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@jwms There was a theory in the past that devices with app galleries can't be used together on the same account. There may be some truth to this theory and that indicates bad software coding practices. In software development, there is such a thing as "a singleton" which is considered an "anti-design pattern" nowadays because it severely limits the ability to extend functionality. It's a bad coding practice. It means that when you add a new tracker to the Fitbit app it creates a single static object(s) that represent certain functionalities. That object isn't bound to the device but it's the other way around - the device is bound to that object. So there may be a singleton that represents a model of Fitbit currently using the App Gallery (following the theory I mentioned). You can't assign two values to a single variable so it's either this device or another one, can't be both. So why is it so hard to remove a singleton and make it properly? Removing singletons is usually quite a challenging task. After introducing one singleton, in the lazy development, the chain reaction of bad practices starts and then another one is added and then another one. Then, the whole functionality is built around that pattern. Removing it usually means rewriting a very big chunk of code and dealing with lots of bugs. This is why I don't think we will see it soon. Fitbit started rewriting some code (new UI), there may be plans to rewrite some core functionality but this will be a tough process. Unlikely, we will see it in the near future. This is one of those things developers have to think about before they start coding (what if we need to add another device?). Once jumped into this hole it's hard to get out 😉 It's not impossible but hard. I tried to explain that without getting too deep into coding technical stuff.
In theory I don't have a clue what you talking about I guess that's why they pay you the big bucks. i believe you really do have a good product but it seem like you have poor product service. If coding seems to be the issue of all this You could always hire AI chat GPT 4.0 now what can I do to help
@jwmsI'm not working for Fitbit. I'm just explaining based on my 20+ years of experience as a software developer why this is such a big problem for Fitbit. Simply, it's not going to happen in my opinion. At least not immediately. If it was easy it would already happen.
@jwms my advice as a software developer wouldn't be particularily useful. But I can give you advice as a competitive athlete. I need to be able to use multiple devices (bike computer, two watches and chest strap that serves also as a running pod so I can run just with strap and my run will still get detected and synced) and they need to work together on a single account and that is done easy on Garmin platform. From two watches, I have to pick "primary" watch and when I use bike computer it synchronizes to the account. Platform recognizes which data comes from which device and glues it together. The process is totally seamless and doesn't need user's involvement. Oh, and guess what. There is also an app store and all three devices I use, they support apps and there is no issue with using that feature with all devices paired at once. My advice is to find something that meets your requirements rather than wait for something that may or may not happen. This is what I normally do 🤷 I don't believe in "brand loyalty". If something stops benefit me I ditch it.
There are lots of votes and comments and status is "Under consideration". However, it's been "under consideration" since 2014 so that doesn't give much hope for any development. Sorry, I don't have better news.
I have more than 1 Fitbit (because i don't want to get rid of them) and i thought it would be good to have more than one Fitbit on the same google account.
Hi @LiamLTS, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about being able to have multiple Fitbit devices connected in a single account with us. This product feedback was already requested on this board, so I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.
This issue has been brought up many times without being addressed. Moreover, there is no explicit information anywhere for a customer to notice that only one device can be connected. Customers may waste money to purchase a second one and find out two devices cannot work at the same time. Isn't it possible to make customers' lives easier?
I was going to post this too. This issue was raised years ago and thousands support it. Google/Fitbit have done nothing to implement it in all that time. Personally I'd like to be able to use an old Sense for work and swap for my Pixel watch at other times.
Garmin has enabled this for a very long time. You simply pair your watches and choose which takes priority. No need to delete one to set up another.
Come on Google, you have the smarts so why not push an update out and make a lot of customers happy. Garmin is producing some really good smart watches now and this puts you behind. This simple thing could increase your market share.
Another thought. They don't charge anything extra to gain access to health data on their app either.
Hi @yhhuang0324, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about allowing you to connect multiple Fitbit devices in a single account with us. Because this product feedback was already requested on this board, I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.
I have two Fitbit devices. I like them both for different reasons. Sometimes I want to wear the smaller one when I'm just running errands. You should make it easier to switch from one device to the other. As it is, I have to reinstall the device on the app anytime I want to change the one I'm using. It couldn't be that hard to fix this. Thank you!
Hi @Cheryllion, thanks for sharing this product feedback about being able to connect more than one device to a Fitbit account with us. This idea was already requested in this board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to make sure the product feedback shared here doesn't get confused, or split a popular vote. Please click on the thumbs-up to show your support.
We should be able to have multiple trackers on your account at the same time, for example, the inspire 3 and Charge 6. I wear one at work at the outside work. I shouldn't have to keep swapping on the app, it's an unnecessary hassle.
I just bought an Inspire 3 to add to my Charge 2 and Charge 4. Battery life has become an issues and I like having multiple devices for different activities. It was one of the features that Fitbit originally supported and was definitely something that made Fitbit my go-to. Now that I’m more aware of changes Google made after their purchase, I must say I’m very disappointed. I would have expected a tech giant like Google to continue to support the feature-rich platform, rather than tear it down. I realise the purchase has enabled Google to mine all the fantastic tech Fitbit created, and I find the hard hit against the dedicated original users to be a kick in the gut. I guess that’s the American Way, huh?
Hi @Newinspire. Thank you for your product feedback about being able to connect multiple Fitbit devices to the same account with us! We've found a similar request and merged yours with it. You can find it here. Please vote on the existing thread to help us track interest. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.
Allow a user to have multiple devices (at least two) linked in the app, and easily select which one is active - or better yet, Fitbit app would *know* which one I'm wearing, I shouldn't have to tell it. Fitbit should let me know if it's confused, for example if the kid puts on the other watch while I'm wearing the first.
Hi @MoxRox, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Product Feedback Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing product feedback:
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