you luck in your future but please work on different strategies to keep current customers happy when there is a software patch that messes things up. You have a good product and I'm sure you are already working on the next generation that will make things better.
Peace and good health to all.
Th' Bear
01-03-2019 15:38
01-03-2019 15:38
01-09-2019 07:42
01-09-2019 07:42
Hello everyone. Sorry to hear that you are still having issues syncing your Charge 2. You can try going to your phone's bluetooth settings and remove all devices listed there. Restart your phone and restart your device. After this try syncing them. Also, if you are using an Android device, check that your app has the necessary permissions (settings > apps > Fitbit > permissions) and make sure bluetooth and location services (GPS) are on. Additionally check our help site article here.
Let me know how it goes!
If a post helped you try voting and selecting it as a solution so other members benefit from it. Select it as Best Solution!
01-09-2019 08:00
01-09-2019 08:00