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Weekly Weigh In


I am weighing myself every Monday morning and I am going to log my results each weigh for accountability and support. Please feel free to join in.


Start weigh                   125.5 kg 14/12/2015

Now                              124.2 kg 11/01/2015


Loss this week             200g

Loss to date                 1.3kg


"Slow and steady wins the race"


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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2,723 REPLIES 2,723

We started as a Monday group but we're kind of all over the map.  Tuesday is fine, lots do.  
I agree, WW doesn't teach you as much about nutrition either.  Use the free tools available like fitibit logging or myfitnesspal and then look at calories and macros.  WW was great before smart phones because it reduced food to points which were easier to add up than calories.  It kind of up ranked and down ranked calories based on their nutrition level but it was much less of a full picture than informed logging.  Welcome here.

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Thanks! I'll go ahead and stick with my weigh in schedule and weigh in tomorrow with my info. I had been tracking food for a long time and then simply stopped. Got onto WW and did have a nice 10+ lb jump start, but now want to get back to the stricter tracking (I think I'm better at it - you know...when I actually stick to it!) See you all tomorrow and have a great day!

@tamado wrote:

We started as a Monday group but we're kind of all over the map.  Tuesday is fine, lots do.  
I agree, WW doesn't teach you as much about nutrition either.  Use the free tools available like fitibit logging or myfitnesspal and then look at calories and macros.  WW was great before smart phones because it reduced food to points which were easier to add up than calories.  It kind of up ranked and down ranked calories based on their nutrition level but it was much less of a full picture than informed logging.  Welcome here.


Jenn Walks / Fitbit Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR / Android / Chrome OS / Windows
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Welcome Newbies! This is indeed a supportive place to be!


I had a good week in that I logged at MFP each day, and got tons of steps.  It was a not so great week in that I did not lose.  That is just the way it works sometimes.  I did caress a one kilo bag of potatoes at the supermarket.  At least I know that much is really gone!


SW January 31- 79.8

CW March 28- 78.5

CW April 4-78.6



I did weight 78.1 on Thursday!!  but weigh in is on Tuesday so it is what it is.


Have a great day all!


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Start                 128.5kg

Last week        119.5kg

This week        118.7kg

Shrinkage            9.8kg

Mini goal             115kg

Desired                 70kg


Getting back into the rhythm. Going to have a week of tracking calories this week. I try to eat according to hunger but a check every now and then helps me keep a handle on it.

Last week I felt quite lazy so I went with it. Ready to step it up again this week.

“Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.”

Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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Up a bit from last week in total weight but my fat percentage is down .5% from last week.

Starting weight: ~241+ lbs
Current weight: 192.4 lbs
Last week's weight: 192 lbs
Weight lost this week: +.4 lbs
Total weight lost: 48.6 lbs

Weight left to lose: 32.4 lbs
Mini-goal: <190 lbs
Goal weight: ~160

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Hi Hi! Tuesdays are my normal weekly "weigh-in" days. (Although I am one of those folks that does get on the scale every morning just to help keep me honest and focused!)

SW - 205 lbs (Jan 2015)

CW - 191 lbs

GW - 150 lbs 


This is my 2nd serious attempt to drop weight that came on during pregnancy, divorce, and mild depression (in that order), and years of comfort eating . By Dec 2010 I was 8 lbs from my goal weight of 150, after losing about 62 lbs. And then, I simply stopped. Stopped tracking. Stopped focusing on exercise as much. There was a lot of emotional stuff going on at home, and I started to play an online game, and I stopped taking such good care of myself and my health.


I bought my first Fitbit in Jan of 2015, and while it has helped me to very slowly start to focus on moving more again. It really hasn't been until recent months that I've been way more motivated and intense in terms of wanting to drop this weight. Get healthier. I'm certainly not getting any younger (gonna be 49 this year) and I've only got the one body. I don't want to be a statistic about single motherhood, single women, or anything like that. I don't want to be the person that doesn't take care of themselves as best as they can make themselves. I will never be a vegan, vegetarian, or go completely sugar-free. That isn't how I'm made. But I certainly DO know how to eat better (i.e. LESS), healthier, and move more. And I know how good all of that IS for my mind, heart, and soul.


My current goal weight is 150. I'm 5'4 1/2". I may decide to drop a few more once I get to my goal, but we'll see how I feel and look when I get there. I'm a medium build and remember that when I was about 145-150 lbs in my late 20's I looked and felt great. So we'll see. Thanks for the welcome and company!

Jenn Walks / Fitbit Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR / Android / Chrome OS / Windows
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Can I join in...?

I need to lose about 35 pounds, and yesterday I weighed in at 205.80.  My goal weight is 170.

