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I often miss my notifications because I'm actively concentrating on something. Even when the vibrations are set to strong. I am most concerned about reminders to move.
Option to make reminders to move more like an alarm that could be "snoozed" or vibrate longer so it could be noticed when busy (highest priority)
I would like the option to add custom vibrate patterns
Set the vibrate patterns to particular apps/alerts
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Under Consideration
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I have been using fitbit for several years i would love to, go up against myself by showing me what i did last year on this day so i could beat it.
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I am on day 997 of getting 10,000 or more steps a day in a row. I was looking forward to seeing 1,000 on a few days. I can’t believe you took that feature away. Moderator edit: Clarified subject
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I'd love a place to log blood pressure in the Fitbit app to allow a single location to track most health metrics would be awesome! Especially now that I can track blood glucose there as well.
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I don't really like any of the watch face combinations to be honest. I like the Asymmetrical the best but wish the date was in place of the heart rate. Why don't they let us customize what is displayed top to bottom. Let us choose what is displayed with every different clock look. This would be brilliant.
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This dashboard update is awful. Removing the current heart rate zone eliminated a feature I used constantly. Of all the bad things about this update, this is the worst. Others include the wasted screen space, unnecessary section and block headers. There is a new lack of flexibility & I’m forced to show stuff I don’t want to get at info I do want.
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With the release of the Flex 2, I was hoping for a display on a waterproof tracker, preferably with heart rate tracking. To my surprise, they actually released one (Ionic). Now, the Ionic's great and all, but I'm not really looking to buy a smartwatch as an upgrade to a Flex 2. Therefore, I started brainstorming, and came up with these ideas:
A "reboot" of the Force, but with the Flex 2 material so that you won't have to issue a total recall of the product (again).
A waterproof tracker that somewhat resembles the Charge 2. I'd also recommend clock faces with all basic stats (Steps, Calories Burned, Heart Rate) on a single screen. I don't know how you'll do that, but if you can, then by all means, go ahead.
These are the two that came to me. If anyone has any more ideas, there's a comment section below this post. You guys can come up with your own, or add to mine.
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It would be great if it would be possible to get navigation instructions on the smartwatch. Maybe as a notification from the Google Maps App.
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My biggest frustration is forgetting I took my Fitbit off and forgetting to put it back on. I can go all day without it on and not realize it.
Fitbit is already paired with my phone - I'd like a notification on my phone if the range of of my Fitbit exceeds a certain distance and the Fitbit has not logged any activity for a period of time.
I believe this would set the product apart from everyone else - the benefits of the product type are pointless if I don't even get to use them.
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Dear Fitbit,
I have Fitbit Surge and the option for notification works pretty poor as the messages in Cyryllic are not shown as they should be, they are show in squares.
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Just an app improvement idea, I would love if we could change screen colors in the app. When I can share and change it to the black and blue background, I would love to have my dashboard and such that color! Thanks!
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I had a nasty cold all week so of course I am only at about 50% on most goals, and it brings my average way down. I wish there was a way to hit "Pause" on your counting so you can focus on getting healthy and continue on your goals when you are better.
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Under Consideration
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I use auto sleep detection and I can see my Sleep Stages chart contains the data for how long it took to fall asleep, but it is too difficult to tell how many minutes it actually took by just looking at the tiny chart. It would be nice if this stat was explicitly stated.
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Recently, I have been thinking about what would occur if I fell down and either could not manage to get myself up or became unconscious whether within my apartment or elsewhere.
The fact is that I could not manage to afford one of those devices that can be used in such cases where emergency responders can be contacted and then be dispatched to the scene.
While in the process of thinking about this type of scenario and what potential options might be with which to address it, what came to mind is about how I already have the technology on my wrist, my Fitbit Charge 3 model fitness tracker smartwatch, that could do just what is needed should something along the above lines ever happen.
