Idle Alert

I would love to have an "Idle Alert" feature added where the device would vibrate if you've been idle for a certain length of time.

Moderator edit: Added labels.


I came here to suggest this idea and see I am not alone.  If the One can't be updated to vibrate when idle (when the flower has lost its leaves), then perhaps the mobile app could send an email or a push notification similar to the one it sends when battery is low.

First Steps

PLEASE make this a thing. I bought this after hearing that an idle alarm was already an option from a trusted friend. Please don't make me regret choosing this brand! I got this to help with my therapies after getting seriously ill. All I seem to do is sit around because it is dificult to move. A reminder to do so would be much apreciated. 🙂


I, too, would love an idle alert - it would be an extremely helpful feature and I would think that it would be fairly easy to incorporate in your various buzzes and alarms and dots that flash. 🙂 Thanks in advance.


I'm disabled, I am not supposed to sit for more than 20 minutes - I bought the Flex thinking it would offer idle alerts (some reviews seem to think it already did) - please implement this as soon as possible.  To sum up; an alert you can set to go off if you do not move for a self specified time, that is only functional when not in sleep mode.

Stepping Up

Really, folks,  come on!  How many of your customers have to ask for this before you decide to move on it?!?  I work in applications development,  and if one of my customers asked for an enhancement and it was still under review months later,  I'd be fired. How about an update with an ETA, hmmm?


With the latest release of Windows 8.1 for Developers (8.1 Update 1) an interesting new area exists in the settings "Accessory Apps". As mention in this article could we see the always asked for alert/notification to get up and move done this way as well as goals dynamically changed once one is hit, say you hit steps but not active minutes could it update and notify of the change so you get the most out of your daily activities?


I would like to be able to get notifications of my caloric Intake vs Output since I sync up with MyFitnessPal it would be nice to get a notification/alert that I need to get up and do something to help reach my weight control goals.



It has been suggested that you should not sit for extended periods during the work day. You should get up and move around every 20 minutes. There are numerous iPhone apps that allow you to set timers that the user controls to remind you to move around. These apps, however, do not take into consideration whether you are actually moving or not. They just go off every X minutes. Since the FitBit devices are actually measuring movement and are synching with the phone, how about functionality so that the user can set that if after X minutes without moving (according to the FitBit), the phone will alarm or vibrate to prompt you to get up and move. Of course, you would need to include the ability in the app that you could set this during certain hours (say work hours 9 to 5) and on certain days (so you could skip weekends). Take a look at some of the apps like Stand Alarm.
Recovery Runner

This idle alert feature is the only thing I can think of that Fitbit is missing. But it should be in more than one model, or a model that doesn't have to be worn on the wrist. I'm not not fond of wearing something on my wrist, so I like the Fitbit One form factor.



Moderator edit: format

First Steps
Why doesn't the fitbit flex have an idle alert like the jawbone up? This seems like a no brainer to me. Are there any plans to add one anytime soon?
Base Runner
Nice idea!
First Steps

I was going to suggest the same! Inactivity timer for Fitbit flex, so that it vibrates when you've been sitting for a nubmer of minutes. The timer could be customised in the setting on the computer. I really really hope this will be implemented as it seems to be not that much work, and some activity bands already have this feature. Thanks!

Base Runner

After reading another article stating "Sitting is the new smoking" I came here to suggest the same thing. I'd never give up my Fitbit, but I'd love if this was added. And made user variable since somebody might want 30 minutes, somebody else 45. I did look to see how the competion implemented it, and it's all over the board so this might even be a nice selling point.

First Steps

+1 to this.  Very important. Sitting at the office for long periods is deadly.


I'm assuming this is still not a feature?

Recovery Runner
Fantastic idea! I haven't read through all of the comments so forgive me if I'm echoing, but this feature would remind me to log my sleep. I work swing shifts and forget to set my flex to sleep mode.
Stepping Up

Yes, please please add this ASAP!  This would add so much to your already awesome product-

Recovery Runner

I would love to have this feature in the next update. Smiley Very Happy

Came to post up a feature req, and this is what I'd be after for my flex. Something that prompts me to get out from behind the keyboard and walk around a bit. Maybe link it with the hydration reminder someone else asked for. Would be good if there was an option to have the prompts only happen if I'm behind schedule for that point in the day getting towards my step goal (so I get no prompts if I'm on schedule).
Base Runner
I agree an idle alert would be great. I currently try to remind myself not to sit to long, so that i can hit my goals.If there was just a little buzz or beep that would go off after xx minutes to encourage you to move,I think this feature would be more of an extra motivational tool to assist in your active lifestyle.

I was looking at the IfTTT app in the gallery.


If there was a output for the number of leaves on the Ones display in the back end. You could have a IfTTT notification if your flower drops below x (3, 4, 5, etc) leaves during certain hours.

Recovery Runner

While I too would like to see this kind of feature added to FitBit, I'll throw out an alternative for the meantime.  I came across this program recently and have been pleased with it.  It's pretty straightforward and lightweight.


First Steps

Yes, this is such an awesome and useful feature! I would love to see it with my Fitbit Flex 🙂

First Steps
I couldn't figure out how to vote for this but I want this feature!!
Yes! This is what I came to post about!
First Steps

Count me as another recent purchaser who is very disappointed that the Fitbit doesn't have this feature. Fitbit should not advertise that it reminds to you get moving if it doesn't have this feature. 

First Steps

There is a Fitbit app that sends me an email when the battery is low and needs recharging.  I love this app! 


Can we have a feature that sends me an email or a text if I log under a certain number of steps in an hour, so it triggers me to get up from my desk and walk a bit?  Maybe configurable, so I can have it alert me if I log under , say, 100 steps in an hour, between 8am and 9pm?



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