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Redesigned Sleep experience now in the Fitbit app

Hi everyone! Starting today, you may notice a new sleep experience in your Fitbit app. If you don't have it right away, please be patient as it can take some time to reach all users. 

Check out what’s new by going to the Fitbit Community blog

What do you think? Let us know!


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Much preferred the old format. This is not as user friendly for me.

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I really dislike the new sleep screen. The old one was much easier to use. For example, where can I see the contributino to the score % from things like heart rate (as a score)

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With all due respect....have you ever tried getting help through fitbit customer service? I spent around 20 minutes on chat with a very simple question about pricing in Canada.  In the end he only figured out the answer by my questions and prompts, which basically gives me very little confidence in his answer.  I DID also ask about the switch and that is when he promptly told me that he would pass my question to his "colleagues" in that department and someone would get back to me about it.  Not sure why he suddenly bailed like that, since he is Premium customer service chat.  The funny part is that not 3 minutes later I get an email from HIM, basically saying nothing that actually addressed my question.  The question was if they were going to be keeping the new format, since 1 day I had it and the next day it reverted back.  This was his answer.....

Thank you for contacting us with your Fitbit  sleep concern.

In line with your concern, we updated on our Fitbit app and to fix the issue and bugs of in our Fitbit app.

We’ve redesigned the Sleep experience to make it easy to see all the info you need about last night’s sleep at a glance, with your sleep duration, sleep score and sleep timeline all shown on one page

Thank you for understanding.


As usual, not sure why I even bothered to try and communicate with them.  He did not even know the price of the premium services when I asked to double check.  An exercise in frustration.  He also took quite a while to answer my question about how to switch from yearly to monthly subscription.  He just kept telling me things like "you will receive an email from fitbit when it is time to renew and you can choose your subscription".  I already told him that my renewal was coming up and it had no option showing for monthly.  Abysmal customer service.

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I can't turn my phone to landscape to get a better view. I agree that the lack of colour is not good. Looks too busy. 

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Please call the FitBit Customer Service number and lodge a complaint and ask for them to restore the previous sleep tracking appearance. The number can be Googled. That is the only way we are ever going to get it back. They are not reading and/or do not care what we post here. 

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I've just replied to another post moaning about not being able to turn this for a better view and the lack of colour. Too too busy for me 

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The new format is dreadful. The information may be OK but it's not as easy to read as the old format with the dark blue background and bright coloured lines and the Benchmark info was easier to read with blocks of colour. Changing it to little thin lines isn't helpful and it is not clearer. Whoever thought this design is easier to read needs their eyes testing and whoever approved it needs to aswell! 


There's nothing as constant as change but this one is dreadful. It doesn't provide the same information so how can that we good? 


So Rebecca from FitBit, after reading lots of the feedback from others below (and posting my own), the overwhelming majority want the old format back, so when are you going to listen to your customers and deliver excellent customer service and switch it back to the old format?

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The new look is awful! You have removed data that many of "us" have referred to upon opening the sleep experience in the app. It is also less easy to read and interpret, making it unaesthetically pleasing.  Change can be beneficial, but not in this case! Why would you possibly change a function that did not need revising? 

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I have just called Fitbit help to ask when Fitbit(Rebecca moderator) will respond to all of these comments as we have waited for days now. I told her the overwhelming response is very negative and as Fitbit users we would like it changed back. The agent will refer it on!!! This is my 3rd post on here. I'm not really expecting there to be any change but maybe if we all keep bringing it to their attention....... Still hate the new update

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Hi I have called Fitbit UK helpline/customer service just now! 

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What is it going to take for “Rebecca” to listen and for Fitbit to revert back to the previous sleep format???? This is truly ridiculous!!! I used to be so happy with Fitbit before and recommended it to family and friends! Such a DISAPPOINTMENT!! Unbelievable!!  Where is the customer service? How many more negative feedback do they need?? I’ll be calling them asap to show my total dissatisfaction as a customer! 

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I’ve tried to vote for you as I completely agree wit you but when I tap on it it goes down to 1 instead of going to 3!!!!

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Got the update a few days ago and do not like it at all. I do not find it user friendly. The graph for sleep is very hard to read. With how many times this had changed I am thinking of going to a different product all together.  I have used this app for years now 

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Thanks anyway.

Sent from my iPad
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Maybe we should all put something on Twitter/X - they should see that! 

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Change for change sake is not an improvement. If you remove functionality it is not an improvement. As far as I can tell you can no longer change your start and end time for your sleep graph. Fitbit doesn’t accurately pick up those times for me. The new app is almost worthless to me.  Fix your bugs and don’t take away the functionality of the app that is useful to your customers. Then maybe the users will give it a chance. 

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Both my husband and I absolutely hate the new look.  Please go back to the previous one, which made it much easier to figure everything out!

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Please go back to the old version. This is horrible and impossible to read for low vision people. The dark background with colored graphs were fine. The white background with light colors dotted lines and undetectable shading just useless. And what the heck with the 02 graph it’s barely readable can’t see if the peaks are yellow. Come on Fitbit do better. Your audience isn’t always young healthy well visioned people !!

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Not against any changes if they are good. Cant use it if you can’t see it. Not good for those with any sort of low vision problem. Totally useless now 

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Great suggestion,  anyone that does not like the new format or would like the option to change, should call. Hopefully it will helpMarineLV
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