Forum Posts

Creating a "Preview" within Settings

Hi,I thought of generating a settings page where the user would be allowed to preview the changes to the watchface instead of displaying them on-demand onto the watch. Does this goes against Fitbit's guidelines? According to the documentation, it app...

Fetch from settings jsx blocked by CORS

I want to use fetch from the settings jsx, but it is getting blocked by CORS.  Access to fetch at 'SERVER_URL' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is p...

AdditiveList not allowing duplicate items

The documentation for the AdditiveList doesn't indicate anything about only supporting unique elements, but when I try to add an element that already exists, it seems to just ignore it. See screen video for details. Never mind. Can't upload a screen ...

Resolved! combining textinput and select

Hi community, I have a Select statement from where a user can select  one out of several options.<Select        settingsKey="myAppLaunch"           label={`Selection`}           options={[            {name: 'No app',   value: 'Nothing'},            {...

FitRobert by Recovery Runner
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Resolved! Toggle default to true

Hi fellow developers, I have the question if and how i should set a toggle default to true. I use this codein my settings.jsx<TogglesettingsKey="myHRM"// label="View my hear rate"label={`View my heart rate.`}onChange={(value) => console.log(value)}/....

FitRobert by Recovery Runner
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How to test if Temperature unit change works or not?

Hi,I've read that temperature is linked with length unit. Whether it is metric or us (km or miles). So i had made this acc to use km at start. And i am getting Celsius as my units.temperature from the user-settings... But i went to my settings and ch...

Companion settings force reset on value change

 Hi, I'm developing a clockface which requires the user to chose date (a day and a month). Obviously, some months have 30 days others 31, and February having either 28 or 29.I am able to dynamically create a list of days based on the month selected, ...

OauthButton: How do I set access_type = offline?

I would like to develop an application to display the contents of Gmail inbox.However, refresh_token does not exist even after checking onAccessToken. I would like to set access_type = offline to get refresh_token,What should I do?  <Oauth settingsK...

Resolved! Facebook is dropping the patent clause starting with React 16

The license for Facebook's React has had a patent clause that says you lose the right to use React if you ever sue Facebook for patent infringement. This gives Facebook the right to use all of your patents in return for your right to use React. Faceb...

jtlapp by Base Runner
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