Allow us to set macronutrient goals and show us full macronutrient breakdowns in app


Macronutrient tracking/goal features seem logical and are sorely needed to make the FitBit app an "all-in-one" fitness/health app. These features exist in other food-tracking apps and it is the only major feature the FitBit app seems to be missing on this side of things. Many people on these forums express frustration about having to a separate app to get proper macronutrient tracking.


The suggestion is broken down into 2 components, which are all basic features that other diet apps provide:


1. Allow us to set what % and/or gram of each macronutrient we want to consume and make it a goal that we can achieve each day. For example, say I want to set my daily intake to be 150g protein, 100g carb, and 50g fat, or I can set it to say I want a 40/40/20 ratio. Then the app can tell me how I'm doing on each of those goals each day.


2. Right now the app only displays % of macronutrients consumed for calories of each type. However, a simple way to view grams of each would be better and compliment reaching calorie/macronutrient goals. Food labels display grams of each macronutrient, so it is only logical that we can track this in the app. It's easy to recognize that you need "25 more grams of protein" and then check a protein bar label and see that it will give you "15 of those 25 grams of protein."



Note to mods: This feature currently does NOT exist so please stop merging this suggestion into the other thread ( a different request that has been released, because they are NOT the same or else people wouldn't keep making new threads asking for this feature.


I would like to see an option to view/track the days macros and nutrients in detail, example: so I can set a goal for how much protein, carbs, sugar etc. and see how much total grams I’ve had., like MyFitnessPal app offers.




Moderator Edit: Updated Title for Clarity//Etiquetes


I would like to see an option to view/track the days macros and nutrients in detail, example: so I can set a goal for how much protein, carbs, sugar etc. and see how much total grams I’ve had., like MyFitnessPal app offers.



Moderator Edit : Labels// Updated Title for Clarity


I am an avid cyclist. I want to be able to set my dashboard to show total miles ridden by day/week/month/year and maybe even lifetime. I love to use my fitbit Charge2 to track my rides. The mapping is awesome and the totals for each ride are great. Now if the same information could be incorporated into an inclusive tracking dashboard item.

First Steps

It would be helpful and extremely beneficial for a user to be allowed to customize their own Macros, especially if they're following a certain food program or target that a doctor or professional has set.  For example, I may be targeting 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat for my daily food totals, but fitbit will not let me enter/customize this target/goal. Currently even free apps allow you do do this, such as MyFitnessPal.  Please strongly consider this feature.

First Steps

I would like to see more info listed for each meal besides calories. Can you please add a protein,carb,fat and fiber column? An option for macronutrients to be in percent or grams would also be helpful. Thanks

First Steps

I like how on the sleep section of the app there are bars that tell you what the benchmark range for people your age and sex and where you fall in that. There should be something just like that for each of your macros depending on your personal health goal (or maybe you can even customize it). It woyld just be nice to quickly see if my percentages fall in my goal range. 

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think. 

First Steps

YeH I would also like to be able to choose which nutrition values are making up the chart on my fitibit app screen. For instance instead if carbs, fat and protein maybe I want to track sodium, fiber and sugar. Or if there is a way for all of them to be visible on a little chart that would be great too. sort of like the online showing of total grams but with a chart telling u how much over and under ur goal u are like the calories.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

Not applicable

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

First Steps

Love the macronutrients part but I want to be able to set daily goals for macros and see what I’ve got left of each for the day. 


Set % of eat and as food and meals are added then it adjusts your total left for the day. 

Not applicable

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

First Steps

Since we can scan food labels the full info should be incorporated into Fitbit so the numbers can be tracked more accurately.



Moderator edit: Labels

First Steps

This is hugely important, especially for people eating low carb diets to treat epilepsy and diabetes, or for other reasons.

First Steps

I agree! Currently I use MFP to track my personalized macros. Since I have more freedom to track the calories and macros that I want there I feel more inclined to use UA apps and devices than FitBit so I can keep everything in one place. I usually try to stay with one developer so there's greater consistency so I'm hoping FitBit will implement this feature in the near future. 

Recovery Runner

I agree!  Let us set our macro nutrients!

First Steps

PLEASE ADD THIS FEATURE. I just got my Fitbit yesterday and was so dissappointed to see that custom macros wasn't an option. 😞

First Steps

Implement a feature that allows us to set goals for macronutrients as well as information to help us set our goals and even a “help me set my goal” feature just like there is with calorie intake.

First Steps

I'm doing a basic Keto diet and would love to be able to set macros according to my diet. Its low carb, high fat and protien. For a simple break down. being able to track exactly how many carbs I've eaten throughout the day on the app would be a blessing. So far i have to use a computer to check my intake.

First Steps

please add the ability to set macronutrient goals for fats carbs and protein

these are standard goals in many diets and sorely lacking in fitbit



Smiley Very Happy Please add this feature!! It is very important in goals 

First Steps

Please add the option for users to be able to customize their macro goal numbers 🙂


I would like to know my daily breakdown in grams instead of just percent. Doing the caluclations myself takes away from the convenience of using an app to track this. I’d also like to be able to set a goal and see a detailed breakdown if I clicked on each macro category (ex. Click on carbs to see how many grams of fiber or sugars I had and if I met the goal I set for each). Since the foods being entered have the full nutrition label information, can there also be a section for micronutrients added? I like to confirm I hit my goal for certain vitamins and minerals. The OP and another commenter mentioned MyFitnessPal in comparison so I'd like to suggest Cronometer as a guide as well since they get into the nitty gritty of breaking down the details. Thank you, Fitbit. I hope to see this update soon!

Recovery Runner

Thanks for the Chronometer, I never heard of it before.  I am going to start using it, but I really hope Fitbit gives us something with more data.

First Steps

I vote yes on the macro counter. Similar to the calories in the zone, below the zone gauge. 

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