07-05-2017 00:44
07-05-2017 00:44
This is an ongoing challenge where we post weekly about our weight and share helpful tips, give support and talk about our ups and downs. The following abbreviations are helpful to use:
SW - starting weight
CW - current weight
PW - previous week's weight
GW - goal weight
USW - highest weight
All that you need to do to join is write a post with your starting weight and your goal.
08-07-2017 06:54
08-07-2017 06:54
Hi everyone
Fitbit start weight Aug 7 2017
SW- 178.9
GW- 165
So it begins!
08-07-2017 07:04
08-07-2017 07:04
@DJC_63 I will definitely share a photo, but my stove is stuck out in the kitchen because they built the cabinets too close together. Sigh...so it'll have to wait til that is fixed.
08-07-2017 11:46
08-07-2017 11:46
I had 10,000 steps before noon today. We are struggling with one of the dogs getting used to the new kitten. The small dog got one swat across the nose and he was fine after that. Very friendly. The large dog, however, was okay at first but has become more aggressive in his 'play' with his new toy and now gets extremely focused as though it's prey. We can't leave them loose together because I'm afraid he'll hurt the kitty. I decided to take the dog for an extra long walk to wear him out to burn off his energy. I've been feeling like my daily schedule is out of whack because of all the chaos around me, but the dogs are affected by this too. They haven't had enough walks. I'd share a picture of the kitten if he'd sit still long enough for a photo! They are blurred or he's moved, etc. Ok, my daughter just got one.
Hope everyone is having a great day!Weasley
08-07-2017 12:34
08-07-2017 12:34
@DJC_63 Chelsea doing better. She has had better days where she seems to be on the norm. She still looks for Gizmo (tybo is my screen name). She goes in the closet looking for him so I made her a bed in the cubby he use to sit in and she will go there during the day and sleep. She yowls for him to. That gets me so bad when she does that I just tear up. Chelsea always stayed cleared of his spot on the couch but she is learning she can go lay on the pillow and she doesn't get chased off. The same with the cedar chest and his basket. She still gets that confused look on her face but as long as I tell her it is okay then she will go lay in those spots. Eating is still sporadic but she is eating a little more cat food and not just cat treats. She still looks for him at night in the living room and will lay next to his spot and call for him. That's when I lose it. He always slept on the couch at night or on the floor next to the couch. He was the guard cat and both those spots are empty and hard to look at when I turn lights out at night. I still have a ways to go to get over him being gone and not getting a jolt when I realize he gone and not coming back. I have included pics of both. First one is Chelsea, short hair black and the second one is Gizmo, American Long hair black. Yes both are black except Chelsea has a white steak across her lower belly that you never see. If I get another kitty a little later I probably won't get a black one. Gizmo was one of a kind. Plus the lighting of the first fire in the fire place will be hard this year. Gizmo loved the fire place and would get bent out of shape when there wasn't a fire in it and he would tell me about it.
08-08-2017 10:38
08-08-2017 10:38
@Tybokitty Sorry if I'm repeating myself, but I do feel for you. The loss of our loved ones - human and animal, leaves a hole in our hearts and lives. Your description of Chelsea howling for Gizmo had me tearing up with you. Many of us have been through the pain of loss. If any one tells you to get over it, ignore them. We don't "get over" loss. We learn, over time, to move it over a bit to make room for more of life, but it is always there. A loving heart is capable of strong attachments and that's a wonderful thing. Those attachments don't just evaporate. The wonderful memories are always there, the warmth and connection is always there, and the longing is there too, whenever we need any of it.
08-08-2017 10:42
08-08-2017 10:42
@DJC_63 Congrats on your weight change. I know it was hard fought for. But to see your measurements change - that is fantastic! Your hard work is paying off with extra strength. Impressive!
08-08-2017 10:58
08-08-2017 10:58
Checking in:
Every day for 1 year: 186
CSW 186
June weight 183
July 182
Aug 8 181
Granted, this is super slow motion, true. But, I'll take a snail's pace over nothing.
