Idle Alert

I would love to have an "Idle Alert" feature added where the device would vibrate if you've been idle for a certain length of time.

Moderator edit: Added labels.


I hope this is added for all of the Fitbit devices. This is the one feature that made me consider the Jawbone instead. Agree with others that it needs to be customizable (on or off, hours of the day it applies to, strength/frequency of the vibration) to be most useful.


Thank you!!

Not applicable

I would love to have this feature!

First Steps

I just bought my FitBit Flex today. I also would love to have the reminder buzz to move after being still for a period of time. Please make it a software update and not just available on a new future FitBit product. I can't afford to buy another new device.



First Steps

I've just bought a fitbit to replace a jawbone I lost, am very disappointed that it doesn't have an idle alert, or a alert to tell me a good time to go to bed to meet a sleep target, or an alert to wake me in light sleep in the morning 


will give it a go but think the jawbone was better



I would lke this feature too. Been 6 months since the original request, any chance?


Ideally I would like it exposed to IFTTT for notification. Or alternatively, expose the steps API for more than daily, say hourly, so if you do < x amount of steps over a two hour period, IFTTT can notify you via various means, during specific hours, and you can go take a walk!!


Great idea.


i use a program on my computer that "howls" at me based on the time period I set. It's an app called Howler, but including in a FitBit would be excellent


oooops -- gotta get up now

Recovery Runner

I bought the fitbit one because it had reminders - little did I know that they were NOT tied to the activity level - so I really want this. I'm at a computer most days and I need regular reminders and not ones that go off all day whether I'm active or not.


It shouldn't be too hard to implement, it could be added to an update for the One and then added to the website. I mean even if it was just a simple 30min or 1hour choice at a lower than moderate activity level. The extra customization could be added later. This is desperately needed!

Premium User

I LOVE the idea of an "idle alert" that could be programmed for Fitbit!!  I sit down at the computer after dinner and "poof" - the evening is gone.  Great thinking Laura 10!


PLEASE Add feature that allows me to set reminders that  will vibrate at certain times of the day.I want the wristband to vibrate every 2.5 hours to remind me to eat.  I also would like for it to vibrate after I have been sitting too long, and I want to be able to adjust that times for each!  


I love, love, love, love this idea!!! Please make it happen.  I have a One and I use the alarm right now when I sit at my computer to buzz me after an hour but it would be so wonderful to set the device to buzz me when I've been sitting for X number of minutes! Oh how great would that be!!! 🙂

First Steps
Great idea!!! We also need carb counting!!

While we wait for Fitbit to add this, I'm keeping track of my total inactive minutes using IFTT. Unfortunately this only gets triggered once a day.


For inactive minutes use {{SedentaryMinutes}}} in IFTT. The following "recipes" only get triggered once a day so you might need to wait until tomorrow for them to work.


To send Fitbit data to a Google spreadsheet 


To send an email (uses gmail) with the Fitbit data

First Steps

Im surprised the fitbit flex doesnt already have it when this is something that the Jawbone promotes and the flex falsly advertises... yes please asap

Keeping Pace

This is one of my top wishes!  The Garmin looked appealing for just that reason.

Sitting at my desk for too long?  Buzz me to take a lap!

I was searching for instructions on how to set an inactivity alarm, but couldn't figure it out. Now I know why - it doesn't exist. I would really love to see this feature added to the Fitbit family because I have an office job and sit for way too long. I'd love a reminder, after say 45 minutes of inactivity, to get up and walk around the office. I use a One, so please include it for the One as well as the other Fitbit models.

This is an excellent idea and would be consisitent with current research which shows that as much as we need to exercise - humans should also try avoid sitting for long periods.  The health impacts of sitting too much, and moving too little are metabolic disroders, predispositions to diabetes and even colon cancer.  It can be hard for sedentary workers to move enough during the day, even if they are frequent exercisers (as I am).  We need to do BOTH - exercise and move more sit less through the day.  Desks which accomodate sitting and standing to work help, as do walking to a printer, making a cup of tea or pacing whilst taking phone calls. 


A basic Heart Foundation FAQ can be found at this link:


Needless to say - this has my vote!

First Steps

Just wanted to add one more request for the idle alert.  I get focused and lose track of time.  During these times, an alert would get me moving every 15 minutes or so...


I work from home as a developer. I can easily go 3 to 4 hours without getting up when I'm in the zone. I bought FitBit to help make sure I stay healthy in my career, and having something to help remind me to "hey, take a break" would be great.


Yes Yes Yes! I really want this feature.  I'm tempted to switch to the Vivofit too!

First Steps

I'd like this feature as well!

Base Runner

I would love this feature!   I considered setting multiple alarm reminders but then my battery woudl run down so fast on my Flex.    Think I will get up right now and walk around a bit. Cat Very Happy

First Steps

I had heard fit-bit had the inactivity alert feature, but looking for it here, it appears it is not yet a feature... This would be a great addition.  I monitor all day, but as others have commented, get caught up in my daily activities and forget to get up and walk or stretch.  This would be a great reminder.  

First Steps

Me, too!

First Steps
I purchased the Fitbit flex under the impression that it came with an idle alarm. I would really like to see this feature come to the Fitbit lineup.
First Steps

an idle alert feature would be just the thing that is still missing from a great product; i'm new to fitbit, love it already, and this would make it awesome and increase it's usefulness, as I tend to sit at the computer too long.

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