Forum Posts

Aria air sync issues - solved!

Years ago I bought the aria air scales. Setup was fine, and they worked flawlessly for ages. Then, seemingly out of nowhere they stopped syncing. I tried the usual things and everything in all the forums, but nothing would work. I tried resetting the...

New phone and invite to aria air doesn't work

We  have an Aira Air.   My husband is the account holder.  My old iPhone worked perfectly with the scale after he invited me to join.   I cannot get my phone to recognize the aria or maybe it is the aria that won't recognize the phone.   When I accep...

Does Fitbit Aria Air actually track BMI?

Why would the product page say that it tracks BMI, when it clearly doesn't? Does anyone check what they upload regarding product information? Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

LambrosG by Recovery Runner
  • 5 replies
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Aria Air scale no longer syncing

I was using the Aria Air just fine until the latest version of the Fitbit app. Now the scale won't sync at all. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, resetting the scale, restarting my phone, etc, but nothing seems to work.I noticed that ...

NateDZD by Recovery Runner
  • 7 replies
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Aria Air just doesn't sync at all.

I'm getting pretty frustrated.   I have to enter in my weight to the app every time I weight myself and that is even with resetting the scale.  At this point, I almost past the point of troubleshooting and I want to know if you have experiences with ...

Glenuendo by Recovery Runner
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Cannot connect Aria without a Google account

In order to connect and link my Bluetooth scale data to my FitBit account, I have to transfer over to a Google Account. Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Fitbit Aria Air - I cannot add second user

I have my account synchronized with the Aria Air scale. It works perfectly for me.I am trying to add my wife and send her the invitation. She enters the invitation received and enters her credentials her Fitbit account.It shows the scale in the Fitbi...

gakkai by Jogger
  • 1 replies
  • 3 votes

Adding Second User to Aria Air

I’ve done all the suggested steps for adding my husband to the Aria Air scale. My husband accepts the invitation and it seems like everything is correct on the Fitbit app but when he stands on the scales it says, “Your weight can’t sync to this Fitbi...

Unable to link Versa 4 with Aria Air after being invited.

We recently purchased a new Aria Air after our original Aria would no longer sync.   My husband created an account and linked his phone to the scale.   I get the invitation email, I accept the invitation, I agree to the terms and end up on my home pa...

Aria Air issues

First and foremost, the Aria Air stopped syncing almost immediately. It's been at least a week since it last synced. I got it working briefly but then it stopped again.Secondly, the Aria Air reports vastly incorrect measurements. I weigh myself once ...

Aria Air Not Syncing

Device only 4 months old and progressively it has stopped Syncing.Samsung S23I open fit bit app, hop on scales and no bluetooth icon on scales, if I hop off on a few times icon appears, but will not sync weight.Once bluetooth icon appear switching to...

Unable to connect to Aria Air Scale

My husband has sent me multiple invites to join the Aria Scale which I have accepted, but Fitbit app doesn't acknowledge me as a user and keeps saying I have to wait for an invite! I've accepted on my phone, and on a computer and keep going round and...

suzeva by Jogger
  • 5 replies
  • 5 votes

Won’t connect just wants to be invited all the time

Got aira air today and works fine with husbands account however won’t for mine.Keeps saying connected/synced then need an invite when try to get it to register weight, I’ve been invited 5 times, I’m part of the family group already, we’ve reset the s...

New Phone won't sync with Aria

Hi. I upgraded my mobile yesterday (Iphone) and although it reconnected with my Charge 6, it refuses to play with Aria Air any more. I can still see the Aria Air listed in the devices connected to Fitbit page on my app but if I try to weigh myself, i...

PJme by Jogger
  • 8 replies
  • 12 votes

No data under recent weigh-ins

Ever since the new app, there is no data being recorded in the recent weigh-ins tab under your scale in the new app. This is a problem with the integration of the new app and Fitbit/ Google need to fix this as you cannot reassign weight to the correc...

Cannot add 2nd user to Aria Air

Just purchased the Aria Air after our original Aria stopped syncing in the fall. But now we can’t add a second user despite sending the invitation to the scale repeatedly. The invitation comes through email and then goes to the security agreement—but...

Negroni by Jogger
  • 0 replies
  • 0 votes

Aria air not working

Hi, when I step on my aria air it briefly lights up as of it’s going to show my weight then the screen goes blank. Not connecting to the app either. Has anyone else experienced this?

Stg88 by Jogger
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How did I connect my Aria Air Scale?