What would be required is to include an app within its main app that people with the device could select and program with contact information and the like for if and when something happens, like a fall or other need for assistance or alert 911.
So, with this in mind, I just called Fitbit and provided them with the details of my idea and the person who took my call wrote it up and will be passing along my suggestion for potential consideration.
Am hoping that Fitbit will seriously consider doing something meaningful along these lines. It could help save some lives.
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Disappointed that there is no dark mode option given the awful app update to a block of white - very hard to distinguish sections so if you are vision impaired or have dry eyes it’s just not comfortable to engage with anymore. It’s so infuriating given that I preferred my Fitbit app layout and data to my Garmin one which I use the running.
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I used to be able to rename my workouts, but the new update no longer allows this on the android app or on the website dashboard. Please fix this. Moderator edit: Clarified subject
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I think a welcomed addition to the friends profile across all apps would be the ability to see a friend's daily step count. This would be useful when "chasing" a friend down.
Other user data such as, distance, active minutes, pictures and other information that person has set to share with friends would be nice as well.
Idealy the user would be able to slide through previous days like you can on your personal dashboard view
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I've seen similar ideas/feedback noted for the Surge/Blaze and I'd love to see the same sort of thing for the Ionic, I also saw an idea to change the 'stop exercise' button to the (left) hand button on the Ionic which would too be good but would very much prefer a lock screen if possible 🙂
When I'm sometimes performing pushups, boxing, burpees or anything that causes my hand to bend, I've sometimes ended up pushing the bottom right hand button to 'pause' the workout and then sometimes ended up pushing multiple buttons during workouts to end it prematurely.
I'd love it if it were possible to disable the buttons during certain workouts or have some kind of lock screen, maybe even a long-button push option to only unlock the screen when holding one of the buttons for a few seconds etc. At the moment, it's just far too easy to accidentally click the right hand buttons which are tied to pausing/ending workouts.
An idea which would be great would be that my old android watch had, I could turn the screen on with a button although in order to interact any further, I would need to manually swipe away a lock screen (or you could set it up with a PIN each time) and then you'd be able to start/end/pause the workout.
Thanks a lot for reading, really hope this could be considered for a future firmware update
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The Fitbit has, from I can tell, the best hardware when compared to other watches and "Superwatches", but there software leaves something to be desired when compared to competitors like Garmin Vivoactive, Basis Peak, Pebble Time and the new Apple Sport Watch.
The first improvement that should be made is the intergration of other apps for notifications. Not many people use messages as their main form of texting anymore and leaving this out limits Fitbit compared to other brands. Adding notificaations support can be achieved as it is with all of the competeitors. Use the
Although it should also be noted that there are some notifications you don't want to recieve on your watch which is why a switch should be made in the app to say which apps are allowed, something like this.
Stronger Alarm:
The second improvement has to do with the alarm. I think it should be stronger or at least repeat itself untill stopped. Usually the vibrations do no wake me up forcing me to return to a tradtional alarm instead.
New Features: (Endless Opportunities)
SDK - Clock Faces:
A new feature that should be introduced is the watch faces customisation. Competitors allow the watch face to be created and be customised, for exmaple pebble and Garmin. The watch face should be personalised and allow people to get what they want on the watch screen. For example the seconds and the date on the Flare clock face. Allow a community to be created where people can share their clock faces with eachother, similar to other brands.
SDK - Apps:
The other feature is the introduction of apps. This is a major part of the new fitness trackers and smartwatches, with things like Garmin's ConnectIQ and Pebble Time's app. Allow people to create third party apps for the Surge and make it a proper competitor in today's market. Open a community of developers to Fitbit and make it a competiative brand. It is endless what things could be done if the watch could be used with a simple app like a compass or stopwatch like these.
(The stopwatch wouldn't include the GPS or the distant)
Or could go to something complex as with Garmin, Apple and Pebble's apps.