08-08-2017 12:34
08-08-2017 12:34
@Bobbinyc This is soooo much better for you! You hung in there and you are seeing the benefit now. So many people would have given up and slipped majorly. I'm impressed and inspired. Keep it up!
08-08-2017 14:15
08-08-2017 14:15
USW - 315 lbs
7-5- 212.8 lbs - SW
7-11 - 210.8 lbs
7-18 - 213 lbs
7-25 - 208.6 lbs
8-1 - 208 lbs | -.6 lbs
8-8 - 213 lbs | +5 lbs
GW - 203 (about a lb a week)
Well there was FAR TOO MUCH celebrating a new job that I accepted this last week. Too much food and alcohol that could have easily been avoided. But, this is a new week and I will do better. I feel like a lot of the weight is excess sodium and water retention so hopefully some will come off easily.
08-08-2017 23:44
08-08-2017 23:44
@LindsaySeekay Lindsay that's not a long rant at all, and that's part of why we have this group. I did the same thing this past winter, I had worked hard the whole 9 months before and had lost 15 pounds, and then I gained 9 pounds. Part of the problem was winter, it made me want to eat more and exercise less. I also stopped logging what I ate every day so I wasn't being reminded that my calories in were higher than calories out.
The good thing is that you know exactly where you stand now so you can deal with it. Welcome!
08-08-2017 23:50
08-08-2017 23:50
@_Lilac_ That's a beautiful photo! I feel ya about not being able to leave the dog and cat alone. Our last addition was a big male cat that showed up one day and never stopped coming, but he has never got along well with our other 2 males. Like you said, he looks at them like they're prey that he can't help but chase. One of them is my tiny little boy Max, who I'm very protective of because he's a little cat. The other is an old tom cat who isn't as agile as he used to be, so I hate for him to be chased. So I'm always watching them, which can get annoying. But I love them all, so I keep doing it.
08-09-2017 00:01
08-09-2017 00:01
@Tybokitty Omg they're beautiful!! I love black cats. I found a black kitten in a field 7 years ago and he is the sweetest, cutest love bug. He loves having his belly rubbed and will let me touch him anywhere, even his feet. Most cats don't like having their feet touched. He likes snuggling under a blanket, too. I've read that black cats have a hard time getting adopted so I've always thought if I ever actually adopt one, I'd pick a black one. (my cats always find me, so I never have to go adopt one.)
Gizmo was just gorgeous! I know how hard it is to get used to life without a longtime companion. It definitely takes time and I'm not sure I'll ever think of my girls without getting sad. Sometimes at night when everything is quiet I remember something and it makes my heart ache so much. Hang in there and be kind to yourself.
08-09-2017 00:03
08-09-2017 00:03
@Bobbinyc Bobbi that is GREAT!! It's a faster snail's pace than what you had last summer, and it's faster than my snail. I'm so excited for you!
08-09-2017 17:31
08-09-2017 17:31
15,412 steps. Two trips to the mall to buy then exchange then buy a different muzzle for my dog. Tested it out with the kitten and he can't eat the kitten but he can still chase it and he's not learning to just exist with the kitten. It must be chased. Our problem is stemming from a lack of basic obedience. I have a hard time getting him to sit without a treat in my hand so I guess we are going back to the drawing board.
My new kitchen is turning out to be another disaster. I couldn't get the stove in its spot so the kitchen place sent a guy over. Apparently the legs weren't at the right heights so it was tilting the stove, making it wider. He fixed that but the original demo guy hadn't put the baseboard back in or attached the power outlet to the wall (so it's not up to code and just loose) but he hasn't returned since last Thursday...and the cord is coming out of the floor so it's blocking the slide out tray under my stove, hence my tray is sticking out now almost a foot!!! I'd shown it to the designer when he was here to measure and he said it wouldn't be a problem. I'm kind of tearing my hair out at this point.
