Pokemon Go and Fitbit Integration

With Pokémon Go's release, it would be great to see that Fitbit, the authority in wearable fitness trackers and the app Pokémon Go which encourages its players to walk around and discover the world using their feet, join forces for a better you. Hitting your goals and catching your beloved Pokémon, is there anything else better than that? Whenever you reach your Fitbit goal, you'll get a little in-game item for Pokémon go. Pokémon related badges will also add spice to your collection of badges. You can brag it off to your friends as a sort of badge that you and Pokémon accomplished.


I think this would be a very good move for Fitbit since they have been the forerunner in the wearable fitness trackers industry and with the popularity of Pokémon Go, what better way than 2 giants in the industry joining together. Makes sense right?


Thanks for reading.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

First Steps
I need this integration!! I'm obsessed with Fitbit and Pokemon Go equally, but having the app open in order to have steps count towards eggs is a drain on my battery, and let's be honest, interferes with other apps on my phone. Being able to use my Fitbit step count toward Pokemon Go would make things so much easier!
i think better than this would be a DragonBall game.

DragonBall is all about training and becoming stronger, so game dynamics would be specially tailored to fitbit users. Want to be able to fight stronger monsters? your work out achievements are the only way to get there.
First Steps
Please do it
First Steps
I tweeted about this as well - thanks to the PokemonGo DDoS attack, my 3 mile hike didn't count, and my egg remains unhatched! Very disappointing. With an integration, I could have had a back up of sorts, since my Fitbit recorded the distance traveled.
Yes please - Fitbit & Niantic - please!!
Recovery Runner
Yes, great Idea to allow egg hatching
Not applicable
Great minds think alike 😉 I didn't realise this had already been suggested but I tweeted both Fitbit and Pokémon Go earlier with the suggestion. It would be a good move I think ☺
Recovery Runner

Guys, I think we're going about this all wrong! ***ANYONE*** here could make an app to send steps to Pokemon go, and Fitbit wouldn't mind. We should really be talking to Niantic about letting Pokemon Go recieve that data, because that's the only place where it wouldn't work. The only thing Fitbit needs to do is add the ability to push text and vibrate fitbits to the API.

First Steps
No, thanks. Less battery drainage.
Not applicable
You're totally right!
First Steps
I would like to see Fitbit link to Pokemon go as well! I am a runner and could hatch eggs all the time, but I don't have unlimited data. I wish we could use our step counter on Fitbit to hatch eggs in Pokemon go.
Yes, great Idea to allow egg hatching
Yes-please integrate steps with PokemonGo!!! I miss hate having my phone with me when I'm walking!
First Steps
This is a great idea.

Definitely gains to be made on both sides by a joint association e.g:

It could be a boon for fitbit sales and help niantic with step accuracy (both reducing pokemon trainer frustration with lost steps and also potentially help crack down on incidence of people cheating the system by cycling /driving slowly etc.).

Also, seems like good marketing force multiplication to be had by both nonstick and fitbit in exploiting some of the biggest consumer trends at the moment (wearables, wellbeing, gasification and Pokémon).

Would have to be a quick move though to capitalise on the current hype.
First Steps

Yes! Need this so bad!!

First Steps
Why not have a link up similar to how starva links to Fitbit for Pokemon go. Less haste than have an app to link step to Pokemon go

I don't know about anyone else but I could be walking about work (quite a big building) all day and Pokemon go doesn't register that I have walked from one side of the building to the other. So if it did link to Fitbit the eggs would have hatched in no time.
First Steps

Fitbit, this would be an exellent collaboration. 

First Steps
Yes! Easy step integration to hatch eggs would be awesome.
First Steps
This would indeed be a good thing and more so for me since I GO on a tablet and I'm losing out on a lot of steps since I can't carry it with me all the time. However as has been pointed out Niantic has yet to release an API for us coders to work with to make any kind of integration. Till then it's all a pipe dream

I literally just bought a fitbit because of all the walking we've been doing for Pokemon Go. I would really love to see the device interacting with this game.

First Steps
Yes! Please make this happen!!!
First Steps

I would also love to see the integration between these two happen i feel like it would be a win-win for both companies involved. ( not to mention happy consumers) Egg hatching + vibrations when a pokemon or a stop comes along would be excellent!! Smiley Very Happy

First Steps
I have tweeted Niantic, nintendo and fitbit uk in regards to this. Just need a good coder to develop it since fitbit has an open api. +1!
First Steps

+1 I would love to use my fitbit to hatch eggs on pokemon go.

First Steps

I think FitBit and Pokemon Go are a perfect fit.  I am thrilled at how the game has made soooo many kids get outside.  I think this would be the perfect tool to help kids move, while enjoying getting steps for thier game, they can start realizing how important it is to track and move for the rest of their lives. 

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