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Charge 2 - no exercise showing on app

My app has stopped recognising any activity. Last weekend everything was working fine then 2 days later my tracker is showing calories burnt after a class but on syncing to the app…no exercise registers.  I have done all the recommended stuff…opening/closing/deleting apps and tracker and still nothing. 

Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas/advice please?



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If it is not working right for you there, you could bring it up with the Fitbit Support at Twitter/X.

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If you guys back read from the start of the post, all possible scenarios on how to fix the issue were done, from the tracker to the app. App updates did not resolve anything. Let us all give up on this and throw our trackers on the thrash bin. We cant give something troublesome away to somebody else to inherit the headache. Honestly Im still surprised how others still expecting things to resolve.

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Hi Same for me since the end of August. The problem has been reported to Fitbit several times but for now nothing has changed, I don’t know why…😾

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I just got an update to Fitbit on the Google Play. If any of you noticed that this fixed the glitch, let me know.

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4.27.1 update still not updating exercise from device to app

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The ship has sunk a long time ago. Fitbit will never fix this no matter how many more updates roll out. Fitbit knows this lets not be naive. Move on.

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I DM the Fitbit Support Team on Twitter/X and they are aware of the bug which they are working to resolve. Be patient with the Fitbit company.

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You are not the first person to send a message through X in case you are not aware, perhaps you are still in the denial stage of grieving. More power to you 

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They said they are aware of the glitch. If they said they were shutting down, we'd be hearing a going out of business announcement somewhere.

I'm still giving them until the end of the year before I resign.

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hi Yes, but this wait is long very long… too long. Their behavior is disrespectful towards customers 😾

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Correct, old trackers are being unofficially erased. It makes sense to them marketing wise. Fitbit made old trackers incompatible to new updates. Unless you subscribe to Fitbit Premium which is unlikely, Fitbit makes no profit from old trackers. Fitbit is forcing us to upgrade. Its written allover the walls. I feel sorry for those who are still giving Fitbit the benefit of the doubt. Fitbit will do the same to Charge 6 after. decade when there is a Charge 15 or up in the future. Fitbit made a design flaw, which they made old trackers indestructible, depending on your perspective, is bad for business, but excellent for consumers. There is never anything wrong with my Charge 2, works perfectly since day one. Now fitbit found a solution for us to upgrade, force incompatibility issues with old trackers. Mission accomplished.

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unfortunately I think you are right but what a shame! 

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There is still quite a market for old trackers unsupported by the app update like the charge 2, for sedentary people who needs it just for the time and date and will look active to their friends. Glad its not complete garbage. (waving to ghost fitbit support reading this and all the feedbacks on other boards in the world wide web).

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Mine has decided to show an aerobic workout on the last two weekends but
then not shown anything else all week...except a walk that I didn't do!

I really don't want to buy a new device but after more than a month of not
working properly it's beginning to look like I might have to.
You can be certain if I do it won't be another FitBit tracker!
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Hi Yes same for me, it’s a shame indeed! I am looking at watches from the supplier Garmin, it will probably be more serious…

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Totally agree with you and treating the customer like this is amazing. I am looking for a Garmin watch at a good price. No choice…

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I have a iPhone knocking around is this issue only with Google android phones? And it will work with apple iOS devices? Anyone know?

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Same with me. I have been using a FitBit since 2014 and have loved it, upgrading from the pebble thing (can't remember what it was called now) to the Charge 2 which did everything I needed it to do.

Alas, since Google took it over, the treatment and disdain of customers has taken a swan-dive, especially in being straight and honest with us. Nope, we just seem to get silence and underhand tactics....and the persistent requests to allow them to harvest and make money out of our data.

Message received. Corresponding message returned: my Garmin vívosmart® 5 arrives today. I am very sad to go but I refuse to be dismissed and ignored.

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No, unfortunately I have an iPhone 12 and also an iPad mini and the problem remains the same …

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Tried on iOS, Android, iPad, Android Pad, different versions, uninstalled and reinstalled app, reset trackers, and any combinations/variations you can imagine, messaged help support, X, Fitbit Community, via Google, etc. The problem is never our end, never feel we did anything wrong. Fitbit intentionally updated the app to create incompatibility with old trackers and the worse part is Fitbit is not coming forward to officially state this. After more than a decade with Charge 2 and Versa (i have that too), having been very impressed and bragging about  how good and durable Fitbit trackers are to everyone that asked me about them, suddenly I am ashamed. They just killed brand loyalty. NEVER AGAIN. Happy with Garmin now, lost some and gained some new metrics compared to Fitbit.

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