Idle Alert

I would love to have an "Idle Alert" feature added where the device would vibrate if you've been idle for a certain length of time.

Moderator edit: Added labels.

First Steps
Yes please add the idle notification! My charge hr is nearly perfect and would become perfect with this feature!
First Steps
38 pages and almost 3 years of requests for this, why hasn't this been added? What's the point of "voting up" suggestions? - currently using Fitbit Charge HR. Please add idle notification options.
Premium User
First Steps

I'd like to see a feature that will have the Fitbit buzz when I haven't been active for a period of time.  Meaning I've been sitting around too long and need to get up.  The feature would need an on-off switch so that it doesn't go off during times where you should be inactive (like during sleep hours or while watching a movie or play).  This feature would really work well with the wrist Fitbits.  I know I'm apt to spend hours at my desk at work and it would be nice to have a little buzz remind me I need to get up a move a little.

Not applicable
Idle alert. 1000 comments and three years +. No action from fitbit llc? Seems they take the money and run...
Not applicable
"comments are now ignored"

Welp, my Charge HR delaminated and came apart at the seams, then stopped working. I've had it just less than a year and never gotten it wet (other than with sweat) or abused it in any conceivable way...second Fitbit device I've had that self-destructed in less than a year as the Ultra I had before the Charge fell apart also. Interestingly, I do keep seeing articles about how most people stop wearing their Fitbits after 6 months, so maybe they're not designed to last much longer than that?


Anyway, I've been a happy Garmin Vivosmart HR user now for about a week, so I'll be enjoying my properly working idle alert on the other team now. 🙂


Goodbye, Fitbit. I do appreciate your contributions to the activity tracker world, but it just feels like you kind of gave up after you got your IPO money, and now you're falling behind. That's a bummer and I hope you can right the ship.


Recovery Runner
I, as well, created a user account just to ask for a "move" reminder! Ifit has one (and their tracker is water proof), but their tracker isn't near as nice.
Base Runner
Good call. I've unsubscribed. I have better things to do. I bought
an AppleWatch and have to say it was worth it. I gave my Fitbit hr to
goodwill because it was all scratched up and I wouldn't feel right
selling it to someone. (AppleWatch seems to be pretty resistant).
Base Runner
i completely agree... i'm out. probably purchasing the Garmin Vivosmart for
this feature.
Stepping Up

Just want to add to the voices asking for this feature.  Please!

Recovery Runner

From DerrickFitbit:

"We do not have an announcement for Idle Alert at this time. If there is any news about Idle Alert, it will be posted directly in this feature request."


That is the standard kiss-off. I'm going to unsubscribe from this thread. Seeing several people a day beg for something that is never going to happen is too depressing.

Recovery Runner

I too vote for this feature.  I had a cheaper fitness tracker that had this and it was the best thing about it.

First Steps

Another vote for this no-brainer feature. Hopefully we won't see another 2 years worth of comments before it's added. 

First Steps

I cannot believe its been over 2 years and this feature has not been added. 

A simple on off and time selection... I mean we already have the silent alarm!

First Steps

I would love this feature as well ! ❤️



Moderator edit: format

The new Fitbit Alta is coming with a feature similar to this. It would be
great if all other Fitbits can have it!

Amazing.  Fitbit introduces new hardware with this software feature but has yet to update older devices.  This is a terrible message to customers that have invested in the Fitbit with multiple products.  Basically if you want a feature that has been asked for from day 1, please buy new hardware...

Stepping Up

So Fitbit posted on this forum that they had no news on implementing an idle alert, yet they put out a new product with that exact feature within a month.  After the way Fitbit handled the skin irritation issue a couple years ago I thought they were a company that focused on their customers--- but when we have been asking for a feature that you have the technology to give us for 2 years, then brush it off saying we have no news, then implementing it on a new device. I feel as though I was mistaken in believing that you care about your customers, Fitbit is clearly a company driven by the bottom line- not a company driven by providing superior products that help people live better lives.

Recovery Runner

I'm extremely disappointed that there has been such a lack of comment from Fitbit themselves and as others have mentioned, they are rolling out yet ANOTHER piece of hardware, without any concern for the legions of owners of other pieces of hardware.  And lets be honest, The Fitbit Charge HR is not cheap by any means, so I would expect at least some official comment from them somewhere !  Apologies if I've missed it, happy to be pointed in the right direction.

I don't know why Fitbit takes so long to reply to things. I had an issue
that took nearly 3 weeks to fix because it was days in between emails from
them. I will always be loyal to Fitbit because I absolutely love my flex
but I really wish it had an idle alert that could be turned on and off.
Recovery Runner

New one coming out has it but loses all day heart monitor..... still not water proof....... and what about previous owners.......................... the charge HR was not cheap either



Charge HR should have reminders to move and text notifications added on. It's a slap in the face of your users to omit these features on what is a higher tier product than the Alta.


Reminder for HR is a must and would be welcomed by all of HR users 🙂

Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

We are excited to announce that Fitbit's new fitness tracker Alta will have Reminders to Move!


Reminders to Move will send your Alta an on-screen message, encouraging you to achieve a mini-goal of 250 steps per hour - and then celebrate with you when you reach it.

Thank you for everybody's participation on the Feature Request Board!


Stepping Up

@DerrickS thats great that you have a NEW product that has this feature, what about all of your customers that have already droped over $100 for a tracker that want this feature? Any chance we will get the feature added? In case you cant tell, almost everyone posting on this board already has a fitbit tracker and were hoping a software update could add the feature instead of needing to get a new device.

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