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Just got the S8+ yesterday, but my Blaze no longer receives notifications from my device. I've reset the Blaze, removed it from my account, gone through setup, restarted the phone and Blaze, uninstalled the app, and every other troubleshooting recommendation on the forums. All permissions are granted. No luck. Everything else syncs. Is this just a compatibility issue?
Moderator edit: title for clarity
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
04-26-2017 18:58
04-26-2017 18:58
They haven't even added the Google flagship Pixel and Pixel XL to the compatible device list, you can keep dreaming about the S8 being added anytime soon.
04-27-2017 06:39
04-27-2017 06:39
@KevCoady Your instructions worked! After successfully getting blaze to pair via bluetooth classic! I followed the instructions you provided. However notifications still would not work. So I left it paired, connected via bluetooth classic, and went to bed. Upon waking up this morning. I had email notifications on my phone, and my blaze!!! Then i checked the bluetooth on my phone, and both regular blaze, and classic, where paired! (i never paired the regular, it kept getting rejected, it did it on its own) Now my notifications are successfully working! ~Thank you very much!
04-27-2017 06:43
04-27-2017 06:43
@bhmiller89, go to: http://community.fitbit.com/t5/Android-App/Blaze-w-Galaxy-S8-won-t-receive-notifications/m-p/1959102... , they have a solotion that worked for me!
04-27-2017 06:51
04-27-2017 06:51
My Fitbit Blaze took a lot of setting up initially, there are no real instructions, you just need to run through the setup with the app. But the Fitbit is supposed to be fully charged when it arrives, mine was not & once in the cradle there was no icon telling me that the unit was charging so i was kind of left in the dark, this will only appear once you run through setup & install an update . Mine connects fine to my computer but struggles to work correctly with the S8. I was messing about for a few hours on my phone to set up, it was only when i setup with computer through bluetooth that it came to life. The S8 is due out on the 28th April, for those of us lucky enough to get one early, we will have to wait for all the necessary update to become available in order for the S8 & fitbit to work 100%. Mine has sent a few notifications through but rarely connects, this morning i had my S8 & blaze sincronized for about an hour, no notifications came through then all of a sudden 15 notifications came through altogether, disappointing but that's modern technology for you. I look forward to the updates !!
04-27-2017 07:34
04-27-2017 07:34
Fitbit wants us to use a new device......if they want to be slow and only create mediocre devices.....then I am gonna look into buying a Samsung Gear.....this is a joke. I need and enjoy those quick notifications its way easier then constantly pulling your enlarged phone out of your pocket.....I can assume android has a similar software and its still most likely using Bluetooth 2.0 or whatever version. So I wonder how hard it is to even integrate the software to the new S8.....but this is a lack of responsibility from fitbit......making Apple and Samsung look better....sorry not sorry they need this type of review.....the Gear when bought for only Bluetooth is 100 dollars more then the blaze and most likely does WAY more and the LGT is only 400.....I think its time for all of us to upgrade if they plan on limiting our connectivity like this.
04-27-2017 10:21 - edited 04-29-2017 10:39
04-27-2017 10:21 - edited 04-29-2017 10:39
Here's an oddity. I have notifications working just fine, but my Blaze stopped providing battery status notifications. I used to get email both app and email notifications when my battery was low. For some reason I am no longer getting those. I also used to get app notifications when the battery was full. I am also no longer seeing those.
EDIT: I followed the instructions here https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Android-App/Low-Battery-Notification/m-p/754164#M9108 and this morning got a low battery notification.
04-27-2017 10:50
04-27-2017 10:50
@TheAcornWarrior Glad those instructions worked for you!
04-27-2017 11:02
04-27-2017 11:02
I have the S8 plus, any suggestions on how to get notifications to go from my phone to the FitBit? I am not getting any. It says i am synced/paired via Bluetooth......but nothing is showing up on the fitbit
04-27-2017 14:41
04-27-2017 14:41
Please read previous. Everything will work in time. Just need time to get updates and software 😁
@ThomasWife wrote:I have the S8 plus, any suggestions on how to get notifications to go from my phone to the FitBit? I am not getting any. It says i am synced/paired via Bluetooth......but nothing is showing up on the fitbit
@ThomasWife wrote:I have the S8 plus, any suggestions on how to get notifications to go from my phone to the FitBit? I am not getting any. It says i am synced/paired via Bluetooth......but nothing is showing up on the fitbit
04-27-2017 21:00
04-27-2017 21:00
Me too!!! Frustrated!! Wouldn't have switched had I known. It will only find my mom's flex when she's around. Ridiculous that the s8 would have less compatibility than the older phones! I also was naive to think a Bluetooth device would pair with other Bluetooth phones.
04-27-2017 22:18
04-27-2017 22:18
Just got the Galaxy S8 and my Blaze refuses to pair with my phone. It'll reject the pairing over and over again, and then it'll try to pair as the classic, which is only good for music. I'm getting frustrated...any suggestions?
04-27-2017 23:07
04-27-2017 23:07
04-28-2017 02:55
04-28-2017 02:55
Same issue here between S8 and Fitbit Blaze. Have tried every trick to try and get notifications but they won't show.
04-28-2017 02:55
04-28-2017 02:55
Just got my new Samsung Galaxy S8 today and notifications wont transfer through. It is able to sync, even though its incredibly slow, however the notifications wont work. I see others have had the same issues on Charge 2
04-28-2017 04:48
04-28-2017 04:48
A warm welcome to the Community @Meezike. Samsung Galaxy S8 is not a compatible phone, keep in mind that your phone needs to be compatible in order to connect properly with your Fitbit. I recommend keeping an eye on our list of compatible mobile devices for any update.
In the meantime, you can try one more time the setup procedure by following the instructions provided in this post.
Let me know the outcome.
04-28-2017 06:10
04-28-2017 06:10
I actually figured it out on my own.....it had nothing to do with updates. For anyone who is using the S8 plus and is having the same issue i was having. Simply go into your FitBit app, in the upper right hand corner touch the little picture of your fit bit. If you look down on the next page it says Notifications, touch it. Make sure what you want for notifications is set up, after you do this, refresh/resync the app. It should work now. 🙂
04-28-2017 06:49
04-28-2017 06:49
@KevCoady, just curious, what is the battery life of your blaze. It seems to be going though it very quickly. Use to be 3 or 4 days. Now it seems to be 1, or 2 at most.
04-28-2017 07:15
04-28-2017 07:15
04-28-2017 07:15
04-28-2017 07:15
04-28-2017 07:19
04-28-2017 07:19
My Blaze battery life has also significantly decreased. It may have something to do with all the email notifications I am getting related to threads on the Fitbit forums about Galaxy S8/S8+ notifications 🙂