09-12-2016 10:49 - edited 09-23-2016 15:17
09-12-2016 10:49 - edited 09-23-2016 15:17
9/23 Update:
See the new firmware thread here
9/22 Update:
For those that have the firmware update already, new clock faces have been re-enabled.
We've continued the rollout process. If you don't yet have the update, please be patient. We'll post updates about the rollout when we have more information.
9/19 Update:
Hey everyone - it seems like we're struggling to maintain civil conversation on this topic, so I'm going to go ahead and lock the thread. We'll open a new thread once the firmware update goes into wider distribution. Until then, here are answers to the questions that keep getting asked here:
When will I be able to download the latest update?
The update is on hold while our team addresses an issue found at the beginning of the release. Once their work is complete, we will start rolling it out again. We generally don't announce specific dates or timeframes, but you will see the update on your dashboard as soon as it is available. The only thing you need to do right now is wait patiently.
Why did you release the latest update to only a small percentage of users?
We've done tons of testing on this new firmware, but there can still be unexpected issues when we release it. If every Blaze customer updated at once, those surprises would affect everyone. Instead, we use an incremental release to observe and address issues on a relatively small scale. We definitely want the best experience possible for our Blaze customers, and a slow, cautious release helps accomplish that goal.
If only 5% of Blaze users have the update now, does that mean 10% will have it next week and 15% will have it the week after? Won't that take forever?
Nope! We aren't moving in 5% increments. We started the release at 5% and will increase it in much larger increments once we are confident that it's good to go. You should receive it soon.
Why haven't you communicated this information to customers?
All this information was previously posted in this thread, and also added to the lead post. Any time you find a discussion of an emerging issue or a newly-released update, make sure to check the first post for the latest information. We aim for clear, concise, transparent, and frequent communication - you should always find what you need in the lead post.
9/15 Update:
The new Blaze update is currently available only to a very small percentage of users, as we are troubleshooting some emerging issues. It will be released more widely soon. Once it is available, you will see a banner at the top of your website or mobile app dashboard. Thanks for your patience!
Hey everyone!
We're rolling out a new update for Blaze, release notes below:
This release also resolves the following issue:
Important to note: A sync is required after a manual shutdown or a battery drain in order to show the correct time on Blaze. This is especially important for your activity tracked by Blaze because you'll want to make sure it's associated with the current date and time.
The initial wave of users will receive the update starting September 12th, 2016, and will eventually be rolled out to everyone within a few days. If the update to the latest firmware version is not yet available for your Blaze, just hang tight!
09-16-2016 06:48
09-16-2016 06:48
@AndrewFitbit and everyone. I'm guessing that the problems with the update got sorted sometime last night? Either that, or it was pulled altogether. Syncing has been wonky since this whole thing started and it went really fast this morning. So I'm guessing the servers are churning along a bit better. Either that or it's just wishful thinking...
09-16-2016 07:27
09-16-2016 07:27
@Voodoochildaro wrote:
Noooooooo I can't really wait for it!!!:0
Keep on checking if a update is available to, lost the count..
09-16-2016 07:59
09-16-2016 07:59
Are the new clock faces still disabled ? I have the update on my Blaze and on my PC but I only see 4 clock choices: Pop, Zone, Original, Flare.
Andrew or other Mods: You assured us that Fitbit tech was working on the steps and distance problem. Not a word about that.
Is it being worked on or not ? Were bad chips or CPUs or DRAMs inserted previously ? SOMETHING is wrong with the Blaze, or does Fitbit consider being off 20-30% on steps/distance acceptable ?
Can we get an answer to this ?
09-16-2016 08:08
09-16-2016 08:14
09-16-2016 08:14
09-16-2016 09:19
09-16-2016 09:19
09-16-2016 09:29
09-16-2016 09:29
09-16-2016 11:32
09-16-2016 11:32
All - the firmware update will remain at 5% of users until we're confident that we can release to 100%. There is no exact date, but we appreciate your continued patience.
