Recovery/ Injured / Sick mode or required rest

I had a nasty cold all week so of course I am only at about 50% on most goals, and it brings my average way down. I wish there was a way to hit "Pause" on your counting so you can focus on getting healthy and continue on your goals when you are better.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity

This isn't new-I've seen references to the topic in the past. I have a broken ankle and a class 3 sprain. I'm embrassed with my steps. But they are going up. Just some way of showing on the leaderboard that the person is injured or sick.
First Steps

It would be great to update activity showing times of sickness (cold, flu, being in hospital). (Not that those scenarios are great)


Moderator edit: Labels

Tempo Runner

From a very simmilar post I made in a less optimal place:


I think we need to be able to flag sick days.


1) so the trainer stops pouting at us, last thing I need to do is try to use an eliptical while ill.

2) so it can temporarilly adjust the metabollic burn.  I bust my ass most days and my weight has plataued for the last several months.  One day with a fever and I drop 2.5 pounds.


New thought to the list

3) historical data of sick days may be of interest, especially those with chronic issues

First Steps

I agree! I recently got a Fitbit Flex and I have just come down with the flu.

I'll be spending a lot of time in bed today and tomorrow I imagine.

Considering that Fitbit is a rather community based thing, maybe it would be good to let the people in your Fitbit community you haven't given up but rather are just taking some time off!

Premium User

I agree.  I hate the Trainer's pouty face when I'm sick...NOT motivating.  Additionally, it would give me an idea of how many days a month/year I'm sick!

Premium User

I agree.  I'm now on day 10 of a cold/sinusitis, and today Fitbit asked me if I wanted to change my goals because they are "too aggressive."  They aren't too aggressive when I'm healthy!  It would be great to flag them so that illness doesn't count against you, but also so I can see how often I'm sick and how long I'm sick.  My doctor might appreciate that also.

First Steps

I am a new user.  I just got my fitbit for Christmas, but I am getting over the stomach flu.  I am setting it up as I am unable to do much else.  I was wondering if it was going to mess up my stats.  Even a section where you could put in notes, like "I am travelling all day", "sick", etc.

@Welou wrote:
It would be great to update activity showing times of sickness (cold, flu, being in hospital). (Not that those scenarios are great)


First Steps

I agree that we need to be able to indicate we are ill, injured or hospitalized to explain why the activity and food for a day are out of the ordinary. I'd like to be able to keep a day completely out of the stats and include a note.

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Moderator Alum

I appreciate your contribution @Welou. It sounds like a good idea to register the sick days or days you were inactive due to an illness. I bet other users might enjoy this feature.


I will gladly suggest this idea to our team members so they can take it into consideration.



First Steps

It would be great if you could have a way to let the fitbit program/dashboard know if you are sick or injured and need to take a day off when you will not be able to exercise so that it doesn't count towards your weekly/long term totals. 

I am sick at the moment and I am very wobbly on my feet. So after doing nearly 14,000 steps yesterday, at 5pm today I haven't even managed 4,000. It is a shame there isn't a setting on my charge for when I am sick.
Base Runner
I agree, this information could be captured in a simple daily log feature from the app dashboard.
First Steps
Or when you have over done it for your body you can click rest day
First Steps

I was out sick last week for 4 days. When I look at my total steps and other features, it really hurts my average steps and whatnot. I tried the solution to "negate" the steps by creating an activity called "sick" and set the duration to 24 hours but it didn't accomplish what I was hoping for and attempting the reccommended fix of "driving" did not either. I guess FNO if I get sick, I'll just have to not wear the device at all. I agree there needs to be a sick or day off option so that totals aren't skewed by typical life events. It seems easy to add steps and activities but impossible to truely delete anything.

Recovery Runner

If you are still considering this feature, this would also be useful to track any unexpected weight changes. For example, I lost 5 lbs one week because I had the stomach flu. 

First Steps

I am wondering why I/we can't registar sick/injured days. It greatly affects my over all stats. Very discouraging on top of already feeling bad. Seems like such a simple thought. Everybody gets sick or has an injury from time to time.

My Dr. has put me on bed rest until further notice and it will be weeks before my lungs are strong enough to do the workouts. I want to be able to show that is the case. I did put an e-mail in and am waiting for a reply. With such a great product, I'm sure there is a good resolution.

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Recovery Runner

 I totally agree with this. I have been sick for the last 3 weeks and would like to be able to log this.

First Steps

Yes please


A pause button so it doesn't affect my daily step average and the ability to record when I am sick or injured and maybe a note recorded to way what I was sick or injured with would be very helpful.


I can see FitBit not wanting to do that because you might worry that people would opt 'sick' more often than necessary and then lose touch with the device. However I think it more likely that a person would get frustrated after starting exercise well and consistently that their average are now quite poor because they caught a virus.


People who start exercise programs are very likely to get sick initially. So your product is marketed at getting non-exercisers to get up off the couch more. Don't disappoint us with horrible averages after a few days sick in bed. Motivate us to get back to it and get out there using our devices.



Yes, I'd like to see a way to have certain dates not "count" in our average for times we're sick or injured-- some way to indicate that we're on break until we check in again. We should *not* be trying to exercise when we're sick or injured, so we don't want frowny faces or a sucky monthly average.

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Moderator Alum

Thanks for stopping by, I think it would be great to have a pause option, it would be really helpful to have when you are doing some other stuffs.


See you around! Woman Happy

Recovery Runner
It would be very interesting to get some indication on fatigue levels. Fitbit already measures R-HR and this could be used to show improved fitness. The time it takes for the HR fall after going to sleep will also give some indication on fatigue. The Jaybird Reign is a good example of how to use the information.

I have been involved in tracking fatigue in relation to sleep in the military. As I have struggled to compile this information, there isn't a resource that had the ability to track this other than just manually plugging info from paperwork they fill out, ie. How long did you sleep last night. Fitbit would greatly improve from this feature as it would have both civilian and military applications, from high tempo ops and how it affects members to daily work out routines. The reason I have been tracking this is because there has been a lot of accidents caused by fatigue, even a couple deaths. We are required to track this now so there is a definite need. Being fatigued has been scientifically proved to equal a .08 BAC or more depending on how fatigued you are. Please vote for this feature it could help so many of us out! You can use this information to set your circadian rhythm to it's optimum level.


Moderator edit: labels.

Fatigue science
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