Forum Posts

Resolved! Problem with the Weather API in Versa 2 - Error!

Hello dear forum,  I'm in the process of writing an app for my Versa 2, which should, for example, receive and display the weather data from the Fitbit Weather API. Because the getWeatherData function has to be in the companion folder and cannot be w...

Oin by Base Runner
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HR Variability

I would like to get real-time HR variability.  Does anyone know of an API that already does that before I try to re-invent the wheel?

LauriJC by Jogger
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Step 4 exchange auth code for access and refresh token

I keep receiving an error with my fit bit request specified in step 4 of the authorization guide. I get userCode from the call back url. const sendJson = {                "method": "POST",                headers: {                    Authorization: '...

NiLM by Jogger
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How often does the app sync with the FitBit Charge 4?

We are trying to pull in real-time heart rate or activity data, however it looks like it depends on how often the app syncs with the devices. We were wondering how often the automatic sync happens and if there is a way to change that and have it upda...

vanand by Jogger
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Duplicated sleep notification

Hi,I've been experimenting with the subscription Web API, and have subscribed to sleep changes.And I've been getting duplicated notifications on every sleep change. I only have one Subscriber set up and only subscribed to sleep. Below is the notifica...

Tan_ by Jogger
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Scroll view in watch face

I'm trying to incorporate a scrolling view using the virtual tile list function on my watch face. Everything is working fine, but when I scroll through the list the widget shortcut is pulled up instead.  Is there any way to either disable the system ...

krstn by Jogger
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Help with FileSystem and storing data as binary

Hi,I'm hoping someone can help me figure out how to correctly read and write buffer data... I have a clockface I'm working on that stores activity related data at 15 minute intervals. Currently I'm storing the data like so:  let data = {}; ... // Wri...

ActiveZoneMinutes in Exercise API

Hi,after spending some time on the documentation of the Exercise API I was wondered why there is no property in the ExerciseStats Interface for the ActiveZoneMinutes which were published with the SDK 4.2. Will this feature for AZM be added to the Exe...

tzaeb by Recovery Runner
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Companion app not starting

Hello All,  I am developing an Fitbit app which uses the Excercise API. I am done developing the app. Things work fine as long as I am working with simulator.  Now, I have installed the app on the device and also written a server code on my Android a...

Login check fitbit versa 3

Hello,I'm having issues of how to check if I am login in fitbit. I mean i want to check if I am login when i select for example my profile data which i take from companion. If am I not, then see an error message that i need to login. I cannot underst...

Does AppBit.appTimeoutEnabled actually work?

Does appTimeoutEnabled in AppBit actually DO anything?[code] //////////// codeexercise.onstatechange = () => {me.appTimeoutEnabled = exercise.state === "stopped";console.log("EXERCISE STATE "+exercise.state+" so time out enabled "+me.appTimeoutEnable...

Resolved! Defining Custom color names?

Hello,I am putting the final touches on my application, and one of the areas in which I struggle a bit is color theory.  I currently found a palette I think I like, but I may need to tweak it a bit.   Anyway, my application has multiple virtual tile ...

Resolved! Units bug in OS simulator

I'm trying to read the length units, "metric" or "us", but always get metric in the OS simulator 0.8.2 import { units } from "user-settings";console.log(units.distance); Is this a bug?Is there a workaround? I'm happy to always get the actual distance...

Guy_ by Space Racer
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Why does the SDK for Fitbit absolutely suck. There's nothing cool you can do with it. Build an app that lets me log water while I drink it???? Really Fitbit??? Is Google even pretending to allow developers to make this into something larger than just...

How does messaging API work?

 I'm trying to send my data to my server websocket in node js, but I don't understand how API messagin works, I can connect my phone with my laptop with socket in python, but I'd like a explication for example where the Ionic device sends the data, i...

Resolved! No acceleration data in Versa Lite

Hi,Honestly, I'm just a customer and an owner of a FitBit Versa Lite, but when I realized that one of my favorite app (which has to use the accelerometer data) does not work on my watch, I tried to figure out why. So, I created a dev account and "imp...

mochrul by Jogger
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I made a clockface for my wife and me for our Versas some time ago. It was published privatly only. Now I bought a Versa 2 and want to implement a AOD display for my clockface. Any news about AOD features in the Display API? Are they still available ...

Nevyn2 by Jogger
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Resolved! calendar permissions

I recently added calendar support to my watch face so I can quickly see what is coming up that day.  It works great, but when I tried to put in logic to skip it if the use didn't give calendar permissions, it always says they didn't give calendar per...

Swim exercise stats differ between Versa and Versa2

I have an app for versa that tracks swim laps using exercise.stats.swimLengths to get lengths swam so far. Works fine on Versa but not on Versa 2. Is the API different for Versa 2? Does the stats object not contain the swimLengths on the stats object...

oelhan by Jogger
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Resolved! Is it possible to get heart rate data through the web API

Hi I am finding it hard to get to the bottom of a query I had. I am looking to auth permission to access users heart rate data during a specific time of the day i.e 12pm -1pm. i know i can only get this live data fed through from the device API but m...

kevmurph by Recovery Runner
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Resolved! Pull or Fetch real time heart rate data for alert

I'm developing a university project about alerting the Arrhythmia of the heart rate in real time.If it possible to pull or fetch the real time heart rate data when we're running, so we can use that data to alert the emergency to the user on the web a...

Is any offline logging API available?

I know we can use `console.log` to output logs to the console, but I'm wondering if we have the logging system like android's, which can record all the app's trace log into one log file, so it's possible to fetch it out to analysis after a long time ...

David.D by Jogger
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Depth measuring

I'd like to find out more on how to measure depth instead of altitude with a FitBit, for example to see how deep one might have gone in a snorkel or freedive event.Where should I start?Thank you

How to turn off the HR sensor?

I can tell my watchface not to read the HR sensor, but the background health app still keeps it running (light keeps flashing). Is there a way I can completely turn off the sensor? Also, does the Body-presence use the HR sensor to determine whether o...

Callback URL

Hello, I have a callback URL in the Fitbit API: When it returns to my site there is a Querystring value appended. Will the missing QueryString Value throw this error from Fitbit?  "Developer informat...

dby4 by Jogger
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Official Fitbit Weather App vs Messaging API clock face

Hello Community and here especially hello Fitbit folks, Me as well as some folks here in the community experienced lacking communication between device and companion.  I do apply the official guideline from Fitbit:

the_way by Recovery Runner
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Access to real-time data of custom activities

I would like to create & log custom activities in FitBit. I know you are not keen on 3rd party apps retrieving detailed activities, but is it allowed for apps to only retrieve the activities logged by themselves? For example, I would like to create a...

Webhooks and deletions?

Hi— I have a user which says that he goes into the Windows Fitbit app and if he edits anything for nutrition, it causes duplication in our platform. The issue appears to be that the Windows app deletes the previous item and creates a new item — when ...

etheriau by Recovery Runner
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