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Weekly Weigh In


I am weighing myself every Monday morning and I am going to log my results each weigh for accountability and support. Please feel free to join in.


Start weigh                   125.5 kg 14/12/2015

Now                              124.2 kg 11/01/2015


Loss this week             200g

Loss to date                 1.3kg


"Slow and steady wins the race"


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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2,723 REPLIES 2,723

Congratulation @SunsetRunner for reaching your goal. A 77lb loss is a fantastic achievement. 

Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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Start 128.5kg

Last week 119kg

This week 118kg

Shrinkage 10.5kg

Mini goal 115kg

Desired 70kg


I lost the kilo I put on last week thankfully. I still have a few more days on the steroids and after that I should be able to better judge how much water retention is happening. This is the first time that I have taken steroids and I feel quite agitated on them. They have been doing their job however and my face is starting to unfreeze. 

The best thing to come out of this is that it has made me really look at my lifestyle and make changes to become  healthier all round. Basic stuff really - get to bed on time, more fruit and vegetable, more relaxation, stop over working. 

Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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USW (pre fitbit) Nov 14 2016; 123kg

SW (Fitbit) Mach 02 2017;       97.7kg

PW June 05;                            85.9kg

PW June 12;                            84.5kg

PW June 19;                            83.5kg

PW June 26;                            82.4kg

PW July 03;                             81.6kg


CW July 07;                            81.2kg

       Loss of 400g this week


mini goal weight; 70kg by christmas


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USW 200.4 (6/17/17)

PCW 199.2 (7/3/17)

CW 200.4 (7/10)

Weight Change this week: +1.2

Total Weight Lost: 0

CGW: 190

UGW: ~130


Oh no, that's the exact opposite of what I want!


I have been having serious trouble controlling my sugar intake. I think I should focus on that alone instead of trying to do all sorts of extra stuff on top of it. You know how if you do too many changes at once, it all ends up being overwhelming and impossible to maintain. Okay, so let's just see if I can avoid excess sugar for a while...

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Week 6: July 10, 2017

Highest Weight: 305.5 lbs

Weight Last Week: 300.5

Now: 298.9

Loss these last week: -1.6

Loss to date: -6.6


A pretty good loss this week – yay for steps in the right direction! Even though I lost about 1.5 lbs from my previous recorded weight (and I would *lovelovelove* to keep that trend going), I feel like I could have done better. I am consistently inconsistent with my food and my activity. I do think I am hitting about 4 of the 7 days pretty well, and then somewhere along the way those 3 days just get me. I’m not planning ahead, or I let the day get the better of me – but either way, I need to start getting those better under control.


My daily intake has been averaging too high for sustainable weight loss, and if I have many more weeks like this last one where I was missing my activity and step goal, it’s going to lead to regaining the small amount of progress I have made.


However, I’m not totally down on myself. I did make some good decisions this week. And because I’m checking my weight regularly (just only recording it on Mondays) I’m catching the up-fluctuations before they become significant.


Camping this weekend. Unfortunately, it’s not cool-weather mountain camping and instead is hot-weather lake camping. Nowhere really to hike, so I’ll have to figure out where to get in my activity. I’m still looking forward to it, and I know I’m totally going to overdose on toasted marshmallows – but I’ll also try to be mindful that just because I’m camping it doesn’t mean I have a blank check for my calories.

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I've never posted before, but hopefully this will keep me accountable!


20 y/o


Start weight: 200 lbs (5/5/17)

Current weight: 186.4 lbs (7/10/17)

Next goal weight: 167 lbs (12/31/17)


I struggle a lot with snacking! I'm a college student, so I have ample opportunities while I'm at school to eat junk food. This summer, I've eliminated most snacky foods at the house, so I'm doing pretty good! Going back to school in the fall will be a hard transition for my eating habits.


Thanks for the support!!

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Start 265 lbs 09/27/2015
This Week 157.6 07/10/2017
Last week 158.2 07/04/2017
Maintenance mode
Loss Range 110 lbs +/- 5 lbs


Not much to add.  Busy season is settling down and we had company from out of town this weekend.  I am known for my cooking and it was fun to continue that tradition in new ways.



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I can attest - I have tried it alone, where I told nobody (in part because I was ashamed), and I have tried it using a community, and being a part of a community really helps.  When I'm checking in here regularly to see how people are doing, it keeps me thinking about my "plan" and I'm more likely to make good choices.


Good job getting rid of temptation at your place and good luck keeping it up 🙂

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I hope the same goes for me! I've told some family and now I'm going to try to keep up to date on here! Thank you!

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@Baltoscott The Paella looks awesome! I'm so jealous!  

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@Move.It.Move.It and @Baltoscott Thank you for the kind words and encouragement! 

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@KenzieRae. I agree with @IMchika. We're here to help you stay focused and great job on eliminating snack foods from the house!  

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If only all our progress were linear 🙂  I agree that it's tough to make a lot of changes at once, I also like to do one piece at a time and add on after I get it figured out.  It makes me feel like I have a firmer foundation.


