09-12-2016 10:49 - edited 09-23-2016 15:17
09-12-2016 10:49 - edited 09-23-2016 15:17
9/23 Update:
See the new firmware thread here
9/22 Update:
For those that have the firmware update already, new clock faces have been re-enabled.
We've continued the rollout process. If you don't yet have the update, please be patient. We'll post updates about the rollout when we have more information.
9/19 Update:
Hey everyone - it seems like we're struggling to maintain civil conversation on this topic, so I'm going to go ahead and lock the thread. We'll open a new thread once the firmware update goes into wider distribution. Until then, here are answers to the questions that keep getting asked here:
When will I be able to download the latest update?
The update is on hold while our team addresses an issue found at the beginning of the release. Once their work is complete, we will start rolling it out again. We generally don't announce specific dates or timeframes, but you will see the update on your dashboard as soon as it is available. The only thing you need to do right now is wait patiently.
Why did you release the latest update to only a small percentage of users?
We've done tons of testing on this new firmware, but there can still be unexpected issues when we release it. If every Blaze customer updated at once, those surprises would affect everyone. Instead, we use an incremental release to observe and address issues on a relatively small scale. We definitely want the best experience possible for our Blaze customers, and a slow, cautious release helps accomplish that goal.
If only 5% of Blaze users have the update now, does that mean 10% will have it next week and 15% will have it the week after? Won't that take forever?
Nope! We aren't moving in 5% increments. We started the release at 5% and will increase it in much larger increments once we are confident that it's good to go. You should receive it soon.
Why haven't you communicated this information to customers?
All this information was previously posted in this thread, and also added to the lead post. Any time you find a discussion of an emerging issue or a newly-released update, make sure to check the first post for the latest information. We aim for clear, concise, transparent, and frequent communication - you should always find what you need in the lead post.
9/15 Update:
The new Blaze update is currently available only to a very small percentage of users, as we are troubleshooting some emerging issues. It will be released more widely soon. Once it is available, you will see a banner at the top of your website or mobile app dashboard. Thanks for your patience!
Hey everyone!
We're rolling out a new update for Blaze, release notes below:
This release also resolves the following issue:
Important to note: A sync is required after a manual shutdown or a battery drain in order to show the correct time on Blaze. This is especially important for your activity tracked by Blaze because you'll want to make sure it's associated with the current date and time.
The initial wave of users will receive the update starting September 12th, 2016, and will eventually be rolled out to everyone within a few days. If the update to the latest firmware version is not yet available for your Blaze, just hang tight!
09-17-2016 14:16
09-17-2016 14:16
09-17-2016 14:36
09-17-2016 14:36
09-17-2016 15:08 - edited 09-17-2016 15:12
09-17-2016 15:08 - edited 09-17-2016 15:12
@SanFit wrote:@racertempo
>>>...none of these items in the update are things that Fitbit had to do to this product. They are doing it because they listened to the customers and are giving all of us a freeby.
FitBit included the Argyle clock face in their advertisement, and you still keep saying that this upgrade is a GIFT (the giver has no obligation to give, and the receiver has to say thank you). Why the customers have NO RIGHT to ask this clock face? How many months it has passed? How long we should be patient?
Who are you really?
You can't read, I said the ONLY thing was the Argyle watch face....and to hang your arguement on 1 single watch face is pretty flimsy. There was no plan at first for the reminders to move, or added watch faces really. Sure....you have a right to ask for 1 watch face.
Stop being 14 and relax and wait a few more days. You really have no right to complain until Oct 1. You are saying Fitbit is hiding things like there is some great conspicary. Spacetoast said it best in post 475, it is best that they fix it now so middle-schoolers like you don't run around crying about a broken product after a faulty firmware update, which would make Fitbit look bad. Instead they have people like you screaming conspicary theories, which makes you look stoopid, not Fitbit.
09-17-2016 15:31
09-17-2016 15:31
i have the ios 10 and the blaze they are working fine 🙂 just wish i would get the rtm update 😞
09-17-2016 15:38
09-17-2016 15:38
when i log on to the dash board the version matches what my watch says and that is thats the new one yes? however when i look at the version on my phone app it say 8.200.3 are these the same or is my app outdated ... but it just updated on the 16th:( going crazy here 😞
09-17-2016 15:45
09-17-2016 15:45
@brocka The version of the app is separate from the firmware version on the Blaze itself. My android app updates at least once a week, or so it seems. It's been almost 6 months since the last device firmware update. Your firmware is not the latest version. When the new firmware is available to you, you will see a banner on your dashboard inviting you to upgrade.
