Customizable Challenges (like start date, duration etc)

I would like to be able to set which days I want for a challenge. Not all of my friends work a workweek (Mon-Fri). I would like to be able to make a challenge thats like Thurs-Sun or Mon-Wed-Fri. Or whatever days my friends work during that week. Choose teams and partners.


Moderator edit: labels. 

I love the challenges myself, just as other have said we use them to motivate each other. But would love to push and challenge my family and friends to do more than just take steps.

Waiting on Fitbit to create a challenge where we can challenge and push each other to meet all our goals and beyond.

I would love to see a challenge for most active, most floors climbed, or most miles.

It would be great if we could log into fitbit and create/customize our own challenges for our family, friends, and fitness groups.

-Most Active Minutes
-Most Miles
-Most Calories Burned
-Most Floors Climbed

Something to push to be GREEN across the board.

Moderator edit: Edited title for clarity and post format.

First Steps

Having the ability to add more than 10 people to the challenges would be awesome. One of the biggest motivator for me to get out and get steps are the Challenges! Seeing my progress with my friends and seeing us all motivate eachother to keep getting more steps. A much more customizable challenges would be so nice. Imagine if you could start a challenge for 1 week, or 1 month. That would be great! It would be nice to create "time of the day" challenges. Like "during work hours" challenges (8-5pm) or after work steps. That way, people who are walking constantly for their job, can also join challenges for them to be active during the off hours. It would also be nice if the Host of the challenge could create "Private" or "Invite Only" challenges so you doint get friends of friends taking up spots that you would rather have for family or someone else. Please increase the options and and features of the challenges!!!!!!

Base Runner

would love to see custom challenges, where goals can be set for steps, or distance or any other item that the trackers track and then customize the length of the group challenge so it could be for a yr, a month or mulitiple months or days.  Since being fit is a lifetime goal it would be nice to see ability to have longer challenge periods.

Hey. I think you should be able to compete in more than challenges at a time!!! And what's with the 10 person limit? These changes would be great!! Thanks
i meant 5 challenges at a time!
Recovery Runner
Currently we can only be in 5 challenges and only 10 people in a challenge too, so I thbk that should be raised Custom challenges too where we set the steps and time etc

I would love to see more challenges available. Especially for the activities already being tracked.

Tempo Runner

I would like to add my voice to this.  I turn down at least one if not 2-3 challenge invites a day.  Please can we be allowed to do more challenges?!  They are soooo motivating!

First Steps
Increase allowance to join more than 5 challenges at one time.

I would love to see challenges for the most calories burned in a day, most miles in a day, most floors, most active minutes, etc. Something to level the playing field more for friends that aren't runners and friends that are.  Having more options for challenges gives you more opportunity to connect with more friends.


Say i start a challenge for step goal.  It is a single elimination, last one standing wins.  Every day you get your step goal you stay in the running.  If you miss one day, you are out.


And make it available for step goals.


Would be fun to make an option for the same challenge with everyone having the same goal like 10k/day first day you dont make it, you are out.

First Steps
Can I start when I get off of medical leave? My step count is pretty lame at the moment. Lol
First Steps

Hello, my name is Jackson and I am an Informatics student studying Human-Computer interaction and design at Indiana University. I'm writing because of a problem I've been having with Fitbit: it's not a malfunction per se, but a serious design flaw.


I’ve noticed among my peers that Fitbit is successful in changing the behavior of its users due to the group accountability and friendly competitive nature of a running competition (no pun intended). This is what makes the Fitbit product so unique in that it’s more than just another smart pedometer or another wearable device it’s community of like-minded people who want to inspire and support each other to achieve their goals. Conversely, my peers of whom I’ve known to get bored of their Fitbit after trying theirs out for a bit do so because they use the app only on an individual level and don’t compete/connect with their friends. In other words: the value of the social nature of your product that is tremendous in not only inspiring but keeping people dedicated toward changing their behavior to lead a healthier and happier lifestyle.


Putting restrictions on both the amount of people able to join a competition (10) and the amount of competitions you can be a part of in any given day (5) is starting to seriously hinder my ability to use your app and my product to their greatest extent and deteriorates the social spirit that I think you guys intended and is obviously very effective in building an empowering community of fitness-minded people. It’s really annoying that I have to wait for everyone from yesterday’s Daily Showdown to sync up (or noon in reality) and a winner to be declared for me to “leave” that competition and not have it count towards my five limit for the day.


I use Fitbit with both sides of my family, and three different circles of friends. Right now, I’m not looking for any new Fitbit friends, because I won’t be able to compete with them as all my competitons are full.

Thanks for reading my essay of frustration and I hope you guys consider this! By the way, this is not my only suggestion for Fitbit!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels


First Steps
Great ideas! Challenges are a great way to get motivated but they are a little restrictive at the moment
Not applicable

I agree.  I love all my challenges and having them limited to 5 is a bit difficult.

Recovery Runner
We need everyone to use the vote up button
Stepping Up

Great ideas. Have found only 5 challenges particularly limiting today

Recovery Runner

I agree more than 10 per challenge is a great idea. Also how do you delete past challenges?


And if they could try and match you with similar step counters for challenges!!! I love all these suggestions
Recovery Runner
BvilleChick They go after a few days or you can go into it and quit
Not applicable

I agree, we need to be able to compete in more than 5 challenges at a time and defo need there to be more than 10 in any one challenge Smiley Very Happy


@HerbaChaz wrote:
More Than 10 Per Challenge

More Than 5 Challenges Per Person

Name Challenges

Custom Challenges, Set Your Own Challenge Targets

Name Your Challenge

In Challenge Put Country Flag So People Know If There Is A TIMEZONE Difference

I'm the admin of Facebook groups
Fitbit Challenges UK and Global Fitbit Challenges
Recovery Runner

I LOVE the idea of having an on going tracking of the challenges we have participated in and our placement.  I also agree that we should be able to invite more than 10 and be in more than 5 challenges.


I am ADAMENT that every participant must allow their stats to be seen all day long and when away from wifi, be able to check in at least every 3-4 hours.  It's not fair to have people show zero steps for an entire day and then come in just before midnight racking up just enough steps to beat those that have been fairly leap frogging each other all day.

Not applicable

Limiting people to FIVE challenges per day and limiting the number of people who can do the challenge to TEN is ridiculous. I have over 20 FitBit friends and I want to participate in ONE challenge with all of them at the same time. I also want to participate in as many challenges as desired. It is so frustrating to be invited to a challenge and be told the challenge is full or I am limited to five challenges. I thought FitBit was to encourage fitness by participation in challenges rather than discouraging and frustrating people. Get with it, FitBit...we are your loyal customer base who love to brag about your company and its products. Please reward us and not discourage us.

Recovery Runner
I got over 200, bit I run a group too, we need a big challenge update
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