Could not get it to work by following the simple instructions provided. No luck with the workarounds in comms her. finally I took out the batteries yet again turned of my IPhone waited one minute, replaced the batteries and turned on the IPhone opene...

Aria Air is stopped working now giving crazy weights

My Aria Air, purchased 27 Apr 2023 stopped working around 10 Dec. I tried a few things to get it to work, I finally got it to start showing numbers, but they were not even reasonable. With everything I had going on, I didn’t have time to deal with it...

Twiggi by Jogger
  • 0 replies
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Resolved! Is there a way to sync the Aria Air scale that works?

so the Aria Air was not syncing in the Fitbit app (which is installed on a brand-new flagship mobile Android OS device), including after I updated the firmware. doesn't work. the app doesn't work. is there an intern somew...

JSwpg by Recovery Runner
  • 10 replies
  • 16 votes

Resolved! "Something went wrong" during Aria Air setup

There has been a consistent difficulty with setting up the Aria Air scale since Fitbit moved to Google. When attempting to pair the device, an error occurs.  Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Scale issue.jpg
FHCSD by Jogger
  • 419 replies
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iPhone 15 compatibility

Since I transferred my phone to iPhone 16, aria air will not set up, tried upgrade app, changing batteries and restarting, nothing works, any help out there as I’d rather not have to buy a new one when this one works almost perfectly 

Aria Air scale won't connect.

I bought an Aria Air recently. Did I waste my money buying this thing because it's pissing me off that it shows that the scale was found, but then tells me it can't connect. I'm so frustrated because I already had a perfectly good scale and spent mor...

Aria air scale reset button not working

I am trying to reset my aria air scales but the button doesn't seem to be working. It doesn't press or do anything. Just seems like a bit of plastic that doesn't function like a button. I can't add the device to my new phone as it thinks I am linked ...

Nadia44 by Jogger
  • 1 replies
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Aria air

Hello, Aria air scale its only about weight yes? But why fitbit app when i upload data from weight try write fat data? Why its even possible have fat% available when scale not support that. So in morning i go weight self, and when i upload data app w...

Gembler by Jogger
  • 0 replies
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Not showing correct weight

Set scales in kgs but when I weigh myself it is no way near what I way I have set it over so many times?? 

How do I get support for my Aria Air?

does anyone at fitbit know what they are doing  i have been calling in since sunday July 30 to get help with my Aria Air Scale.   and when i do talk to someone.  the line i get is sorry i can not help you as i am not trained in the Scales... then why...

nssurfer by Base Runner
  • 8 replies
  • 8 votes

Aria Air Adds/Removes Additional Weight When Trying to Sync

I recently purchased an Aria Air and have been having issues trying to get it to work. I'm based in the UK and log my weight in Stones and Pounds. When I first tried to use it after setting it up it was adding an additional stone to my weight. This m...

Weight Units changing in App

This issue crept up with another user 2 years ago. Marked as resolved.I recently bought an Aria Air. I check my weigh every 2 days at the moment.I noticed that a couple of weeks back, as I had the app open and the weight was loading onto the screen, ...

Aria Air not automatically saving weight

Aria air not automatically saving weight, have to open app and then hit save for it to record weight. What's the point of having this scale if it requires the user to enter the weight? It also does not measure body fat. I had the original Aria which ...

Resolved! Fitbit Aria Air - Body fat % & BMI

Hello everyone! I have been reading though a dozen or so threads, and thought I would post my own topic on it.   My wife & I got our Fitbit senses' a couple of weeks ago, with the aim of getting fit(the wife has been running since June, but my arthri...

Landy04 by Base Runner
  • 9 replies
  • 20 votes

Aria Air won't turn on

My new, yesterday, aria air wont turn on when i step on the scale. replaced the batteries with brand new and still nothing. the battery level indicator on my app shows full and on the scale it shows less than half full. even with the new batteries th...

bobg1 by Jogger
  • 13 replies
  • 7 votes

Being able to sync Aria Air on Android

The Aria Air scale is able to automatically log your weight in Fitbit app for users with iPhone without problem. Many Android users though need to force quit their Fitbit app to get the weight to feature to kick in after being away from the scale whe...

Aria Air intermittently chooses not to sync most of the time

I set up my Aria Air correctly and it synced just fine.  Now, intermittently it just chooses not to sync most of the time.  What the heck?  I see this has been a problem since 2019 and it's still not solved.  How is fitbit still selling this product?...