Links of Ideas:
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The clock faces on the Charge 5 are in color, but I can't select the colors. So a clock face can look good in form, but nog in color. Would be nice if I could selectd a color for a face. Moderator edit: Clarified subject
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Create a team option for challenges such as the Workweek Hustle. The team with the highest average wins. Suppose you want to set up three teams such as:
(You) Captain Kirk, Bones, Spock
Captain Stubing, Julie, Gopher
Captain Dallas, Ripley, Kane
First, you invite the other captains (as captains), then you (and the other captains) invite your teammates (as teammates) like such:
Once everyone has been added, the leaderboard will sort the rank of teams first, then within teams, shows the rank among the teammates like this:
The chatter can be designated within the team or for the entire challenge. The limits can be expanded to say 3 teams and 10 members within each team.
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I would to store the different watch faces on the watch it's self so i can change them from the watch without needing the app.
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Some obvious ones I don’t feel are listed in the conditions, things I like to note during my cycle. A big one which a lot of women suffer with like Bloating and sleep deprivation.
Some ideas that could be listed in conditions
bloated (RELEASED!)
sleep deprivation (vote here!)
back pain (vote here!)
increased appetite (vote here!)
high stress (RELEASED!)
high energy (RELEASED!)
dizziness (vote here!)
decrease appetite (vote here!)
constipation / diarrhea (vote here!)
PMS (vote here!)
cravings (vote here!)
HCG levels
anxiety (RELEASED!)
the list im sure goes on..
maybe there could be a bit that allows you to write in a notes on whichever days the individual needs. Every woman cycle changes and being able to write a note when those changes happened would be good.
I think a pregnancy mode is definitely needed also where women can log stages in their pregnancy and also make notes where needed. And then I think maybe something for after pregnancy breastfeeding etc.
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Moderator edit: Updated released symptoms and links to individual symptom suggestions.
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It would be a great idea to add the medical alert logo to the flex band in case of a medical emergency. Older adults today are living longer, more active lives than the generations before them. The medical alert symbol and information can be incorporated into a stylish watch or a bangle-type bracelet, among many other options.
Medical IDs give paramedics and health care providers a quick look at your medical history in an emergency. They usually include information about medical conditions, food or drug allergies, medical devices (such as a pacemaker), and medications. This data can also be in sync with your Smartphone. Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.
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Please bring back Spotify integration with the Charge 6 - something that was available with the 4 and is available with other Fitbits as well.
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Fitbit Premium should be reserved for complementary products and services, not data access/analysis. Fitbit has chosen to put the data that differentiates the hardware behind a paywall, leaving the hardware undifferentiated. This is a doomed (and lazy) strategy.
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The SpO2 clock face has to be selected during sleep to view actual SpO2 % range and avg value in morning. Devices that support SpO2 DO collect the data since it shows up on a sleep graph. It's just the value doesn't appear. This is such a silly implementation. Just show the value in the app and clock face regardless of the clock face during sleep.
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I'm guessing I mis-read the features for the Charge 3, but I thought music control was among the upgrades from the Charge 2. Is this something that is or will be added as an App or feature in the NEAR future? I was holding off on the purchase strictly for music control feature.
I actually purchased a $30 non-brand name fitness tracker while waiting for the release of the Charge 3 and even that had the music control feature. It makes changing songs while running so much easier! Please tell me I'm wrong and there is a way of controlling music from the tracker!
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I think it would have extra value to see your pace from walks/runs in Kilometers per hour (or miles per hour for that matter). At the moment you can only see your pace,which for a lot of people is an unknown/underused metric.
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It would be great if FitBit integrated with a pregnancy app. To track healthy weight gain, appropriate macros during pregnancy, a heart rate alert for high heart rates, water consumption recommendations, and major health related stages of the pregnancy.
Currently the weight gain has a negative connotation, there is not a function for additional calories, and heart rate elevation in pregnant women can seriously injure the fetus's development. That feature could benefit women who are able to exercise during pregnancy in a safer heart rate window.
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