So many steps. So many dog/cat issues. So much kitchen stress. I need a vacation from life. Oh, and my monthly visitor decided to drop in a week early (while I was out and unprepared). My food was okay today but not spectacular. I didn't have enough veggies so I might have a cold veg snack while I watch tv. Need water too, had too much salt.
Alright...enough complaining. I have feet that work. I have pets who love me. I have a house/roof over my head. I have a normally functioning uterus...ok...put a positive spin on all the stuff I'm stressed about.
Chat at you all later!
08-10-2017 13:36
08-10-2017 13:36
I think I'm finally out of my slump!
I have been living life without processed snacks which has helped a ton. Nothing quite like munching on some chips or popcorn and finishing the whole bag! I've really focused on mindful eating and feel like I'm becoming a pro. Trust me, I have my days where my will power is lacking, but I'm a heck of a ways away from my old habits. I think my initial weight loss goal for this challenge was farfetched, but I'm not giving up! 🙂
Keep up the awesome work everyone!
USW - 201
CW - 162
GW - 155
08-11-2017 14:37
08-11-2017 14:37
New here and starting the challenge, though a bit late.
SW - 259
CW - 258.6
PW - 255.9
GW - 200
USW - 291
M, 59, 6"2", CA
08-12-2017 10:20
08-12-2017 10:20
Hi Bobbi and all,
Welcome new folks. Congrats on weight loss even at a slow pace. At 144.4 today after visiting 147 last week. Very slow but 8 lbs to goal.
Congrats to the folks sticking to the health journey and getting up again after falling back down. Off to Bosten, Salem, MA tonight for a week. Rushing of course to pack, water plants, etc.
Stay strong folks,
Barbara Goodridge
08-12-2017 10:21
08-12-2017 10:21
USW- 215.0 (2/4/14)
1stSW- 211.4 (2/14/17) First Challenge Starting Weight
2ndSW - 210.8 (4/18/17) Second Challenge Starting Weight
LCSW - 212.0 (5/31/17) Last Challenge Starting Weight
CSW - 209.8 (7/04/17)
LW- 209.9
CW- 208.8
GW- 202.0 (September 4th)
UGW- 150
All I can think of is the line from "The Shadow"
Slowly I turn, inch by inch, step by step....
I'll keep accepting even the tiniest victories.
08-12-2017 18:03
08-12-2017 18:03
Life update:
10,000 steps by noon again. We had heavy rain here today, which is greatly needed by our gardens. We walked in the mall instead of outside.
Dog and kitten in perfect harmony. They are now play pals. Dog developed broken blood vessels in the eye from the muzzle. $106 vet bill to discover that. Sigh. Muzzle is now banned.
I chopped all my hair off into a pixie cut. I go through waves of wanting long hair then when I grow it, I can't stand it on my neck or face, so I tie it up. What's the point of long hair if I just clip it up? And I don't do any maintenance at all, no styling...so I chop it off. Easy to put on a bathing cap!
I'm determined to get my act together tomorrow and put away all the stuff that is still sitting around my livingroom after my kitchen remodel. Been slow about it. I've eliminated a lot. I love de-cluttering!
I am sooo sad/angry/dismayed at seeing the news tonight. Is there an ultimate full moon or something? For any of you who might be close to the events, please stay safe and take care of each other.
I know some of you/us stress-eat. If you are watching the news and need something to crunch on, get out your crisp veggies or fruit. Skip the junk!
Have a good night everyone.
08-13-2017 00:42
08-13-2017 00:42
Start - 07/09 - 251
Sun 2 - 244 - 07/16
Sun 3 - 244 - 07/23
Sun 4 - 246 - 07/30
Sun 5 - 241 - 08/06
Sun 6 - 239 - 08/13
Sun 7 - 08/20 (239 Target)
Sun 8 - 08/27 (239 Target)
Sun 9 - 09/03 (239 Target)
Labor Day Goal - 239
- 2 lbs
I hit my original fitbit goal of losing 123 lbs this week. Thanks to everyone again for the support. Just hoping to maintain to Labor Day but I have reset my UGW to 220lbs.