Forum Posts

SpO2 is not working on my Sense

I have a sense watch & a IPhone 12  Pro Max Phone, sometimes my SPO2 works, and sometimes it  doesn’t, it mostly doesn’t work so I was wondering if there’s a way that I could manually add it just like you could with your glucose.  Can you please help...

Sense is not tracking my SpO2 data

I have the Fitbit Sense and a clock face with SPO2 but weeks using I had no measure. What's happening?Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Sense stuck in reboot loop

The Cliff's Notes®...So here's the short-and-sweet of the matter...Getting your Sense to break out of the reboot loop and actually restart requires precisely two things: 1) a buttload of patience, and 2) SHEER DUMB LUCK while pressing, holding, relea...

BKDew by Jogger
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Sense no longer recording 02

My Sense as recently stopped recording my 02 levels at night. It has been doing it all along( for way over a year) but recently just stopped. All of the recommendations have been followed, nothing has changed (except my watch updates and Cell App upd...

BigEd01 by Jogger
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Resolved! One Fitbit Sense + switch between multiple phones (Android/iOS)

Hi, I had a Sense, which died, and I said several times here I was done with Fitbit, but FML, it might be the right answer to my problem to get a replacement Sense.If I switch back and forth between Android and iOS, like I use my Surface Duo during t...

skeet5 by Jogger
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Sensors not working on 18month Sense

So was sat down with my partner who moved from fitbit to garmin last year and she asked me what my resting HR was....I looked at my sense and it wasn't recording HR. Thought it odd, opened the app and found that it hasn't been recording since last Mo...

Resolved! HRV and SPO2 accuracy on Sense?

Just got Sense. The resting heart rate measurement seems accurate at rest, however I have concerns about the accuracy of the HRV and SPO2. For SPO2, I have a separate Pulse Oximeter. When compared, the Sense reading is always a bit lower. So far, the...

Sense won't track my SpO2 data

I have the app loaded on my Sense tracker with a Premium account.  The sleep data for SpO2 records only intermittently.  I used to be able to get it to work by an uninstall and reinstall process.  Not ideal but I tolerated it. Now that doesn't fix it...

Oxygen Saturation stopped showing in-app

Hello, The Oxygen Saturation within Health Metric hasn't shown in app since the 16th of December. The metric shows correctly on my Sense watch. Every other metric syncs fine including BR, HRV, Skin Temp, Resting HR.  I've restarted my sense watch by ...

Resolved! Sense won't track my SpO2 data

SPo2 features are very poor.  Cant take a reading during the day, night tracking inly works sometimes.   very disappointed with Fitbit. Half baked features, unhelpful app.  Very very basic and little value add.  Should have stuck with my old Surge or...

Resolved! SpO2 is not available in Trinidad for my Sense

And still no availability in most of the world. I’m in Trinidad, my old £30 huawei was better and did have spo2     Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Redmoomin by Recovery Runner
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Oxygen Saturation doesn't work on Sense

Oxygen Saturation doesn't work. SP02 tracker error - it tries to reinstall but fails. Same issues on two Sense devices.   Moderator edit: clarified subject.

tony_go by Jogger
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Resolved! General review about the Fitbit Sense

I like Fitbit. But after using a Sense for about 8 months, I come to the conclusion that, with all its bells and whistles, Sense was a bite more than Fitbit could chew. And that's a pity, because it's affecting the brand's prestige, in my opinion.   ...

Sense didn't track a SpO2 reading

For the past week, my SpO2 worked perfectly, but last night it did not give me a reading on my clock face nor the Health Metrics. However, I saw the readings on the Estimated Oxygen Variation (the chart) so I know it was recording my oxygen the entir...

MinkyDog by Jogger
  • 51 replies
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ECG app and SpO2 tracking availability in Israel

Hi everyone,    My name is Yaniv and I am a gear review blogger from Israel.    I bought the sense to review it @ my blog for the only reason that the watch has the SpO2/ECG/Sleep Tracking apps.   Now I've asked the seller if those are available in I...

YanivY by Jogger
  • 24 replies
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Resolved! Sense is not tracking SpO2 data

My Sense is not tracking my oxygen levels.  I have been wearing my new device now since Monday 20 Feb (including nights), and there is no data showing either on the app or on my watch.  On the app it says 'no recent data' and on the watch it says 'we...

