Increase or customize hourly activity goal from 250 steps/hour

It would be really cool to have the option to increase the reminder to move minimum count.  Currently, the reminder to move is set to 250 and I would really like the option of raising that number as my activity increases.

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and label

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Hi. Unfortunately, I think I started this chat a year orso ago with the simple suggestion that the 250 steps per hour should not have to be consecutive. That is, I have it set from 8:00 am until 10:00 pm, a total of 14 hours. To achieve the goal I must do at least 250 steps in each of those 14 hours. If I am watching a movie, for instance, I cannot achieve the goal that day even if I walk 250 steps in hours before 8:00 am or after 10:00 pm.

My suggestion was that we set a goal of (for instance) 14 hours of having at least 250 steps in a 24-hour period. And to achieve your goal, you do not have to do it in consecutive hours.

Unfortunately, everybody is writing about changing the 250 hours to something else. They miss the point of the part of Fitbit. Studies have shown that it’s important to not be sedentary, so every hour you should get up and walk a bit.

Having a reminder at 10 minutes before the hour is clearly not enough! I need a reminder to stand up only when I have not being standing up for 30 or 45 minutes. This would also help me to understand when to change the position of my standing desk. It's crazy that not a single fitness tracker on the market does this (Fitbit, Apple Watch, Samsung, etc) - only Jawbone did have this feature but they are not in business anymore..

I attempted to start a new thread about the need to be able to increase the hourly goal from 250 per hour to a higher number. Unfortunately, the computer or moderator placed it into this existing chat. 
JimBerger, I agree that your suggestion is also a great idea. I'd like to see the hours in a 24 hour period instead of consecutive.
Fitbit powers that be, could you please update us on any progress or attempt toward either of these features?  Thank you.
First Steps
Rivergoddess: Both changes should be very easy for Fitbit to do.
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i wish 250 + hour was more then 14 hours i am up a about 19 hours a day



Moderator edit: Clarified subject and Labels

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hello @diflumeri.


Thanks for posting your idea with us. I am sure that a lot of users would like to get more reminders to make sure that they are active during their days.


Let's see what other users have to say about this idea.

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Hard to believe this suggestion has been made for over 3 years.......and it has yet to be rolled out.  With everything available in the app these days, including getting push notifications for social media ---- how is there still no way to increase these?

I work at a desk, so I do need a reminder to move, especially when work is busy.  The 250 steps an hour just isn't enough.  Let's fix this FitBit!!

First Steps

I see that this has been “under consideration” since 2016! I see a lot of requests for this. This would be a great optimization. Will this ever be updated?


I have no idea, but frankly, I've given up hope on Fitbit ever responding to the requests. 😟


Unfortunately Fitbit doesn't really care about the users. The Charge 3 is far less customizable and flexible than Charge 2. I have no idea who from development figured releasing a new tracker with less features was a brilliant idea. They are not going to add this feature so don't get your hopes up. Fitbit only adds features they think are best for us, instead of listening to the community

I would also like to see it become a thing.

*[image: 🌴] Jennifer Radcliff [image: 🌴]*

I would like the ability to customize the number of steps per hour, and the ability to change when the reminder alerts me. 

Not applicable
Yes! I would love to be able to customize when I get alerts. I prefer to
be reminded earlier, right after the hour, so I can finish up meetings
early and hoof it.
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Considering I bought my Fitbit specifically because I thought the so called "movement reminders" were like the customizable ones on my old Jawbone UP, I am a little miffed. I feel mislead. I still have my Jawbone UP and am actually considering switching to the defunct thing because that aspect of it still works.

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I would like reminders for hourly activity to be doubled. 500+

Maybe change the app so that you can select how many steps are wanted for the hourly activity function. 250, 300, 350, ect. And still be reminded to move. 

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Moderator Alum

Hello @ajg5144! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I can see what you would thing it would be useful to have the option to double the steps for the hourly activity. I moved your comments to this similar post so you can add your vote to it as it is under consideration. Please keep sharing your ideas with us! :womanhappy

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Allow users to change the goal of steps walked per hour from 250 to whatever they choose.  I would like to have mine set to 730.

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Moderator Alum

Hi @T53 , thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option on the Fitbit app. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can learn more about here. Keep adding your suggestions!

Still no update 😞
Sadly my request has not been understood at all.. I don't care about number of steps.. So I care even less to customise them to a number different from 250..

I only want a reminder when I sit at a desk for a certain number of minutes! I.e. When I sat for too long!

Example of scenario: with a reminder to stand every 40 minutes, I walk around and then start sitting at my desk at 10:47 and remain sat. At 11:27 I would expect a reminder to stand!

I had this feature with my Jawbone and can't believe this can't be made available!
First Steps

Yes, and (as has also been suggested below) in addition to allowing the # of steps to be customized via app or site, allow the number of minutes to be adjusted too.  If I get a reminder at :50 and have to finish something up, I may not be able to break away in time, so I'd choose :45 or :40 (and more steps) if available.  Thank you.

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I wear a blaze Fitbit. It would be helpful if the hourly step count could be adjusted to what I want instead of just 250 is this something that can be added to future apps?


I agree. To make my goal of 10,000 steps in my 12 hr shift I need 834 steps per hour. I would be great if I could program that into my hourly reminder to move.

First Steps

I agree. I was given an assignment to walk every 30 minutes by my Physical Therapist, so I wish I could configure it to remind me twice every hour, and I also wish I could modify the number of steps from 250 to another number.

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