09-17-2016 16:52
09-17-2016 16:52
Without a specific date or clear timeframe of the update release, for the shake of Customers' Protection Rights, fitBIT should remove the the unavailable features in their advertisement. At least, there should be a warning remark that these features are not yet implemented. Only when the features are available for customers' usage, fitBIT could re-display the advertisement.
09-17-2016 16:58
09-17-2016 16:58
>>>Stop being 14 and relax and wait a few more days. You really have no right to complain until Oct 1.
Child, see my caption above, and ask fitBIT to remove the advertisement until Oct 1.
09-17-2016 17:10
09-17-2016 17:10
>>>Instead they have people like you screaming conspicary theories, which makes you look stoopid, not Fitbit.
A mature guy never call other person stupid.
Just wondering that there is a proctection for bitFIT defenders to say anything here.
09-17-2016 17:42
09-17-2016 17:42
>>>You can't read, I said the ONLY thing was the Argyle watch face....and to hang your arguement on 1 single watch face is pretty flimsy.
They advertise NOT ONLY 1 old clock face. Now, all new UN-AVAIBLE clock faces are on their main website. Open your eyes, and look at the moving clock faces.
Special Notes: 1 is VALUABLE to 4 FACES ONLY [what a smartphone to be]. It is 20%. If you buy one liter of gasoline, but get only 80%, you have never made a complain?
09-17-2016 17:57
09-17-2016 18:11
09-17-2016 18:11
@SanFit be patient. I know easier said than done. They did release the update but it crashed out their servers and the new clock faces bogged down the updates probably causing those people who updated to get the perpetual reboot issue. As someone pointed out Fitbit doesn't have the infrastructure of Apple or Microsoft so when you have a complex firmware update being accessed by millions of people all at the same time then you have issues that need to be resolved. Some uses got the update but with the watch faces but those had to be disabled due to other issues. However the rest of the update did work as I am getting all those notifications just no clock faces, so some customers are using those features. Fitbit did give a timeframe and it was September, so they have until 1 October to complete the update before they are open to any type of false advertising or anything along those lines. Trust me waiting is something I really suck at but I'm trying to be patient and wait for the new clock faces.
09-17-2016 19:07
09-17-2016 19:07
09-17-2016 19:52
09-17-2016 19:52
cant wait!
09-17-2016 20:04
09-17-2016 20:04
>>>This is so hilariously obnoxious. You're a mess @SanFit
Just want to let you know that I am not a fitBIT hooligan.
I make all statements with fairness and honesty.
You should try to be able to look into the negative or dark side of fitBIt and its blind defenders.
09-17-2016 20:24
09-17-2016 20:24
>>>@SanFit be patient. I know easier said than done. They did release the update but it crashed out their servers and the new clock faces bogged down the updates probably causing those people who updated to get the perpetual reboot issue.
Please kindly read my previous posts.
I understand that bugs are common in software development. I didn't blame fitBIT for failed update rollout.
But I am very dispointed with the way they handled the issue. Their explanation was confusing which makes customers anxious and wasted their valuable time. It seems that they are too arrogant to accept a failed update. They like hiding something, not giving a clear and straightforward explantion of what was really happened. It seems that fitBIT is very fast and energetic in making advertisement with "advance" (NOT YET AVAILABLE) features, but very slow and hesitant in fullfilling their promise to customers. If the current advertisement removed until the firmware ready to be released, I believe that this will naturally force their tech guys to be more dexterous.
09-17-2016 21:05
09-17-2016 21:05
You sound psychotic.
@SanFit wrote:@SpaceToast
>>>This is so hilariously obnoxious. You're a mess @SanFit
Just want to let you know that I am not a fitBIT hooligan.
I make all statements with fairness and honesty.
You should try to be able to look into the negative or dark side of fitBIt and its blind defenders.
09-17-2016 21:50
09-17-2016 21:50
>>>You sound psychotic.
You have never defended your standpoint with reasoning.
By just disparaging other person, you would certainly lower your own mental status.
09-18-2016 00:51
09-18-2016 00:51
09-18-2016 00:59
09-18-2016 00:59
It's been about 90 minutes since I started updating my Fitbit Blaze, and it looks to only be about half done...
Anyone else experience a similar issue? I hope it finishes updating before the battery dies, or if it does die that it can recover somehow...