KittyBee by Recovery Runner
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estimated oxygen variation stopped calculating on Sense

The estimated oxygen variation stopped calculating the last 2 nights on my Sense, it is just a straight line. I tried force shutting the app and my phone but it still didn’t fix it. I do however see my SpO2 reading in my metrics!

Sense stopped tracking my SpO2

My sense was recording my oxygen levels but the last three night it's saying couldn't record spo2 anyone else have this problem why it would just stop last 3 nights    Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Tracy7873 by Tempo Runner
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Estimated Oxygen Variation - Flat Line

I asked this in another thread, but for the past 2 nights, my EOV graph is tracked as low variation but is a complete straight line. Before, there were variations. Is anyone else having this problem? I've reset my Sense, checked for updates, and even...

imjoo88 by Base Runner
  • 12 replies
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Sp02 not syncing with app on Samsung phone

SpO2 shows on Fitbit Sense but will suddenly not sync with the app on my Samsung phone. Shows no data in Health Metrics.

Gur8ful by Recovery Runner
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Sense Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) Data Recording Stopped on 12/03/22

Received Fitbit Sense in Mid-October as a gift. The SPO2 feature is important to me as a former cardiac patient.  Data recording overnight simply stopped on 12/03/22 without any change in settings made by me.  Using Fitbit's "SpO2 Waveform" clock fac...

Resolved! Sense tracks my SpO2 data sporadically

Recently SpO2 tracking is VERY sporadic. One day it shows on Health Metrics and other days it does not. Any clues ?? This is on a Sense.      Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

FloridaMa by Recovery Runner
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Sense with Premium abo fail reafing SP02 data frequently

Three times per week i state SP02 data failure. In any case every three days i've a read failure. Is it normal than the feature is so unstable? I use to turn off my phone during the nights while i dress my Sense and every wake up time I sync with my ...

SPO2 Clockface was stuck and I could not change it.

I was recently on a 4-hour long airline flight and the SPO2 screen was locked for at least an hour.  I could not turn it off, or change screens.  It was showing 91% "SPO2 Signature Current" message.  It appeared to correct itself when we descended fo...

EOV Graph Still Broken

Received an email this morning from Fitbit that said EOV Graph if fixed. Please update your app. We are closing this topic.So I did. It went from vs 3.66 to 3.67. Ckd the graph again. NO CHANGE! It still does not have an X & Y axis, looks like someon...

Koda by Base Runner
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Sense not recording SpO2 readings

I noticed this initially didn’t work, it then worked for four days and now stopped again for three days/nights    anybody got any tips for making it work? this was one of the main reasons I purchased this device so it’s frustrating to have such errat...

Resolved! Sense suddenly isn't tracking SpO2 data

My sense suddenly isn't tracking my SpO2. It really has been tracking consistently until about a week ago. To my knowledge I haven't changed any settings. I tried rebooting but didn't work. Maybe I'll delete the app and reload it.   Moderator Edit: C...

JLSpecking by Recovery Runner
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SpO2 not syncing with phone-Sense

Latest Android, pixel 4xl Fitbit premium    Three days ago Spo2 stopped syncing. I see the percent on my sense but not on my phone. All other health metrics are syncing. I have restated my phone and my sense several times. I assume this is a known pr...

Sense says "Sp02 not installed"

I have the sp02 watch face on my fitbit sense and it's worked fine until today. Now Sense says "sp02 not installed". I've restarted the fitbit multiple times, checked for app and Sense updates, turned Bluetooth off and on, deleted Sense then reconnec...

Resolved! Syncing issues

When I want and where easier thank you as my device isn't syncing properly... Also make spo2 and body temperature live as advertised    Moderator Edit: Formatting and word choice.

TheGG by Jogger
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Resolved! Error msg: "SPO2 not installed"

My Fitbit Sense watch face has stopped showing my SPO2 reading after I sleep, even though data is still showing up in the Android App. On the watchface, it says "SPO2 not installed," but it is and I've been wearing the watch to sleep for weeks. And I...

VNick by Jogger
  • 6 replies
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SpO2 and sleep

Is there any way to overlay the nightly SpO2 graph with the sleep graph in the fitbit app or elsewhere,  so oxigen variations and sleep phases can be associated.  The corresponding graphs in the fitbit app for my sens have not the same x axis scales ...

Gweiller by Recovery Runner
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Incorrect tracking updated in the app

Of late my Sense Fitbit has been giving incorrect /incomplete exercise data. There has been no change in my morning routine of 60-90+ minutes of exercise bu the tracker only shows 20-30 minutes in  total (!)  

mchat by Jogger
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