If, for some reason, I'm doing this posting business incorrectly, I apologize - I've not posted here before, but am hoping that I'm not intruding or anything...!

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@swestleyj60 wrote:

Can I join in...?

I need to lose about 35 pounds, and yesterday I weighed in at 205.80.  My goal weight is 170.

If, for some reason, I'm doing this posting business incorrectly, I apologize - I've not posted here before, but am hoping that I'm not intruding or anything...!

I literally posted yesterday asking if I could join as well. And then logged in with my weigh-in today. It would seem to me as if this group / thread is very open and welcoming.

Jenn Walks / Fitbit Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR / Android / Chrome OS / Windows
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@swestleyj60 wrote:

Can I join in...?

I need to lose about 35 pounds, and yesterday I weighed in at 205.80.  My goal weight is 170.

If, for some reason, I'm doing this posting business incorrectly, I apologize - I've not posted here before, but am hoping that I'm not intruding or anything...!

Anyone can join in! You can weigh-in on any day that you like, using whatever format that seems logical to you. I weigh-in on Wednesdays, for example. I always preferred this day and see no reason to change it to the more popular Monday. 


Welcome to the thread! 🙂

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I had my first really 'slippery' day yesterday. Tracking as usual and the numbers seem to add up with some to spare (according to the fitbit calculation of cals in vs cals out). I ate out and did my best to estimate as honestly as possible, but feel as if I went over. The scales this morning agree with me (still down on the week, but up overnight). It's hard to know what to do when the calorie counter on the app seems too generous...

Do others have experience of this? Maybe I am missing something obvious? The given calories in the app can vary ie several entries for the same or similar thing seem to give very different calorie values. Of course it's tempting to choose the lowest one (;-) ) but I try to choose a middle one.

Thank you all for your wonderful encouragement and shared experience and success!

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@tamado wrote:

WW was great before smart phones because it reduced food to points which were easier to add up than calories.

@tamado: you’re assuming logging your intake with MFP is a piece of cake for everyone. It is not for me. I’m reasonably tech-savvy, reasonably educated in nutrition, yet I find systematic logging a daunting task, even if I eat at home most of the time and I’m single (so make meals only for myself). The most I’ve been able to do is track protein (with a spreadsheet), and even then, only when eating at home. I really admire people who are able to track their intake everyday and in every environment. I have no personal experience with WW, but I understand roughly how it works and I can see how it can appeal to (and still be relevant for) people like me who are more inclined to rely on "intuitive" eating. That being said, I like to use a kitchen scale to weigh calorie-dense food and improve my sense of what constitutes the right portion size, even if I don’t log the numbers anywhere.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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@Cottongrass: link your Fitbit account to TrendWeight if you haven’t done so yet, and don’t focus too much on a particular daily weigh-in. Instead, look at the red curve in TrendWeight (especially once you’ve gathered enough data point). The 3-month curve is the best IMO for short-term weight management.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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2017 Goal Weight = 120.

3/1/2017 Start weight = 155

3/8/2017 153

3/15/2017 151

3/22/2017 148  (Short term goal of 150 achieved)

3/29/2017 147

4/5/2017 148


Short Term Goal = 145


Oh oh.  Up 1 pound and I didn't think this week was particularly bad though I did have two social functions. Guess I should try to focus on losing as it seems it's going very slowly.  Now that it's warming up in the NE I can get out and run more often and that will help a great deal. Still shooting for my short term goal of 145 and happy to be in the 140s.  

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Starting Weight: 2/27/17 - 187.8 lbs


3/27/17 - 182.6 lbs

4/3/17 - 183.6 lbs


Weight lost/gained this week: +1 lbs

Total weight lost: 4.2 lbs


I went up a pound. Not due to going over calories though. I think the 182.6 was a temp flux because I started a new medication I was adjusting to and upset my stomach for a few days.

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Having used MFP, WW and Fitbit calorie trackers I can say that there is something for everyone. Frankly, the WW app has a nicer interface and it is a bit easier to find/favorite your foods - especially vs the Fitbit app. I actually think that the folks at Fitbit would be smart to update their food tracking side of the app so that we didn't have to log into the webpage so much to adjust foods etc. The interface simply isn't as good as WW - or MFP (which has come a long way).


But tracking in general takes dedication and effort. I'm good for a while then I find I start to slip, and then I have to force myself to get back to it. Ebb and flow. But I know, for me, that tracking is paramount to my being successful. And accountable.


Also in terms of daily weigh-ins and fluctuations, I think it is important to remember that the goal for true weight loss is the Weekly Weigh In. Our bodies DO fluctuate and that will show on the daily weigh-ins. There are so many factors to take in (water intake, sleep, salt intake, monthly cycle, bodily functions, etc.). If you find that you get disheartened or demoralized from the daily weigh in - then DO NOT do it. For some (like me) it can be kind of a self-help check. I see that number every morning and it helps me (mostly) to try and make smarter choices. But I only "track" the Weekly Weigh In.


