Clock face stats without scrolling Charge 5

Please offer a basic clock face with digital date, time, steps, calories burned, heart rate without having to scroll. Charge 4 had one I enjoyed.
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Marlese, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about having a clock face with all your stats without scrolling for your Charge 5 with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


Yes please. All in one clock face that isn't flashy, just a basic stat dump like it was on the charge 3 and charge 4. Please and thank you.


I would like to see the "Stats Heavy" face I have for my Charge 4 for the Charge 5 and the Luxe.  Please!!!!!!

First Steps

Very much agree.  Would add one thing.  A basic, elegant face with Time, Date, Heart Rate and Steps would that had the option of clicking through other stats would be good.  Speaking for myself, other stats are good, but for a regular work day, these are probably the most viewed.  Thank-you.

Charge 4 had a clock face that displayed all stats at the same time without having to tap screen. Can we have a similar clock face back again?
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @BikerBore, thanks for sharing this suggestion about having a Charge 5 clock face with all the stats without scrolling with us. This idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Please click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

First Steps

Yes please, it's quite troublesome having to keep scrolling to view the important stats. Especially now that there's no button to reset the view now. Please bring the good old simplicity back to fitbit.

Recovery Runner

Something like the Charge 4's Double retro face would be good. Clean time & date with 2 selectable stats shown, especially heart rate & step count. Just don't mess up the colour... #LetUsChooseTheColour

Recovery Runner

Scrolling the charge 4 to find the stat would be tolerable IF I could keep the screen awake to get there.  I have set the app for max awake time, but it goes black as soon as I attempt to scroll.  Would love to be able to change order b/c I can usually get to the first 2 stats. 

Recovery Runner

Two months and still no update? What are they doing? I got the ECG app in an update but I'd love it if they made the device UI intuitive, especially for clock faces (something I expected when I purchased it), a priority. 


Fitbit devices owner since 2017. Just setup Charge 5.  Ugh...


Give me clock with all stats.  Where's your code? Will happily fix for you.


The current overly whimsically designed clocks seem to be optimized for marketing purposes.  Scrolling through the available clocks didn't bring me joy, they aroused rage.


Dear FitBit, optimize for your Customers primary scenarios, not Ads.


Returning my Charge 5 if no clear action being taken with committed date.

First Steps

Agreed. Stats only please. Colors and cute little graphs are not helpful.  A clock face that lets us choose what stats and in what order on a single screen. I think the charge 2 had that. Please! 


I want a time that looks like a time (not random numbers stacked weirdly on the screen or modern art), neutral colors, and the stats I use (HR, steps, distance). Adding other stats is fine, as long as it has those three.

The date format, font & color on Slashed is nice. The time format isn't great, and the cartoony color is obnoxious. The fact that I can either display steps or distance is annoying, and I keep accidentally switching between the two by touching my screen.


Just unpacked the Charge 5 to replace my Inspire.
Main reason to change was the bigger and brighter display.

But no Stats Heavy! What?
Please add it to the options!

Recovery Runner

If you've just unpacked a Charge 5, I advice the best thing to do is send it back and get your money back. It's been months and the mods don't have any idea of when it'd be ready. A brighter screen will do nothing compared to the lack of functionality.

First Steps

I am TRYING to talk myself into purchasing a Fitbit Charge 5 because my Fitbit Charge 3 quit working after just one year. I honestly can't justify the expense for what Fitbit is offering in their latest model. I agree with just about every comment on this page, essentially, you have provided 23 "new and exciting" clock faces, but only one that even remotely serves any on demand purpose, and that's "Slashed". Colors and cute little graphs are not helpful. Most of us live in the real world, we're not professional athletes where active, 24 hour workout monitoring might be relevant. We want a clock face that lets us choose what stats we want and in what order we can view them on a single screen. The current overly whimsically designed clocks seem to be optimized for marketing purposes. Scrolling through the available clocks didn't bring me joy, they aroused rage. Please offer a basic clock face with digital date, time, steps, calories burned, and heart rate without having to scroll. I have looked at and keep trying to talk myself into purchasing the Fitbit Charge 5, only to keep coming back to the same conclusion. I'm actually better off with my old Fitbit Charge 2 to replace my defective Fitbit Charge 3 because it meets the needs that the Charge 5 does not.


I can't find any clock faces that I like for my new Charge 5. Brash, discordant colours, no clear flow easily readable information. Some options for clean graphics without the distracting and badly thought out colour schemes please, ideally clean, simple and easy to read and understand graphics please. 

Charge 5 needs more clock faces with seconds options. I just switched from charge 3 and was highly disappointed by the amount of options with seconds. The mod clock clock face on the charge 3 was my favorite and I would love to see it on the charge 5. And more options where the date is always visible and not a tap through stat & more single colors.
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Kaylyn_kilmer, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing suggestions:


Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions.


Just got the charge 5 for myself and the wife and am also quite disappointed by the selection of faces available. 


The Slashed face is the closest but it's incredibly jarring. All the information is there that I'd want just needs a nicer colour (customisable would be perfect) and to not be slanted or cut off part of the time.


I would also love the option of side loading a custom watch face so I could fix it myself like I did for my friend's fitbit...

Recovery Runner
Run! Turn back before it's too late!
First Steps

Can the Charge 5 move the switchable apps on tap, so that we can put our preference first - I want steps/mileage to show first without scrolling through.

First Steps

For the charge 5 Is there an "always on" clock face that  has time and heart rate alwasys displayed without having to tap the watch face.


It would be nice to have that face also display seconds as well.


  I don't care what else is or is not displayed.

First Steps

Is fitbit working on this yet? I'm sending my watch back if I don't see an update.

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