Charge 4 screen brightness boost

For direct sunlight situations, add an ability to boost screen brightness temporarily, i.e. one-time event, through an easy to access while exercising method e.g. through a screen tap/scroll sequence. Enable the user to determine the preferred method in the Settings on the Charge 4 device.
Recovery Runner

Yes it is.  I'm still getting use to some of the particulars about it but I can see it nice and clear no matter where I am.  As soon as I set up the Versa 3 on my account, my Charge 4 was disconnected.  you can have only one watch set up on an account at a time.  But no they didn't ask for it back either.  So yes you can keep it, if you wish, you just have to have another account to use it (I'm assuming)


I love my Charge 4 and have had "Charges" for years, but am  (I never thought I'd say this) seriously considering getting an iWatch because of this critical problem with seeing the screen in sunlight. It's a big deal!  I dearly hope fitbit can do whatever is necessary to give the option for a bright setting, or that the auto option would go bright enough when in the sunlight (which would be ideal, since it wouldn't involve manually making the change) so we can see the information on the screen. I do a lot of hiking, running and walking...and this fitbit is pretty much useless when doing outside activities (even when I'm in the in indirect sunlight), since I can't see what I'm doing, heartrate, etc. Please, please, please improve this feature!!!

Not applicable
Thanks for your response. Be well. Take care.
First Steps

So there have been hundreds of comments about the lack of readability in sunlight since 5/2020.  Still nothing done???  Come on Fitbit!


The Charge 4 is impossible to read in any kind of daylight.

It's dangerous when running and useless not being able to take a quick look on progress.

Does anyone know if they improved it yet or would a fellow be better of upgrading and if so which fitbit?

Recovery Runner

I upgraded to the  Versa 3.  Love it.  I can see in all conditions with sun glasses on.  🕶 

First Steps

I couldn't agree more. I just cycled to the station on a sunny day and I couldn't see the time on my Fitbit, so I couldn't see if I was going to be late for my train. Swerving about in the traffic while trying to shade my arm to see the time wasn't a great contribution to my health or wellbeing! Surely I don't have to wear a watch as well as my Fitbit? Please give us a brighter screen option 🙏

First Steps

Couldn't agree more. It's a huge issue for Fitbit charge 4 owners not being able to see your stats while moving. As mentioned before even if it's at the sacrifice of battery life I'd be happier with charging a bit more frequently and have the ability to see the screen. Come on Fitbit Dev's can't you help all us FB users who can't see our screens on a bright sunny day? We don't want to change to another model or wait for the next iteration FB5 or 6. What do we want? Brighter screens! When do we want it? When we're out and about :-).   

First Steps

I hate this about my Charge 3 and now I see Charge 4 is no better. Time to join another brand.  This is very annoying when out living my life. I'm also over 40 so brightness becomes even more important with each year. 

It is a shame. Fitbit is a good company with a very good product that has a
big flaw. A good company because they have replaced my charge 4 twice and a
good product because I like everything about the charge 4 except for the
screen issue. It is a personal choice whether the good features outweigh
the bad. Of course Fitbit could put an end to this dilemma by fixing the
screen issue.
First Steps

Hi Bill,


They should fix it or at least communicate why they are not able, or looking into it. 


My concern is that they'll not bother with FB4 or previous models and use it a USP in the next iteration ala FB5. 


If that's the case then I'll probably look at other brands even though like you i really think they have a decent product, minus the screen issue. 


Still who knows maybe the devs will respond at some point. 


In spite of past ignored usability issues with my Charge 3, I thought I'd get a Charge 4.  After about 3 years and hundreds of comments, Fitbit provided an update and now the screen can stay active for up to 15s instead of 5s.

Well, good thing I checked the forums first because I assumed that the Charge 4 would come with a usable screen brightness.  I'm going to sell my Charge 3 to my neighbor for $15 and find a different brand.  Google has been in ownership long enough, but no improvements. 

"Premium" features (that I could care less about) take precedent over basic usability.   Take the money and run.  No more for me, thanks.

I thought about the Sense but after checking those forums, it's the same story, only with stair climbing.

Not applicable

I agree with everyone. Dim characters on the screen of charge 4 are impossible to read in normal daylight, not even direct sunlight. This is a MAJOR DEFECT of this tracker. I paid 170 euros for a device that is not readable!? BAD, BAD. Fitbit fix this asap or I will have to abandon Fitbit altogether (and you would get a lot of bad press). A quick and fairly easy way to solve the problem would be to make all characters on all available clock faces equally bright at the maximum level.  I hope you will take this problem very seriously.

First Steps

I hated this about my fitbit charge3 and charge4 is just as bad. Looking at alternatives maybe going back to my Apple Watch. I’m glad that I’m not the only one.  I thought how can the

se be so useless outdoors?


it is clear that fitbit has no solution for this issue and to make things worse Fitbit has no interest in working on a solution . 

First Steps
Thank you for the other option. I was hoping Fitbit / Google would come
thru for us. The option is to upgrade options or leave Fitbit.
First Steps

It’s been well over a year since the first comment about this issue was posted. I’m not sure what the point of this comment section is if after that length of time, Fitbit has never reached out with a response, or if an update is being considered. I may not be a jogger or bicyclist, but I DO wear my charge 4 outdoors and wish I could see those functions that I need! I agree with others, may as well use another tracker, or even a basic watch or cell phone at this point if you can’t use this item outside. Very disappointing Fitbit!

First Steps
" I’m not sure what the point of this comment section is if after that
length of time, Fitbit has never reached out with a response, "

That is the poon of this comment section in my opinion.

I understand your position but I like the product and hope that Fitbit will
set things right.




Well I respectfully disagree. This forum allows users to complain. At some
point someone who reviews the Fitbit Charge 4 will hopefully notice there
are a lot of us unhappy campers out here because we can't see the screen in

Recovery Runner

I use my Fitbit to exercise mostly outdoors but all I can do is hope it will pick up steps as I cannot see the screen to setup each exercise never mind start stop pause etc. I wish I hadn't bought this because as for my purposes it’s a complete waste. I see this has been complained about for over a year and nothing has been done so presumably we are expected to buy the charge 5 if we want to track exercises outdoors. Such a shame as I have used Fitbit for many years and I love the incentive it gives me to exercise but I’m sure other brands are now better placed for my needs. Shame Fitbit have ignored its community but I guess they make enough profit to ignore the customers.

Not enough information concerning your device. What failure has Fitbit failed to address. I’ve been a loyal user for 9 years and they have always assisted since I first owned a One and have upgraded over the years they have always assisted me. Can you be more specific as to what they did or didn’t do? 

I’m either flying or driving and when safe to do so will respond to your message. Ed Kostiuk Chief Inspector 
Stepping Up
Just look at the string of complaints about the Fitbit 4 and the inability to read it during the day in sunlight. There have been comments and complaints for over a year.

Sent from my iPhone

I have had a Fitbit for many years and updated to charge 4 Iast Christmas & I am so disappointed. I can’t see it when I’m running due to poor display brightness so I still have to use map my run on phone. Visibility is appalling & makes the device not fit for purpose. This has been raised constantly as an issue on the forum but continues to be ignored, I will be changing to an Apple Watch this Christmas 


If this isn't fixed, my Charge 4 is my last Fitbit.

Not applicable
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