Customizable vibrations pattern for Silent Alarms

Could we please have an option to select from a list of possible vibration patterns for our Silent Alarms.


Selectable Vibration Patterns


  • Flex Default (3 long, pause, repeat 3 long pattern until stopped)
  • Charge Default (3 long, pause, 3 long, snooze for 9 minutes, 3 long, pause, 3 long)
  • [NEW] Rapid (3 quick, pause, repeat 3 quick pattern until stopped)
  • [NEW] Rising Scale (1 quick, pause, 2 quick, pause, 3 quick, pause, 3 long, pause,repeat 3 long until stopped)


The patterns and repititions seem to differ between the Flex and Charge without any ability to change them back. I found the Flex vibrations to be a little too harsh and I felt they had the potential to wake up my wife.


I would personally be happy if the setting was per configured alarm or globally for the tracker. Either way, having a few selectable options for the vibration would mean that users could choose how they are woken up!


If you feel this is a useful suggestion please vote for it






Moderator Edit: Title, Format & Labels 

bigAPE | Melbourne, Australia | Software Developer

Flex - Charge - Charge HR - iPhone 6 - Apple OSX

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

Tempo Runner
And I literally set 3 separate alarms and didn't wake up either time

Yes, I just timed my Blaze--- less than 6 seconds total vibrate time. All the pattern to mimic the Charge HR, where it also repeats often, and this would be more effective. The vibration is too soft, and too short. I noticed it 2 out of 10 mornings and slept through the rest.

First Steps

I hate to admit it, but I understand why they are reluctant to make the alarms longer.  I got really tired how long my battery was actually lasting vs. how long they said it should last.  One-by-one, I turned off features that consumed battery life until I was left with my Monday-Friday alarms.  Turning those off made an incredible improvement in time between charging.


Ultimately, I am just extremely disappointed with the battery life of my Charge.

First Steps

Totally agree.  The Charge HR has a long alarm, so clearly it is an easy fix, but the Blaze currently only vibrates for 10 seconds - doesnt wake me up!  Please fix this asap.  Your competition (such as the apple watch) will pretty much vibrate until it runs out of battery

First Steps

I use surge and I found silent alarm vibrations to be very loud for my liking. Please provide adjustment in vibration intensity or even vibration patterns like iphone.


This is a bug I think with the new Blaze but customer service are not being their usual helpful selves.


Having used both the flex and Charge HR previously and successfully used the silent alarm as an effective alarm clock for years now, the Blaze does not vibrate strong enough to wake me - having to use supplementary alarm clock now which kind of defeats the object.


Also the 10,000 steps vibration is easy to miss also, and I'm awake then!


Moderator edit: added labels

First Steps
Please let the alarm keep buzzing till I take action - dismiss or snooze. This is for the surge.
Status changed to: New
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

I'm pretty sure that a lot of friends will be happy to have these options! 

First Steps

Wow the Blaze silent alarm sucks. Not near strong enough and not near long enough. Please fix this. My wife's Charge HR is stronger and continues to vibrate until she stops it. Why was this feature left off the Blaze?

First Steps
I really do love the alarm and it works very well. But I would like a shorter snoozing time. Nine minutes is far too long on a working day! IIt would be great when I can set the snoozing time in the app.
Stepping Up

I think that will be good idea, when we can create custom vibration patterns on each alarm/notification. For example lighter for soft awake, and it continues until we wake up, and make some steps. Or harder and longer when we get call, and we can't look on band. It will help us recognize alarms without looking on screen.
Sometimes I miss calls, and custom vibration pattern will be good idea.

First Steps

I also agree, I think there should be a drop down box in the alarm settings where you can choose how many vibrations it does and with a selection of infinite until pressing the stop button. I've slept through every alarm so far. Also if you set alarms back to back my fitbit surge only lets the first one go off and doesn't let the others go off since I didn't acknowledge it. 


This really needs to happen. This alarm does not wake me up. The snooze will only happen once, and only if I press nothing. There's only 3 sets (15-20sec) of vibrations.


The current alarm software was obviously made by robots, for robots. Humans couldn't possibly use this as reliable alarm.

It would be very nice to increase the vibration intensity for alarms and notifications.
First Steps
I think it's pretty clear that Fitbit is a 1.0 gadget company pretending to
be a 2.0 internet company with a "customer feedback forum" and nice looking
ongoing marketing/engagement. No one reads these forums and they rarely
offer any updates or new innovation to existing products instead hoping
you'll just buy the next one.
The silent alarm vibration on my Surge is so harsh it wakes my wife. Would be better if I could choose vibration settings . Ideally 1 pulse then another after a few seconds and ever increasing till I turn it off . Happy wife = happy life 🙂
Stepping Up

Duplicate of


Please vote on the other as that has more votes already.

First Steps
I want to be able to shorten and to completely disable the vibration function of my blaze. It will save battery and my phone already makes noise when I get a call and text.

What would be cool if the phone could make a special tone for Fitbit Giles met
First Steps
gole's met
Not applicable

3 light buzzes and then stopping is not an alarm that will consistently wake users up on time.  Most people want an alarm that requires at least some action from the user to indicate they are awake.


Please add the configuration where the watch will continue buzzing indefinitely (or at least for a full minute) if the user does not "silence" the alarm.


Progressively increasing vibration would be a really great feature, too.

Not applicable

I would like better alarm capabilities on the Surge.


I find the alarm feature useless on this device. It was better on my Charge HR and Flex.

Recovery Runner

My alarm on my Charge is intense.  I wish it was more like my alarm on my Flex was.  I could feel it, but not everyone knew that I had an alarm going off.  With the Charge, everyone knows and sometimes it's disruptive in meetings.


I'm new to Fitbit having just recently purchased a Flex 2. One of the biggest appeals to me was the use of silent alarms. I was excited about the possibility of sleeping in the same bed as someone else and being able to have an alarm that would not disturb them. My experience so far though has been underwhelming and a bit disappointing.


The default for the silent alarm is to buzz 3 times (buzz, pause x3), stop for 9 minutes and then buzz 3 more times. In total it buzzes for 30 seconds or until you dismiss it, whichever comes first. I am not the heaviest sleeper in the world but 3 buzzes over 30 seconds hasn't been doing it for me. This is not enough buzzing to wake me up let alone enough to keep me up for long enough that I realize that its time to get up and get ready for the day. A variety of buzzing patterns would be a plus but really the issue is that the alarm doesn't go until it is dismissed by the user. It just ends after 30 seconds. Something like having to to tap 2 times while the silent alarm is operating to snooze for x minutes (which could be set while setting up the alarm in the iOS app for example) and having to tap 3 times to dismiss the alarm? Or having the option to say that for this alarm the user has to walk x amount of steps to dismiss the alarm?

Everyone who uses these devices has different needs and I feel like having some options to cater to those individual needs in something like the silent alarm would go a long way. The fitbit vibrates to notify of texts, calls, reminders to move and silent alarms, so clearly it already has the hardware to vibrate. Incorporating more control fo the silent alarm function would be completely on the software side, wouldn't be too difficult to implement and would be very useful to a majority of the fitbit community as evidenced by the number of times the silent alarm functionailty has been brought up.


Thank you for taking the time to review this!

Base Runner

I definitely support this suggestion.

Ideally, the customers should be able to select the desired pattern of vibration for reminders to move and for notification.

Currently, the reminders to move are so weak that I often miss them if I am busy with my work. They either need to be stronger, or give more repeatable pulses!

Recovery Runner
Actually, mine are so loud, everyone notices and is irritated.
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