Making these kinds of changes to care for ourselves and lose weight, get fitter, or whatever your goal - can be hard work.  What works for another may not work for you. Use the tools and steps that will help you to succeed. Not fail.

Jenn Walks / Fitbit Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR / Android / Chrome OS / Windows
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@Jenaht and @Dominique, my statements were based on my experience vs my sister's.  She lost about 80 lbs about 10 years ago and has maintained 60-70lbs lost (bounced back a little but within reason).  She did WW (as well as treatment for a pituitary tumor which was messing with hormones).  She marvels at how little she learned about nutrition compared to what I have in my journey.  She has said she would eat a kitkat and just eat less at the next meal to hit her points numbers without much consideration for insulin spike, sugar, macros, etc.  I feel I have learned a lot from logging.  It took a bit and I had to make some assumptions.  I did things like make "meals" in fitbit for things I ate often.  I had a number of things I could make healthy and know I was ok to eat so I was a bit repetitive for a while.  I would log the "meal" which was a list of ingredients and go from there.  I made some guesses, I found restaurant food that was similar to what I made, I ignored variances in seasoning, etc but overall, I got a sense of it.
My point is/was that this is a journey of discovery and education.  When we understand food as fuel we look for what our bodies need.  My harley runs like **ahem** on regular fuel but it will limp me in to the next gas station but it purrs like a kitten and has more power when I run premium.  A tank of gas isn't a tank of gas and a calorie isn't a calorie.  Quality matters.  If I'm starving and need to survive I can eat a piece of jerky and a bag of peanuts but I'll be looking for better food at my next stop.  So, I'm not crapping on WW I just want to see people educate rather than blindly follow a program and wonder why the weight came back when they stopped paying for WW, etc.  I am not wanting to judge one program/system over the rest but I just know I am desperate to never go back and the key to that for me is information.  
I was looking at my folder full of weight loss photos today - before and after.  I am happy and proud and I feel amazing.  I swapped winter tires off of three vehicles yesterday (two of which are one tons with 10 ply) and that used to kick my butt.  My knees and back would ache, etc.  It was easy (but time consuming) and I can't even tell today.  Life is better, life is easier, I am confident.  I want to share that.  It breaks my heart when I see people lose a bunch and I celebrate with them and six months later they are back where they were and we just don't talk about that...

I will also state again, I am learning as I go.  I am scared at times, I feel vulnerable.  This is so new and I hear all of the horror stories of people who have lost and gained back.  I have come to far, I won't let it happen and I am hoping I have figured out the formula to make that possible.

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April's first weigh-in!


Start:            253 lbs

Last Week:  156.6 lbs

This Week:  154.4 lbs

Change:      - 2.2 lbs

Total Loss:  - 98.6 lbs

Goal :           125

Mini Goal:    153 lbs - because at this weight, I will have lost 100 lbs


Lost a good amount this week. Some of it is likely the water weight I was still carrying from my vacation. Overall, good week, though! I am very close to my mini goal and I think I should hit it by the end of the month, probably in a couple of weeks. 

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Thank you Dominique. I have just done that. Trend weight looks like a useful tool. Thank you. I'm feeling more on track now and hopefully the scales will be encouraging at the end of the week!  Thanks again. 

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Hi everyone.  I missed my weekly Monday, so here goes.

So, my related non scale achievements last week, were running twice and resisting the urge to have many easter cream eggs!  Yum!

My scale achievements as follows.

Have a great week everyone. 


SW - 193.8 - March 20  First day of spring! 

 - 192.7 - March 27th, one step in the right direction.

CW - 192.8 - April 5th.  Same... close enough! 😉

Total  - 1 lb.

MiniGW - 189

UGW - 160

This week's goals, run 3  times.  Start tracking!!!!! (my nemesis)

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@tamado Oh I agree with everything you said completely!!! I will say that the WW system NOW is different than it was 10 years ago. There is more focus on nutrition, but like you, I do learn more from the logging and trying to find the right fuel combinations to do what I want to do. Their points systems also can be unforgiving for something that has only 90 calories and "good" fat for example, and yet still assign it 2 or 3 points - when you only have 30 per day. And that can give the wrong message.


My comment above really was about understanding that different things do work for different people. And the apps and their interfaces work can be daunting in and of themselves - which can discourage people too. Making these kinds of changes to our lifestyles is so hard; you don't want to have to deal with an ugly app interface or one that confuses you too much, right?!

Jenn Walks / Fitbit Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR / Android / Chrome OS / Windows
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