For what it's worth, my understanding is that eating more proteins and (maybe especially) fats (esp the good kind) help keep you more satisfied throughout the day, which allows you to eat less.  Make sure you're not cutting out sugar and just replacing it with some chemical. 


Good luck!

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Start:            253 lbs

Last Week:  137.6 lbs

This Week:  132.4 lbs

Change:       -5.2 lbs

Total Loss:  - 120.6 lbs

Goal :           125 lbs

Mini Goal: 135 lbs - because this was my steady weight since more active college days - DONE!


New Mini Goal - get into 120s


So, I lost a ton of water weight this week. All the water that my body was retaining during my cycle and the unfortunate sunburn seems to be gone. Finally! Those of you stuck in a plateau, have hope - the water weight will eventually flush out. Weighing in every day has been beneficial on so many levels. I know exactly when I am beginning to retain water and don't stress about the scale. Also, I now have a much better idea how my cycle influences water retention (I start retaining during ovulation and gradually retain more and more until about 4 days into my period, at which point my body releases the water). I recommend a few months of daily weighing for all the ladies - the information will be invaluable, especially when the scale doesn't seem to move. 


I reached my mini goal of 135 lbs and then some. I am very close to goal now, which is exciting! I am not quite sure if I should continue to lose or start to bulk for a bit. All my clothes fit again - even the clothes that used to only fit me at 125 pounds. Clearly, I now have more muscle and less fat on me than when I was 125 lbs in college. Size 6 jeans that used to fit me perfectly at 125 are now a bit loose. I may benefit from a bulk phase to give my body a break and put on some lean mass. I'll have to take a few days to think about this. I clearly still have fat on my body, but taking some time to gain more muscle will make cutting that much easier. My scale shows a body fat % of 22.6. This is the best estimate I'll have until I get another DEXA scan in September. Lots to think about!

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Congratulations @AuroraKat on reaching your mini goal! Keep up the good work and you'll reach your next goal in no time! 

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Ultimate Starting Weight265 lbs
Current Starting Weight199 lbs
Last Week's Weight191.3 lbs
Current Weight189.6 lbs
Weekly Change-1.7 lbs
Mini Goal180 lbs


I feel like it has taken forever to hit this 10 lb mark but I finally did it! Now to keep chugging along.

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@KenzieRae -- Welcome.  


Snacking is definitely a struggle and it seem especially hard at college -- there are just so many social events that include free food and drink.  I think a strategy some folks use is to "save up" calories by eating less at breakfast and lunch when they know there will be a lot of food available at some social event later in the day, but I'm starting to think that it might be easier to go back to the old fashioned 3-4 satisfying meals per day.  If you eat enough to satisfy so you aren't hungry for several hours after breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc, that makes skipping the free slice (or two or three) of pizza easier when it presents itself at random times throughout the college day a lot easier.


There are a few folks on this thread who practice intuitive eating, which I think mostly means pay attention to your body and eat when you are hungry, but for me at least, when I ate 5 or 6 small meals I was hungry minutes or an hour after each one.  An hour after lunch is definitely too soon to start eating again, and low cal veggies when you are a little hungry and pizza is also available requires some serious will power.  


I started with the 3 or 4 meals/day practice about a month ago after reading a book called "Lean Habits ..." by Georgie Fear.  Given that I was used to eating more often, and there have been a lot of advocates for five or six or more small meals throughout the day to avoid hunger and maintain blood sugar levels, I didn't think it made much sense at first.  But the transition has not been a big deal and I really do feel less hungry even when eating at a caloric deficit like I have over the past six months to lose weight.  And I guess I must like the book as this is the second time I've plugged it in the forums.  

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Jan. 6, 2017:       202.3 lbs

  • Mon, 5.29:  172.1 lbs
  • Sun, 6.4:     172 lbs
  • Sun, 6.11:   170.4 lbs
  • Sun, 6.18:   168.8 lbs --- Woot Woot, I'm in the 160s!
  • Sun, 6.25:   168.0 lbs --- Whoa, the year is 1/2 gone ... last weigh-in for June.
  • Sun, 7.2:     167.1 lbs
  • Sun, 7.9:     166.6 lbs
  • Sun, 7.16:   165.3 lbs

-1.3 lbs since last week

-37 since start. 

Goal Weight: 165 lbs


My actual weight last Sunday and this Sunday is exactly the same which would indicate no progress. Smiley Sad But my Trendweight takes account of the lower daily weigh-ins I had over the week and has me down 1.3 lbs.  I like TrendWeightSmiley Happy

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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CW - 243 -8     8 WEEK AVERAGE -0.125 LBS (-1)  USW - 363 3/9/16

PW - 251 +9

PW - 242 -2

PW - 244 -3

PW - 247 +5

PW - 242 -9

PW - 251 +8

PW - 243 -1


In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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Yay! A friend who measures in pounds!!  I just have to look up what the pounds are in the metric so it's fine but it's nice to see "lb" from time to time.Either way going forward is what matters.

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