Idle Alert

I would love to have an "Idle Alert" feature added where the device would vibrate if you've been idle for a certain length of time.

Moderator edit: Added labels.


I bought Charge HR never considering that it might lack this feature. I’ve been trying to find it for over 2 days now and I came here to find out that it’s not supported...


This is the most important feature for such a device because so many people are working at their desks nowadays.


Please consider including this feature ASAP.


First Steps
Yes I have the flex and this would be great! Especially just as an update so we all don't have to buy a whole new device.
Stepping Up
This is a NEEDED item for me. As a student, with an office job, I sit a lot and need the reminders to get up and take a break to walk around my building

This is the one feature I don't have that I wish I did. Come on FitBit this feature would go a long way to help me impove my health since my heart attack. PLEASE!


I don't see any comments from FitBit other than adding labels (did not look at all 24 pages).  With almost 2000 likes it seems that FitBit doesn't care!!!!!! JMHO

Recovery Runner
I believe the feature is on their watch. So they've intentionally
excluded it from the hr and other models even though there is no
technical reason to exclude this vital feature.
First Steps
We need to post on fb and Twitter.

Sent via brain implant chip
Recovery Runner

MY chat with fitbit I am in Black FitBit in bold 


How about responding to upset customers requesting a inactivity monitor for the last 2 years 4000+ written complaints with no response


Our developers are reading and incorporating suggestions and ideas. Please vote and comment on this community post to egg our developers on: Thanks!


That is no a response you also choose the thread or one of the threads with the least votes I have voted on them all there are thread with almost 2 ooo votes requests going back 2 years what is the response or what is the problem . Many are looking to buy other products just because of this . My cheap $59 Up band had this feature


Our development team is investigating how we might move forward with this idea. We appreciate your patience & understanding.

Blows my mind how they just don't care..................


Moderator edit: Formatting.



First Steps
Unfortunately, it’s not that they don’t care.

It’s probably much more likely that the staff that are fielding our inquiries are outsourced, have no knowledge of their actual roadmap, and are only allowed to reply with a pre-set list of canned responses.

The people that DO care may not even realize that there is such dissent amongst their (previously) loyal customers.
First Steps
Fitbit — how about a response! This popular idea — the Idle Alert - has been under consideration for years. Is it a go or no?

Apple would have gone out of business long ago if they responded to thier customers like this. I just purchased my first & last FitBit product a couple of weeks ago. I was thinking about getting my wife one soon. I'll be looking at other brands.


Moderator edit: Formatting.


First Steps
I think we need to put our comments on reviews of Fitbit, such as Amazon.
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi everybody,

This is currently our top-voted feature request, and we definitely hear your excitement and interest about seeing this sort of feature from Fitbit. I can assure you that our developers are aware of this thread and the sentiment expressed here, and I will be sure to post updates when we have more information about this idea to share.

Recovery Runner

Not buying it. If they really had something you'd be more specific and not patronizing.

First Steps
Thank you for your response. However, this idea has been under consideration for two years. Many of us are considering buying other products now. When can we expect to hear whether the Idle Alert is being developed, or not? And if it will be developed, when would it be available?
I'm think Wild lover is right. Time to take this to Amazon and Twitter. This thread is clearly where customer requests go to die.

by Moderator Moderator an hour ago  


Hi everybody,

This is currently our top-voted feature request, and we definitely hear your excitement and interest about seeing this sort of feature from Fitbit. I can assure you that our developers are aware of this thread and the sentiment expressed here, and I will be sure to post updates when we have more information about this idea to share.



I am a new customer, can you explain why it has taken almost 2yrs to respond & with no

real answer as to what fitbit thinks of this feature. As I said I'm a new customer but don't know for how long!



While I still like the Fitbit products and web dashboard better overall than the competition (the devices have a good balance of feaures, the badges are cooler/more creative, the data syncs and updates to the web faster, etc) the gap is certainly narrowing quickly. It seems like Garmin and Jawbone have done a little bit better job of listening to customer and reviewer feedback as I have seen both companies release updates to their trackers seemingly in response to criticism in online reviews. For example, the Jawbone UP3 got dinged in most reviews for taking heart rate readings only once a day (while in sleep mode), but a recent update changed that so that now it is more similar to the Charge HR in that it takes readings throughout the day so that it can give you better data. The Garmin Vivofit2 did not have auto sync when it was released, but a recent update fixed that and now it does. Could be just coincidental, but it sure seemed like it was in response to criticism.


I cannot think of any similar examples where Fitibt has seemingly responded to customer or reviewer comments with direct updates to their products. The Fitbit blog is interesting and definitely has lots of good lifestyle and wellness advice content which is great, but it seems like there is hardly ever any product news or talk about updates on there.


Similarly with the Fitbit support and Twitter contact points, it just seems like it's mostly canned responses and redirects to this forum which seems to have very sparse moderation. People like to have feedback that someone is listening and plans to respond -- or not respond. Even if there are specific plans NOT to implent this request for technical or patent or whatever reasons, it would go a long way to just be transparent and tell people that. 


Just to reiterate - I really do like Fitbit and have owned two trackers so far (upgraded to Charge HR after my Ultra died) and they have done a great job of motivating me to get more exercise, for which I am very thankful. I just wish the company would put more of a priority on interacting with their customers on a more personal level that's not so robotic and corporate. I've worked in retail long enough to understand that the customer is NOT always right...but on the other hand, when you're getting the same complaints over and over again, it's usually a good idea to take notice that something is off!



First Steps

Yes! I had thought that the Fitbit already had this feature, but to my surprise, that's not the case (while some other fitness trackers do have this feature).


Fitbit needs to be careful. Sure, they are currently the most popular
player in their market, but then so was Blackberry a few years ago, and
they didn't respond to users' needs...

Moderator edit: Removed personal information

I certainly would use this added feature, but there are other ways to monitor idle time (besides simply being self-aware). On the HR you can start a timer when you sit down at a desk or your couch and then you will be able to see how long you have been idle. You can set an alarm to alert you at a time when you are normally idle. Egg timer, check, even a simple hourglass.. And when you buy your next tracker research so you know what it does and what it doesn't do. It is a wonderful tool,but it isn't a coach, or even Mom.
Recovery Runner
Correct, it’s not a coach or a mom, it’s a fitness tracking device missing a major function one would expect to be on any fitness tracker.
First Steps
I use a timer as an idle alert now, and it just does’t work well. I don’t think about turning it on every time I sit down. I don't always know ahead, or think ahead, when I am going to need to be reminded to get up. When I am engrossed in what I am doing, I am not thinking about setting a timer. Since my Surge Watch is already collecting the data on my activity levels, it should be an easy thing to add an alert. And if it is not, Fitbit should just say so, instead of telling users that it is under consideration -- for two years.
Totally agree with this. It's annoying and not very accurate to have to
manage a separate timer system at your desk or on your computer, etc. Of
course I do that now because I have no alternative, but it just seems like
such an obvious feature for Fitbit to add.

It would go a long way toward improving customer service if they'd just be
transparent about the delay.

Curious to see if the new Microsoft Band 2 adds this. The first version is
another high end device lacking the feature for some odd reason. That's why
I think someone has a patent on it.
First Steps
Garmin Vivofit 2 and Garmin VivoSmart have a “Move Bar” (Idle alert) that I am considering -- if Fitbit doesn’t offer it soon. Are there others out there anyone recommends?
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