Resolved! How do I find Facebook friends?
How to find Facebook friends thru FitBit Moderator Edit: Clarified subject
How to find Facebook friends thru FitBit Moderator Edit: Clarified subject
My Fitbit Alta still works but the App opens but nothing happens, it just has the word Fitbit at the top of the screen and a horizontal line at the bottom of the screen, this occurred after version 3.32.1 downloaded and still occurring as I’ve downlo...
The Fitbit app on my iPhone 5SE will not open I have deleted it abs the re loaded it’s still not working ...!! I have the Fitbit altra
Hello, I don't know what to do..I am receiving called and calendar event notifications on my Alta but not texts. I called Fitbit and they sent me a new Alta hoping that was the issue and I'm having the same problem. 8 am allowing notifications and I ...
Was no longer updating my steps so I decided to disconnect from the app. The app finds my Alta & sends the code, but it just spins after I enter the code. - I've restarted the Alta, disconnected the Bluetooth and uninstalled my Fitbit app. Nothing is...
Alta is connected in Bluetooth and shows connected in Fitbit app, when I tap Notifications I get message Bluetooth Pairing Required then when I tap Set up it just keeps searching. I have removed Alta and deleted app and reinstalled both. Any help wou...
My Alta won't sync with my iPhone. I used to have a iPhone 4S so I thought maybe it was just too outdated but I just upgraded to an iPhone SE and it still won't sync. It will sync right away with my iPad mini 2 but not my phone. It just keeps cycling...
I purchased my Alta June 9th and it synced for a few days but has stopped as of June 12th I tried everything and read a lot of the helpful tips but nothing has worked. I was so frustrated I bought a new phone in hopes it would sync properly and am st...
I have an Alta and an iPhone 6. I received a txt but could not read the entire thing because it is too long. I checked my phone and iPad and the txt is not there. This has never happened before.
When "adding friends" my only options are 6 people without fitbits. I can't search either.
I just recently got my Alta and I was wondering if there was an easy way to not get notifications during the night?. I have an iPhone and even when my phone is on do not disturb I still get vibrations. Also, I used the sleep aspect of the app and I s...
Just got my Fitbit today. My Alta says there is an update I must do in order to sync. When I click to update I receive a pop up error message stating "request failed: forbidden 403".I'm working with an iPhone 6s+ on an iOS 9.3.1 server (latest update...