@Corvettekid Check the lead post.
@Corvettekid wrote:
Andrew or other Mods: You assured us that Fitbit tech was working on the steps and distance problem. Not a word about that.
If you refer to the previous firmware thread, I noted quite a few times that it was worth looking into and that I would pass along all the feedback for investigation.
As we've said before, any concerns about accuracy should be posted in a relevant topic. Any further posts unrelated to the firmware release in this thread will be removed.
Everyone - please keep in mind the Community Guidelines need to be respected when posting in the Community. Thanks!
09-16-2016 11:46
09-16-2016 11:46
09-16-2016 11:46
09-16-2016 11:46
thanks, i'd rather have a tested and fully functional release than a buggy unreliable one
09-16-2016 12:03
09-16-2016 12:03
Original press release says "this week." (I know people keep denying it, but there's a reason every article when it was first annoucned said "this week.) Then it was changed to "September." Okay. But then Andrew Fitbit posts here that release is on 9/12, and will be rolled out to everyone within a few days. Surely that meant at some point this week. It's been a few days. Still waiting...
09-16-2016 12:05
09-16-2016 12:05
09-16-2016 12:55
09-16-2016 12:55
@Ozzie65 wrote:
Hi @ssball - All reasonable assumptions. As you read in subsequent posts, however, the rollout was slowed down due to issues encountered in the initial wave.
No, I didn't read that in subsequent posts. There are 22 pages of posts here, and I have read the post from AndrewFitbit on the first page, with an update that doesn't say anything about what you're talking about. But I did not endeavor to read 22 pages of comments to figure out if that changed and Fitbit doesn't seem to care to make this announcement in a way that people who don't want to read 22 pages of comemnts can figure it out. They should either not prematurely announce the release or they should make an effort to announce changes in a way that is useful for the vast majority of people.
I do appreciate your reply; at least now I know what's happening.
09-16-2016 13:43
09-16-2016 13:43
I returned my Blaze few weeks ago. I learned two days ago that there was a new firmware. So, I just got the Blaze again today hoping that the firmeware was already installed in my new Blaze. But not, still shows the firmaware this Firmware Version: even after its update a few seconds ago.
Any help please?
09-16-2016 14:05
09-16-2016 14:05
09-16-2016 14:47
09-16-2016 14:47
@Peteypetekay wrote:
@AndrewFitbit when you say 5% of users do you mean 5% at a time or on hold at 5%?
@Peteypetekay Good question. The way it works is we release to a random 5% of users, then hold at 5% to monitor how things go. It is not an incremental rollout, so only 5% of users will have received the update at this point.
09-16-2016 14:50
09-16-2016 14:50
09-16-2016 14:57
09-16-2016 14:57
Okay, 5% of the users got the update, now you'll wait if anything works properly. And after that the 95% will get the update?
09-16-2016 14:59
09-16-2016 14:59
@AndrewFitbit It's going to take a lot longer than a week or so for everyone to have access to the update if it's only going out to 5% "at a time." Though I guess "at a time" could mean "3 times a day." Regardless, may we presume that there will be a point at which the rollout will be considered stable and thus be released to larger groups at once?
I only ask because I always get everything last!
09-16-2016 15:12
09-16-2016 15:12
@meresydotes wrote:
@AndrewFitbit It's going to take a lot longer than a week or so for everyone to have access to the update if it's only going out to 5% "at a time." Though I guess "at a time" could mean "3 times a day."
@meresydotes I sort of explained in the post above, but perhaps I can clarify. Think of the 5% as group 1 and the 95% as group 2. Group 1 currently has the update, and group 2 will have to wait until we make sure we're ready to release to them. Typically group 2 will receive the update a week or two after group 1 has received the update. We want to try and make sure things go as smooth as possible when updating everyone's firmware. Hopefully that makes sense.