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So in Health Metrics for SPO2 all I get now is:
Download Clock Face (Link)
Download SPO2 Tracker App (Link)
Neither of which solved the issue.
Since 2 days ago.
Really annoying!
Moderator edit: subject for clarity/label
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
07-23-2021 13:57
07-23-2021 13:57
07-23-2021 17:20
07-23-2021 17:20
Sp02 graph has returned from 22.07.21 night but it is missing previous nights data.
So, there is no defect in watch or its sensor.
All this nuisance was due to data transfer from watch to their server and then their defective server to phone app and there is no facility for metrics updation directly from watch.
07-23-2021 22:12
07-23-2021 22:12
Below my message to one of the Fitbit moderator...
yes I’ve one or two questions!
When the release of a new firmware to fix all the problems?
One example? Look to the attached photo… I’ve been at home all they and I live in a ground floor…so…. How it’s possible Fitbit showing that I've climbed 22 floors???
And the Fitbit deleted my messages because I don't follow the forum rules???
How about Fitbit refund me the money I've paid for the Sense????”
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So today:
Health Metrics:
HRV: No Data
Spo2: Stuck at 95%
Not Very good. Just about bad enough to throw the Sense in the dumpster.
Moderator Edit: Personal info removed
07-24-2021 12:59
07-24-2021 12:59
Fitbit has failed and they are not taking care of customers.
I am going to try to return and buy a different brand.
Fed up. Such expensive watch and problems all the time.
07-24-2021 17:01
07-24-2021 17:01
yep, same problem with mine. Works on watch but not on the app
07-25-2021 05:58
07-25-2021 05:58
Because of the complicated and unreliable way Health Metrics has been implemented it has many major drawbacks.
EG. even if the watch says synced, its not actually up-to-date because it has to wait for data to be calculated and downloaded from the Fitbit servers, this not only delays the display but is dependent on many things going right due to the multiple steps needed to display the information.
The reason presumably was initially to get people to buy Premium but as it's now available to everyone, it seems redundant to have such a complicated process.
If the process was simplified the watch might be able to measure the SpO2 during an EDA scan and reliably display the information at any time which people would find much more informative and useful, rather than having to wait hours to get one average reading for a whole night, if it works.
It would certainly remove all the problems that people are experiencing getting the information for a multitude of different reasons.
Author | ch, passion for improvement.
07-25-2021 06:08
07-25-2021 06:08
I agree. Seems a very complicated way to get information when it is all readily available on the watch itself. My Sp02 is still lagging a day on the metrics tile. Perhaps it has something to do with the time zone as I am in Australia vs the USA where the server resides 🤦🏻:male_sign:
07-25-2021 06:44
07-25-2021 06:44
I continue to do these steps and continue to have problems with O2 reporting. It comes and goes - a real pain. Also, having something that just doesn't report when it gets to a certain level is also a problem. It needs to report out-of-bound results or NWNL (not within normal/expected limits), not just not report. I don't know whether or not the device is working - esp for a data capture app that has problems.
07-25-2021 07:18
07-25-2021 07:18
Hi cbdane.
Since the crash I lost data for five days.
It came back but it is not working 😞.
One day I get 93% on the Sp02 the next day it's up to 95% Sp02 then 93%, 95%,93%, ,95% to day it's 93% 😂😂😂.
I have problems with the Bluetooth dropping out so after turn off and on the phone to get it to sink.
When the time comes to pay for the extras I will not.
Cannot believe Fitbit is so bad.
07-25-2021 07:19
07-25-2021 07:19
@cbdane You are right. The watch takes a reading every minute and this information is not shown in a graph like the heart rate, so its not possible to know where the problem is. Instead you get one paltry reading, if you are lucky.
Worse, all data recorded should be available to the user under private data laws, but isn't
Author | ch, passion for improvement.
07-25-2021 08:18
07-25-2021 08:18
07-25-2021 08:19
07-25-2021 08:19
07-25-2021 17:02
07-25-2021 17:02
SPO2 still lagging by a day.
07-25-2021 17:11
07-25-2021 17:11
My data for Spo2 didn't show in health metrics today! Support said restart Sense! Did that the the said they see my app needs to be updated! But there isn't a update fir me to update to! Sent them my firmware version #version & app version updated on June 23, version #3.43.1 but all they did is send me a link to help links how to update! Updating is easy if there's one to update to!
07-25-2021 17:29
07-25-2021 17:29
Hi everyone.
Thanks for your continued reports. Let me share that the issue with the Health Metrics tile not showing your SpO2 data has been resolved, so make sure your Sense is syncing and the Fitbit app is updated. Your patience is appreciated and while it's not possible to retrieve data that couldn't sync before, we'll keep working on our features to improve your experience with them, as well as making Fitbit more useful for you.
For the ones that aren't able to see their SpO2 data on the Fitbit app, are you still able to see this data on your watch? Is the rest of your data syncing to the Fitbit app? Also, could you take a screenshot of what is displayed in the Health Metrics tile? To attach files in your reply, please check this post.
See you around.
07-25-2021 17:49
07-25-2021 17:49
07-25-2021 17:54
07-25-2021 17:54
Sp02 graph is still lagging behind by 1 day. Nothing has been resolved since this problem arose many months ago …
07-25-2021 17:56
07-25-2021 17:56
07-25-2021 17:58
07-25-2021 17:58
Yep same here