Increase challenge participants to greater than 10

We (my Fitbit friends) would like to increase the challenge numbers to include more than 10 people. Our group includes way more than 10 who are active and want play



Moderator edit: labels


Is FitBit support even listening?  I have tweeted and awaiting a reply.  


Lets all tweet @FitbitSupport for an increase in player numbers in their challenges and see if they take action from there? 

First Steps

I see that fitbit responded to this suggestion in 2017. Any update on make workweek challenges more than 10 people?

Not applicable

Clearly fitbit doesn't care. Its been well over a year now. No response other than they are still reviewing it. I wish they had some competition in their market, because I sure would leave if I found a tracker that allows challenges with groups in excess of 10 people. Ijs fitbit, are you listening? 


Is the increase really being considered?  I just had this concern recently and was told to post my concerns here.  This has been going on for three years.  My friends on Apple and Garmin have no limits, but Fitbit does.  This definitely impacts my decision on getting a new tracker with more functionality. 


There’s no point even commenting on here as Fitbit clearly not interested in its customers very valid views!  One fix could make thousands happy!  Rubbish customer care #Fitbit! 

Noted. I even asked about making it possible to have challenges within
groups. No-go. It's difficult to man a closed group and encourage
everyone to participate in the challenges, but wait, now I have to randomly
select those who will participate weekly because we are too many...

Tiffani Chidume

I have sent the moderator a personal message asking for an update.   Let’s see if they reply? 


I got this yesterday after an inquiry



It was nice talking to you through our chat channel.

As I've checked further and consulted my Manager about your query, I've found that, at this time, there's no way to have a competition or challenge within a group. 

While this is the case, we encourage you to post this as a suggestion as well on our Community Page so our engineers can work swiftly in making this available in the future version of our site and Fitbit app.

We’ve created that dedicated page for our end users, like you, who's suggesting and giving feedback on how we can improve our products services. 

Rest assured that we’re constantly working to improve all of our products and services to meet the standards, needs and demands of our customers so that we may continuously provide you the kind of service you deserve.

We hope this helps. Let us know if there's anything we may do to assist you in the meantime.

First Steps
Nonsense - other  companies have accomplished this in the past.  Fitbit has been non-responsive on this matter for several years.  This is do-able, this is achievable.  Fitbit CHOOSES not to address this matter despite hundreds (at least) requests to so so.  Next fitness device I buy will NOT be a Fitbit.Shame on you, Fitbit.Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
I have been asking for 3 years

Sent from my iPhone
Sad, I had to create team leaders within the group that will take over so that I can set up all the challenges....

Typed on my IPhone probably via Siri. Sorry for any errors.
We have 60 people, have to setup teams ☹️

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

This is ridiculous! I have asked so many times and have seen so many other fitbit users asking to increase the challenges to at least 20.

With all the technology that fitbit has access to, and the fact that their competitors have unlimited number of participants in their challenges, this is crazy.... PLEASE FITBIT, Fix it!

I have been asking for 3 years

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

I know a lot of my friends on the Fitbit app are constantly not able to join new challenges because we are at the 10 challenge max. There are quite a few of us that use these challenges to motivate ourselves and each other by doing these challenges week after week or day by day and when you max us out at 10 we are unable to join new groups. Can’t we get rid of the challenge max or at least up it to like 20? Please vote if you agree so we can get an app upgrade that allows us more freedom to motivate and help one another to be more active! 

I’ve voted. Was very close to 1K when I did

Typed on my IPhone probably via Siri. Sorry for any errors.
Where did you vote?

Sent from my iPhone

In the post linked by @kimmiikat (scroll up) its on the left @997


Unlimited group sizes, and team challenges are a must !  Otherwise will be moving to a different app!!

First Steps

Many people in my office have a Fitbit and we like doing the workweek hustle and weekend warrior challenges. Howeve, we have more than 10 people who want to participate in this challenge of fellow employees. Can there be a private challenge for more people?

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Moderator Alum

Hi @SarahF18, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Remember to add your vote.

First Steps

Hi a while ago I attempted to use the links in the forum to get Fitbit to allow users who have paid for their devices to be able to compete / share and support each other in challenges. It's really astonishing that in 2019 it's still impossible to utilise these challenges online with each other without having to open 3 or more so our groups can challenge tasks together. It's such a bore having to remember exactly what point it was where the last group left off so one doesn't end up with the same people if 3 daily challenges and others are left out. I have lost 14 'fitbit friends' to other devices and challenge apps - Strava iapps etc as it's a shame we can't all compete together.  

It's also not terribly intuitive using the challenges - when inviting people each one has to be individually be clicked, on larger allowable groups - yes one wonders why some challenges ARE allowed more than 10 competitors ? - each person must be clicked no chance of select all. Is it that the fitbit crews are not really app savvy like others are and are more focused on the devices maybe?  

I really don't understand it -- sadly since january 2019 I'm less and less interested in my fitbit, I wear it still but don't look at it and interact as much as before, I'm much more connected to apps and challenges that allow me to compete and support all my friends in the same groups.  I fear like many others I'll be looking for a different brand after 4 years of loving Fitbit just so I can connect with the other people ( approx 26 - 30) in my challenges.   

I don't understand why it's not possible for the device owner to simply add as many or few friends to a challenge. For trail runs you can have up to 30 but only max of 10 for a daily challenge - doesn't make any sense at all..

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Moderator Alum

Hello @DuffyDelores! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it. Please keep sharing your ideas with us! Woman Happy

First Steps
I totally agree with you.  Many others share this opinion as well.  It seems Fitbit is shooting itself in the foot.   I have lost many Fitbit Friends to the Apple Watch and other Apps that are more user friendly.  I"m sticking with Fitbit for now, and putting up with their system, but I don't know how long its going to be before I go elsewhere.  Fitbit has a good thing going, but they are not keeping up wht the fast pace of advancing technology (at least on the software side).  It's cool to have great hardware, but its AWESOME to have both great hardware and equally great software.
That's what I'm thinking!!
First Steps
It’s BIZARRE and such a shame that fitbit REFUSE  to listen to over a 1000 customers people have been votin and asking since early 2015 and still NO CHANGES. whole family’s leave and groups just can’t challenge together what a shame. 


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